Video Game Soundtracks

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Music Video Game Soundtracks

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      These days I listen to gaming scores and movie scores more than anything.

      While there are so many incredible gaming soundtracks, like Chrono Trigger, Halo, and so many others, my absolute favorite is Super Mario Galaxy. Name some of your favorite gaming scores



      Skyrim is my #1, Red dead redemption 2 is amazing as well


      Is it cheating to say Smash Bros?


        Nier Automata has by FAR my favourite video game score, especially the tracks “A beautiful Song” and “Grandma (Destruction)”. Very epic and haunting.

        Final Fantasy 6-7 scores are both amazing too in my opinion, right up there with Chrono Trigger! Ahhh the nostalgia!


        If you want some current top quality, you have to go with all the soundtracks for Final Fantasy XIV. From A Realm Reborn to Shadowbringers, right now that is fantastic stuff. The 5.1 stuff partnering with Nier Automata was spellbinding: Weight of the World….epic. Every time I listen to it I feel like I’m in the game running that battle.


        Jeremy, we all know you are a Zelda guy.

        Have you ever heard the guitar duet of the classic theme? It’s great.


        Currently playing Super Mario Odyssey, and it might be one of my 10 favorites ever.  Every single piece of music is dripping with quality and personality.


          Yes I have. So good!


            M29-1gNope. As far as Smash goes, I love the Brawl main theme

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DDayCobra.



            If I’m going to ME soundtracks, I’d pass on ME1 and go right to ME2, especially from the Overlord DLC. That particular theme definitely pulls at the heart strings when you get to ME3 and do the rescue mission at Grissom Academy, if you took the Paragon choice at the end of Overlord.


            The first game like the soundtrack got me embedded into the trilogy. ME2 is a cracker for story, but ME1 will alawys be my gem. I never have gone Paragon, just cannot do it for some reason. :)


            Funny. I find ME1 stilted at times, so I blow through it as quickly as possible each time I do a play through.

            I have almost half a dozen different Shepards of both genders and multiple personalities. I’ve gone full goody goody and total uncaring hardass then later varying degrees of inbetween gray space just to keep play throughs interesting.

            But no matter what kind of character my Shephard is…there is always one moment that remains the same in ME2 no matter what.



            Assassin’s Creed 2
            Mass Effect trilogy
            Knight of the Old Republic
            Witcher 3


            That’s just called  “Doing the Lord’s work”! ;)

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