Violet Evergarden ( season 2 ?)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Violet Evergarden ( season 2 ?)

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    When I last looked, a new season of Violet Evergarden was going to happen April 2020.

    Netflix still has season 1 available, but new shows with the ‘auto memory dolls’ and the

    wonderful Kyoto art work would be very welcome.  With all that’s been happening,

    delays are understandable.  Has anyone head news of a release date?



    There’s supposed to be another movie, but we don’t know for sure when it’ll be released.


    I’ve not seen or heard anything about a second season. There is a theatrical movie that’s coming out this year, though the COVID stuff seems to have delayed it. I think there’s even another movie, Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll, that came out earlier this year, before COVID.


    I haven’t seen the first season yet, but it’s on my Funimation Now to-watch list (among a zillion others).


    Andrew Rodriguez,

    I think you are in for a treat with a first viewing of VE Season 1. You may need to
    give the series a chance to unfold through the first few episodes, but for me the
    artwork held my interest long enough to hook me on the story too.

    Happy viewing!



    Was anything ever official confirmed? After Kyoto Animation’s studio 1 was destroyed in the arson attack last year and Covid probably put a lot of their future projects on hold.


    This series was on if the most beautiful stories I’ve ever seen. Waiting impatiently for the new season.


    There has been released a movie, but there will be released another one that’s coming soon (got postponed due to C-19). Usually they announce new seasons either at the end of a season or at the end of a movie if the opportunity is there. I think I read somewhere that a season 2 is likely in the works based on some surrounding elements at KyoAni. As for the reason why I’d have to go into spoiler territory but I don’t see the option to hide text here. Anyways, there’s enough content in the visual novels for this series to go on for 2 seasons, and our best bet is to see the unreleased movie first and take it from there.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Crext.
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