US Regulators Okay Nation’s First ‘Lab-Grown’ Chicken

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  • #301973

      Get in zee pod, eat zee bugs, you will own nothing, also, eat zee “chicken” and don’t ask questions about why it came out of a spicket

      Here are some quotes from this article to show how yummy this sounds:

      -“Federal regulators approved Wednesday the sale of cell-cultivated chicken”

      (it’s not chicken unless it was carved off an actual chicken)

      -“opening up a novel pathway towards a more eco-friendly approach to meat cultivation”

      (yes, because growing sh!t in a lab is more “eco-friendly” then raising an animal)

      -“They then screen and grow the cells into a cell bank, out of which they further select and nurture the cells in a reactor under tightly controlled conditions into cellular material with the characteristics of muscle, fat, or connective tissue cells,”

      (screams healthy to me)

      -“Upside will serve the new food ”

      (I love the play on words where they call it “chicken”, “meat” and “food”, although it is the FDA/USDA so anything is possible)




      No interested.

      And I sure hope they are regulated to have to state on the label is this NOT naturally grown/open range “meat”.



        “And I sure hope they are regulated to have to state on the label is this NOT naturally grown/open range “meat”.”

        Regulated?  Have you started trusting the government?  I haven’t  :P


        Way back when I was in high school, I remember hearing rumors about fast food companies funding experiments that grew chicken parts in labs.

        Of course it was dismissed as hokum.


        Fast Forward to today. I’ve bought bulk “Chicken Legs” from a certain company on more than one occasion and noticed:

        • They’re unusually large.
        • The proportions of the drumsticks are off.
        • They smell and taste funny.

        They’re darn cheap though.


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