Voltron Fans

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    HIDEO Geeks and Gamers.  I want to test the waters here and find out what kind of Voltron Fans are on this site.  Are you guys 1984, 1998, 2011, or 2016 fan base?  Heads up I am the graphic designer for event.VoltCon_3-01

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by SamohtLion.

    I’m sure you can tell by my screen name that I’m a Voltron fan.

    I started off with the ’84 version (since I was almost 3 when it originally aired) but I have actually enjoyed aspects of every iteration of Voltron since., except Vehicle Voltron. I haven’t watched that series.

    Voltron: The Third Dimension was airing about the time I first got internet access at home and was one of the first online fandoms that I joined. It was about that time that I started writing my Voltron fanfiction (which was on its own site until Geocities shut down and it now resides on fanfiction.net).

    I watched every episode of Voltron Force and enjoyed many aspects of that show, but I do feel that show could have been better. I felt like the writers were trying to do too many things with it and the show felt like it was having an identity crisis.

    I felt the Netflix reboot was done very well, at least enough that I enjoyed it. My oldest son was almost 3 years old when that show aired and he loved it. So it gave us yet one more thing to bond over.



    I grew up on Voltron. Had all the toys. Love it to this day, even though the original did not age well.


    When Netflix’s version came out, I loved it at first. It had such a great start, but the longer it went for me the worse it got. The final two seasons were a disaster for me. I felt all the characters were done a disservice in their development or lack there of. Their character paths ended up growing in ways that felt awkward and totally out of character. I mean…Lance Allura was cringe beyond cringe, and I love a good romance. The show would have been better served adhering to the classic Voltron allusions of Keith and Allura.


    In the end I felt like SJW nonsense was getting injected into the show, and the entire story simply lost focus and sputtered out of control.



    I had no issues with the Lance/Allura thing, I thought it was a nice deviation from the original (as most of the internet shippers are Keith/Allura or Lotor/Allura) but the final season definitely felt unnecessary and the final 2 seasons felt rushed. After the Voltron Force got back to Earth and saved it, I think the 8th season should have been more backstory based. I wanted to see how each of the lions got to their hiding spots, how each of the original paladins lived after Zarkon turned on them. Season 8 could have been used to answer those questions (felt like a J J Abrams story at that point, mysteries with no answers).


    I could have gotten behind Lance and Allura if they hadn’t turned Lance into such a soyboy worshiping Allura, or at least that’s how I perceived their relationship. I know the intent was to have it be seen that Lance grounded her and gave her a taste of love and real life, but for me it did not succeed in doing that. To use your terminology, it felt rushed at the end and tacked on without much more thought to it.


    The same with suddenly after 6 seasons of backstory and character development…Shiro is suddenly gay at the start of season 7? Huh? I mean, if it was always part of the plan to make Shiro gay, why not introduce that fact right away in season 1? There was plenty of opportunity when he returns to Earth right at the start. To me, this was a massive virtue signal by the writer’s room, and it was a disservice to Shiro and in creating characters who are homosexual. If you are planning on doing it, then do it right and don’t obviously shoe horn it in at the last minute. As long as any character development is organic, I will never complain, but this felt artificial.


    I agree with what you said about Shiro. There was plenty of time early on to establish that he was in a homosexual relationship and frankly I thought it was a waste to establish that aspect of him when they killed his partner off screen. It reeked of dangling a carrot for the SJWs and LGTBQ community just to quiet them down and then yanking it away. I thought it would have been more impactful if his partner survived the invasion of Earth and had become a freedom fighter or something.

    Lance did go from flirty ladies man to borderline simp. You would think that somewhere in the middle of the story, they would have developed their relationship a little more.


    im on the Voltron 1980 side of the fence the fandom for the 2016 version was ok at first but the fandom screeched about a gay ship/pairing I think I stopped watching Voltron when the whole thing involving queer baiting went down


    Only the original Voltron.

    I obtained a Japanese version of the first episode of GO LION (5 LION) early on, on VHS from a comic store, and had all the toys and was an official member

    of the original “Fan Club.”  I wish I still had all that stuff.


    I bought the GoLion dvd sets that came out around 2008. It’s interesting to see how much of that show was edited to make Voltron.




    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Sternwise.

      I didn’t grow up with Voltron, but I knew it existed before the Netflix show, which I found the year before it finished.

      I liked the first three seasons, but the rest are just…bad.

      I loved the Galra, especially Sendak, and wished he had a bigger role.

      Hated Lotor and Keith, would’ve preferred full on evil Lotor. Keith just reminded me of a less interesting Sasuke Uchiha.

      The show couldn’t seem to decided if it was a show about Keith or found family, because Keith seemed to get way more screen time while at the same time doing nothing.

      So I really like the world of the show, the humour and the Galra characters, don’t care much for the rest tbh.


      Go Lion was okay (despite the gore, it gets cheesy. Lotor is an absolute dick in the Japanese version), but I liked DaiRugger more (Don’t watch the 80s dub Defenders of the Universe. It sucks).  Dairugger made some attempt to make you feel bad for Galvestorn even though most of them deserved to die (All of the commanders are dickheads, and Teles was a beta commander). Bandai Spirits on Youtube might have the all of the Dairugger episodes up until they remove them for something else.

      I recommend Wataru if you want some robot action, but a little more light hearted. It’s where the TG16 game Keith Courage comes from.


      Agenda took over after season 3, and it suffered for it. Seasons 1-3 were good story telling with great action alongside fun humor.

      Then agenda started creeping in, and they lost track of the good story and started doing a disservice to the characters. A coming of age growth to leadership was Kieth’s tale, and they screwed it all up the moment they pulled him away from the team. Shiro should have stayed dead, because it would have been more impactful. Pidge was turned into an a-sexual alphabet person for no reason. Once it was revealed she was a she, altering her appearance out of looking like a dude would have been better story telling. All I saw was appeasement. Hunk ended up with no real growth or story. Lance became a cuck and a simp. Allura became a dumb bitch totally full of her idealism.


      Trying to make Lotor “sympathetic” was also a bad move. Traditional evil to the bone Lotor who lusted and obsessed over Allura would have been better. A real antagonist. All the “quintessence” warps the mind shit with Hagar was just…dumb. Then her motivation to wipe everything out because she feels bitter and betrayed by her own life choices….bleh.


      The musical score of the original Voltron can never be topped, in my opinion. Especially when the formation sequence starts. I was happy to see the music brought back in Voltron Force.


        Yeah, I completely agree.

        I love Shiro to bits, but he should’ve stayed dead for the sake of the story.

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