Uzaki-chan English Dub And Other WTF Thoughts

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Uzaki-chan English Dub And Other WTF Thoughts

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      After all the Uzaki-chan “controversy” my first thought was “hey, now i really want to watch Uzaki-chan!”, so yesteday i came across this video by Yellow Flash about Uzaki-chan getting an engligh dub, curious, i click on it, bla bla Funimation bla bla SJW propaganda, ok, fast foward to the bit about who got cast as Uzaki-chan, and Yellow Flash, and many others, aren’ happy with who got cast, ok why? Yellow Flash reads out the annoucement that Monica Rial got cast as Uzaki-chan, then proceeds to telling the viewres that she’s responsible for getting Vic Mignogna, oh hey, fullmetal, fired… wait what!?!

      So, i had no idea of any of this, i looked into it, basicly Monica accused Vic of being “naughty” towards her, and of course, #beliveallwomen, you know how things go from there

      Look, i don’t know anything about Vic, so i can’t say he’s good he’s bad or anything inbetween, but

      Quoted from Bounding Into Comics article

      Rial: Uh, you know, honey, baby, sweet cheeks, silly little things like that, dependent upon delivery can be very condescending and uncomfortable… The delivery. A lot of times it was said with hands running through hair, or touching the face, or sometimes it was whispered in the ear. So, yeah, the delivery is what made it feel…it wasn’t just your high school coach going “Buck up, sweetie.”, it was a totally different delivery.

      So, Monica Rial thinks it’ not ok for her co-star, an adult man, to tease/flirt with her, an adult woman, but she thinks it’s perfectly fine for a high school coach/teacher, an adult, to use “pet names” that are usually used to call your partner or friends your own age, to use those “pet names” to reffer to his/her teenage students!? What the fuck!!?

      I don’t know what kind of person Vic is, but i can sure have an idea of what kind of person Monica is, it came out of her own mouth


        The link to the Bounding Into Comics article i found that quote in

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.

        Oof, welcome to early 2019.

        I’m personally not really up to recapping the whole saga, but there are plenty of YouTubers who have done a decent job of covering the main points of that song and dance. I’d recommend Hero Hei and Dannphan. There are others who also had some rather balanced takes, but I’d have to do some digging to find them again.

        Sexual assault allegations should always be taken seriously, so I was initially on the fence. But so many people dog-piled on this case in what was clearly vindictive glee to tear a man down in an effort build themselves up. Vic was a victim of undue mob vengeance before any real facts could come to light.

        Times like this also test a man’s character and you get to see what kind of person he really is. There might not be any hard evidence that exonerates Vic, but there’s nothing damning, either. Accused parties who are guilty generally tuck their tail and make excuses. Vic stood his ground, did what he could to fight against his name being besmirched, and urged his supporters not to engage in the hatred. I can’t help but respect how he maintained his dignity throughout the whole affair (unlike certain other VA’s at FUNimation).


          Just watched Dannphan’s video, i did come across some stories of falsifide alligations when i was looking into this last night, even not knowing what kind of person Vic is, that made me lean more towards his side, ’cause if he really did these specific things, why would people have to fake evidence?

          I found interesting what Dannphan said about Vic not liking Yaois (gay fan-fic), the second she mentioned this i had a good idea as to why he might not like this, when i search Fullmetal Alchemist on the internet a lot of wierd Yaois of Ed and Roy come up in the images, the reason this Yaoi is very innapropriate isn’t because it’s a gay fan-fic, but it’ because Ed’s a teenager and Roy’s an adult!

          In fact

          Video evidence that Vic Mignogna doesn’t like Yaois of Ed and Roy

          The fact that he doesn’t like this tells me a little something about what type of person he is, and it’s making me lean more and more to his side


          Oof, welcome to early 2019.

          I’m personally not really up to recapping the whole saga, but there are plenty of YouTubers who have done a decent job of covering the main points of that song and dance. I’d recommend Hero Hei and Dannphan. There are others who also had some rather balanced takes, but I’d have to do some digging to find them again.

          Sexual assault allegations should always be taken seriously, so I was initially on the fence. But so many people dog-piled on this case in what was clearly vindictive glee to tear a man down in an effort build themselves up. Vic was a victim of undue mob vengeance before any real facts could come to light.

          Times like this also test a man’s character and you get to see what kind of person he really is. There might not be any hard evidence that exonerates Vic, but there’s nothing damning, either. Accused parties who are guilty generally tuck their tail and make excuses. Vic stood his ground, did what he could to fight against his name being besmirched, and urged his supporters not to engage in the hatred. I can’t help but respect how he maintained his dignity throughout the whole affair (unlike certain other VA’s at FUNimation).


          For God’s sake, I keep editing to fix one tiny mistake and the whole damn post disappears, forget it.


            Try just posting a screenshot or something like that, there seem to be a lot of bugs today, it’s the 3rd time i liked your post, every time i come back into this thread the like dissapears 😅


              >English anime dub

              Oi Trash

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