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So for the championship, between US and Mexico,(US was winning), Mexico was chanting a gay slur in Spanish. And started throwing water bottles on the US Men’s Soccer Team and would not stop there. US won the championship 3-2, but man it was ugly. I didn’t watch, but wow. Here is the link describing this.
I don’t think it’s a big deal (the “Puto” thing). In europe we do the same but we say motherfucker instead (Hijo de Puta). It’s just teasing the opponent, psychological games… if it helps our team, we try everything (non violence ofc). It’s not political correct and it’s offensive, but still… not really that big of a deal.
A much more negative thing is knowing 100% that feminists like the whole US female soccer team wished that mexico have won the game, i bet they never support the male team, they hate the male team. How fucked up is that…
It’s been like this for over a decade. The chants and the throwing of things. Ten years ago, the Mexican fans were throwing urine bombs. Hooligans are normal in soccer all over the world. If you ever get so hyped and crazy that you start behaving in a way that you regret later, then it is time to step away.
Anyway, congrats to the USA team. I don’t watch sports much anymore, but will say that in the last World Cup, I did like Mexico’s style. Very aggressive, just push the ball to line, cross and shoot. Almost seemed like transition basketball. Mexicans are never taken to task for their nationalism like Americans are. Still, it’s just young behavior and there should be some reprimands.
A much more negative thing is knowing 100% that feminists like the whole US female soccer team wished that mexico have won the game, i bet they never support the male team, they hate the male team. How fucked up is that…
Considering the men’s team is viewed and supported by more people, getting way higher ratings, generates way more advertising and merchandise revenue, the US feminists soccer teams feels that even thought they only get a fraction of the views, a fraction of advertising dollars and a fraction of the merchandise sales, they that DEMAND equal or greater pay, even thought they general a fraction of the revenue.
The is economics 101.