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I do believe there was a Saudi fire team training with the special forces in the region that month. I could be misremembering that its been a few years.
Of course it was a set-up.
It was used as part of a cover-up.
It was used to move forward an agenda.
It was used to see how well they could control the narrative.
Ive said since it happened that the CIA or Blackwater were contracted for the shooting and the DNC are the ones who bought it.
As a Nazifornia gun owner Im behind enemy lines on the gun issue. They have tried to make my Korean war surpluss M1 illegal. Not by name, but by saying things that have a bayonet lug cannot be owned. These delusional fucks literally think an item that holds no function other than cosmetics make an item more dangerous.
WHY? There havent been any bayonet attacks ever.
My brother is out in California as well and owns a gun. You aren’t alone, but yes, you are behind enemy lines.
Do you remember how at the Boston bombing Blackwater operatives were there and they all had backpacks that looked the bomber’s backpack? There was tons of pictures of them there. The MSM didn’t even address it. You would think a logical person would see black ops assets at a bombing and say hey — these guys have the expertise to do this. But no, not our media.
I also remember the guy in the wheelchair with his leg blown off rolling himself around. I have seen stab wounds. Guys don’t function after those let alone getting your leg blown off. Then there were the questions from nurses saying nothing made sense there. I am not as strong on the Boston event as others though. My breakdown is this:
9/11 — the official story is complete and utter bullshit.
Sandy Hook — the official story is complete and utter bullshit.
Vegas — I think half the official story is true. Paddock was killed but he was an asset. I think he was dead before the shooting even started.
Boston — Many suspicious things going on there, but I am not willing to say it was a planned event.
I dont recall any connection between Boston and Blackwater.
But I never looked into the incident. I know damned well that the 2 illegals that got blamed were fall guys; either for the CIA or NSA.