Vegas Mass Shooting Payout

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  • #192745

      So the courts gave the victims of the Vegas mass shooting $800 million.  After the lawyers take their cut, they will probably get about $50 bucks.  There are so many unanswered questions about Vegas.  This thread is dedicated to this topic.


        Vegas Lies:

        – Paddock did not check in on the 28th like the FBI told you. He checked in on the 25th.
        – Paddock has planes that track back to the Department of Defense and an Obama Intelligence Agency
        – Security guard was shot before Paddock started shooting.
        – Police on 60 minutes told you it took 12 minutes to breach the room. It actually took 2 HOURS.
        – They said Paddock had drugs in his system. What kind? Was he knocked out?
        – CEO of Mandalay dumped 13.5 million in stock two weeks before the attack.
        – Puts of Mandalay stock more than doubled before the shooting. A put is a bet the stock will fall.
        – CEO of Mandalay has contributed to foreign terrorist organizations.


          Let’s look at the psychology of a mass murderer. Take Dylan Roof for example.

          – He was young
          – Not really well planned
          – He told people around him
          – He ranted
          – He had run ins with the cops
          – He wrote a manifesto
          – He was sloppy
          – He had no money or means or prospects

          Now this Paddock.

          – He is old
          – Meticulous long term planning
          – He told no one
          – He never ranted. Hell he doesnt even have an internet presence.
          – A millionaire with major business dealings but little internet presence?
          – Never a run in with cops.
          – No manifesto
          – No note
          – He wasnt sloppy.
          – He had a comfortable life with money and parties and fun
          – Apparently he didnt care if no one knew why he committed mass murder.

          Sorry, something is wrong with the lone wolf, crazy guy theory!


            This whole thing stinks to high heaven. To me this looks like an arms deal gone bad, or deep state op, or terrorist op:

            *old (most old people are conservative)
            *millionaire (millionaires rather see hookers than commit mass murder)
            *he had great cover story
            *over one hundred money transfers they are investigating.
            *cameras in the room suggest a possible sting op
            *worked for the government and government affiliated business.
            *flew Obama DOJ planes
            *no religious affiliation
            *no political affiliation
            *no manifestos
            *no Internet presence
            *no criminal record
            *no psychological record
            *no run ins with police (unhinged people tend to have multiple run ins)
            *no military training but modified his weapon to go full automatic
            *had 23 guns/explosives (all that is not needed for just 1 shooter)
            *missing girlfriend had multiple names and social security numbers.
            *missing girlfriend rents two suites then leaves the country
            *the millionaire senior carries 23 guns, 200 mags, hundreds of rounds, up 34 flights in a packed hotel sold out for a concert
            *shooting started at 10:05 PM and his room was breached at 11:58 PM. Two hours to get in a room?
            *from Europe to Cairo to the UK to Australia they are saying terrorists or antifa yet in four hours we rule them all out

            Also, the mob owns Vegas and I mean that too. When you go to Vegas you are dealing with mob cash. You better damn well believe there are cameras everywhere and even places you dont know about.

            We better see tons of video because casinos have more cameras than you can imagine. I could easily see professional assassins taking over the room, killing paddock, planting evidence, doing the job, and faking the “suicide”. We better see a helluva a lot of video of Paddock going between rooms.


              Someone ought to tell the NSA they must suck because last I checked they have quantum computers cross referencing every government and private database in this world basically. Yet, they cant figure out who Paddock is?

              Say what you want about the NSA. Good or bad. But they have some of the smartest people on the planet working there.

              They only way they cant figure out a person is if he is an asset. Sorry America … that is the truth.


                This was a planned event:

                – CEO of Mandalay dumped 13.5 million in stock two weeks before the attack.

                – Puts of Mandalay stock more than doubled before the shooting. A put is a bet the stock will fall.

                – CEO of Mandalay has contributed to foreign terrorist organizations.


                  More than likely this is why the shooting happened.  It was a cover for an assassination of a Saudi Crown prince.



                  What happened to those two BLACK-OP(?) helicopters that were reported IN THE AREA.

                  What happened to the ballistics report that said the height and angle of shooting/windows broken could not have come from Poddock’s room.

                  What happened to the report all the weapons he was “showcasing” was arrange for show, not for actual use.

                  This is another example of the types of False Flags the obama/dems like to do to advance their agendas (de-arming the citizen’s right to protect themselves).


                  I still remember all of the reports of shooters in the crowd and every single person who reported it or had video of said shooters died in the following 8 weeks.

                  The vid they showed claiming he used a bumpfire stock was clearly a beltfed weapon. Bumpstocks are netorius for being finicky and not being able to do consistant rates of fire like was auditory on that vid.


                  The sale of Belt fed weapons has been heavily regulated since 34 and all but impossible since 86 when the Dems snuck an anti gun amendment into something designed to remove some of their previous illegal laws. Now we cant buy replacement parts for existing guns and that means that if these guns have failures they cannot be repaierd and then are just paperweights.


                  Was not a Saudi military group in training with the US military nearby during that week?

                  And did they not quickly disappear right after this happened?

                  Is this one of the many reasons the us can’t do anything against the Saudis?  What did they have/know that is so dangerous?


                    I am not sure.  All my posts are notes I took from when it happened.  The unknown aircraft reminds me of 9/11 though when they spotted that white airliner leaving the Pentagon area.  Those planes are usually used to guide cruise missiles or to monitor events.  Unmarked.  Completely white.  People have photos of it.  And those in authority never mention it once.


                      That is interesting.  I do not know much about the legality of the different types of weapons.  You bring up a good point though.  I just know they lied a lot.  They have video footage of Paddock showing up days earlier.  They had receipts that do not match the timeline.  The guy was a millionaire business man with no internet presence.  Millionaires do not commit mass shootings.  The screw hookers if they are ticked off.

                      What makes sense is he was a gun runner.  They killed him.  They did the shooting as a cover for the real assassination of the Saudi prince.  That is an entire shift of power there that they could cover with the mass shootings.

                      This is why when a plane crashes the first thing I always ask —- who was on the plane.  Most people ask how the plane crashed.  I want to know who was on that plane.


                        Not sure.  That would align with my theory about the prince though.


                        Do you think he was a scapegoat and someone pinned the shooting on him? Because having a mass shooting happen there at that time benefited someone financially?


                          I believe this was a planned event as evidence by the stock trades of the Mandalay CEO and others.  When assassinations happen, there is usually patsy or diversion.  I think the target may have been the Saudi prince.

                          My alternative theory is that it was a planned mass shooting.  Paddock is an asset.  Almost no doubt in my mind.  He owned planes that belonged to the Obama administration and DOD.  He is the perfect patsy.  You send him in to do an arms deal.  You kill him.  Use his guns to commit a mass murder.  You leave.  The MSM takes care of the rest.

                          Paddock does not fit the MO of a mass shooter.  The man was a millionaire.  Millionaires see hookers.  Not commit mass murder.

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