Voice Actors, writers, and localizers in Gaming industry can go fuck themselves

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    Yellowflash just a YouTube video where the union workers of the gaming industry are trying to “negotiate better salaries” and they’re going to throw a hissy fits strike, if they don’t get what they want… Okay? Aaaand? No one cares. 😂

    Let’s be honest with these cretins who pretend to be creators: The gaming industry is suffering because of you clowns infiltrating the industry. I rather see gaming die altogether than to see self entitled cowards get to work in an industry that they killed BY PUSHING THEIR WOKE AGENDA INTO EVERY PART OF THE INDUSTRY.

    I don’t care if gaming dies because of them. They destroyed gaming, so let’s let them destroy themselves in the process. Drunk3PO the other day made a good point about them retconning “Luke’s dad” to a character we never met because at least if Disney is going to murder an entire franchise, the least thing they could do is to put the final nail in the coffin.


    The writers, voice actors, and actors in the gaming industry DO NOT DESERVE TO WORK IN THE INDUSTRY OF VIDEO GAMES. They pushed their disgusting agenda into every crevice of every game and now I want them to stop working altogether.

    I want them to work 9-5 burger flipping jobs than to see them spend another minute pretending they’re the creators of the gaming industry, they’re not. The piggybacked spoiled children of a decadent era of entitlement and ignorance.

    The only way they’ll ever learn is if they get a cruel awakening. The WGA has poisoned its principles of writing for the sake of narratives, the gaming industry has pushed out what we enjoy for their own agenda and I won’t have it anymore.


    I’m still going on with the gamepass boycott, I’m only buying Nintendo products at this point, and I’m not watching anime in any dubs beyond  older titles, I don’t pay for movies, I don’t pay for tv, most of my money for entertainment goes to non-woke territory.

    Rippaverse, Nintendo, and indie devs who don’t push agendas.

    Please WGA, please keep making stupid choices, please voice actors, kill your industry off, please whoever else is woke in gaming, please sink the gaming industry. I rather give gaming a dignified death than to let you taint it another day.

    The whole point to a strike is to have a bargaining point, but that’s the problem, there’s nothing to bargain with, the consumers don’t want you to work anymore. Find another job, even if they negotiate with you, you still won’t get what you want because there will be no money in it for you.


    At the end of the day I rather cut my losses and keep on going with what I have for gaming. Death to woke agendas in gaming and if that means death to gaming, so be it.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.

      There are so many things wrapped up in this just as you described.

      I personally think unions are like governments.  They tend to be started with a noble purpose but in short time they just exist to enrich themselves to the detriment of the original noble purpose.   I also think a union limited to a large corporation might make sense.  But a union for an entire industry pushing down “standards” for everyone involved in the industry entirely ignores the fact that an industry is not homogenous.  So maybe big companies can afford to do these things, but independent and small ones cannot and they go out of business. Sometimes I wonder if that’s the point to unions now a days.

      The game industry has indeed been infiltrated.  Just like comics and I am sure just like Ethan Van Sciver outlined. A few progressive types get hired.  They start complaining about it being a boy’s club and overly white etc etc etc.  So more come in and it all builds until everyone but them is pushed out.  The very outcome of that shows you it’s not about diversity, it’s about control.  Period.

      And finally in the game industry (like big tech) a handful of mega corps control the playing field.  They squash anyone who comes onto their field and make sure the price of entry to even get near the field is more than most can bare.  So you get garbage games because they don’t have to make good ones and no one is going to challenge them.

      The game industry is in a bad way for now.  But it’s not a reason to give up.  Just because something is in a certain state now does not mean it will always be that way.  In fact that is never the case for anything.


      Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up, but if someone told me to keep video games on life support with woke BS or pull the plug, trust me that I’ll rip the socket out of the wall faster than you can say “damn.”

      Ultimately, my money is going to Japan and Japanese devs, not woke corporations or if my money does go to woke corporations, it’s only to play games they aren’t censoring or ruining which is most likely Japanese devs again.

      My money is shifted into other games and entertainment and to be honest, now is a good time to pick up reading or a hobby so if the industry does stop being woke, I’ll be a more talented individual by the time good games come back.

      Anything that shifts money away from woke devs is money well spent. I’ll sooner buy an A5 Japanese wagyu steak before I buy a game pushing pronouns. Lol  and those steaks aren’t cheap, but boy are they worth it. Melt in your mouth lol.


      I’m getting off track, but rest assured, I’m not giving up, but you see what I mean when I say they can kiss my ass if they think a strike is going to help them and even if it does a little, the repercussions will speak for themselves.


        Yes!  That!  Spend your money (the consumer vote) wisely.  What we encourage, we get more of. We are here in this wasteland void of fresh ideas and any creativity because we have allowed it.  Stop allowing it.

        If you buy Madden every year you deserve what you get.


        It’s the cringy dialog that I hate the most in modern gaming and especially when they try to reboot or remake it into HD format for newer consoles. In some cases the new character designs are an eyesore. I’m ashamed to say that most of my Switch games are remasters of old PlayStation classics that I never had the chance to get back in the day😅.

        One of those is the Tony Hawk remaster. I HATE THE FEMALE CHARACTER CREATOR ON THAT😠! PLEASE STOP MAKING US LOOK UGLY😡! Or at least that’s what it looks like to me although despite the minor bit about the character creator, I’m enjoying the game.

        Another one I’ve got is the Spyro remaster. Again, enjoying the game but I don’t like some of the character design changes that they’ve made.


        Not to worry. A.I. will put them all on the breadline soon enough.


          I don’t think AI is going to do that realistically anytime soon. But if it does, it’s going to hit way more than just that group and many people will be in a breadline so that’s not something we should look forward to.


          Very plausible. I’m on standby with it too


          It’s the cringy dialog that I hate the most in modern gaming and especially when they try to reboot or remake it into HD format for newer consoles. In some cases the new character designs are an eyesore. I’m ashamed to say that most of my Switch games are remasters of old PlayStation classics that I never had the chance to get back in the day.


          also visit zremax  for wow private servers


          Lets be honest though, that’s not Nintendo’s fault, that’s the third party localizers and remastered team. Lawsuits should be lining up for censorship

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