W40K – The Horus Heresy

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    A topic to discuss the epic history of the W40K universe. There are now over 50 books and more coming in this series. Much interest in discussing the God Emperor’s sons (Primarchs) as to their role in the heresy and their return in current W40K time line.


    As I go through the series (I am on book 15), I can’t help but think the Emperor set it up for his sons to have a free for all to eliminate half of them.  He seems to have picked the opposition chapters by intentionally orchestrating the outcomes of key events.  The slaughter at Istavan 5 of the loyalists factions also brought the traitor legions together and exposed them while sacrificing three of the least powerful loyalist factions (Salamanders, Iron Hands, and Raven Guard).  The emperor destroyed the Thunder Warriors (prototypes of Space Marines) after they had unified his empire on Earth.  I think the only Primarch that let him down was Magnus who he wanted to sit on the golden throne for the webway project.  He could have defused the whole situation by briefing his sons on the webway project and the ruinous powers but chose not to.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by HGWells.

    I’ve read a few of the HH books, but it’s intimidating to get into it now. So much there.

    Thought The Thousands Sons was one of the better sci-fi books I’ve read, even outside of 40K books. Getting a bit away from HH, I liked The Carrion Throne, too, and the Farsight series has been a good look at the Tau.

    Read the first few HH books a few years ago. At that time, I wasn’t much convince about Horus’ turn. It seemed to be too sudden: for the first book and a half, he appeared very loyal to his cause, then he gets some kind of illness, has a vision or something like that, and then becomes the traitor we all know and love/hate. But it has been a long time since I read them, and I was still very new to 40K at that time, so maybe I’d see it different if I read them again.


    Hi all! I’m new so if I get something wrong or ramble on, plz forgive me.

    As any fan can tell, I’m a fan of 40k. Think I’ve read about 26 of the horus heresy novels. I’ve gone to multiple black library events and met alot of the authors. If you’re a fan and you get chance to go to, do it!

    This is probably my best story to tell regarding 40k.

    I was first introduced to 40k when I was 8 years old, when someone gave me and my brother a box of 40K stuff. What stood out to me was the magazines. The artwork and stories was my favourite part. One in particular had a 4 page short story of the horus heresy, where the emperor faces horus as sanguinius lies dead. Its was written by a bloke called William king and I had the opportunity to meet at a event and I did. I queued up for around 3hrs (I was hung over so it felt longer) and he was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met!

    One of my best memories!

    If you’re a fan or are new to the 40k universe, I highly recommend the space wolf omnibus by William king!!

    Thx for your time :)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Loken.

    Bugger i miss a bit out, I took that white dwarf magazine with me and showed bill I’d had it for over 20 years and carefully told him not to damage it…

    He signed it and told me all about the business back in the day while all the new authors sat and listened


    Right so I’ll apologise now, I rambled on and completely forgot to purpose of this thread.

    My favourite horus heresy book is a hard choice. The first 3 are epic obviously but my favourite was actually one of the short stories, called the last church by Graham mcneil (spelling). I met him also, he signed the emperor protects!

    Am gonna leave this thread now, I talk too much :)


    I do want to read all these books. Just for the action. I am not following very much. There are guys out there who have recommended them, so I consider the set a must read.


    If you’re new to the universe then yeah they’re definitely a lot to take in. The horus heresies from my point of view are aimed at the people who have some understanding of the general lore….but if you’re wanting to dip your tow in, then like I said before I Highley recommend the space wolf omnibus.

    My reasons are that it doesn’t throw you into the deep end! It’s follows a young lad growing up in a tribal village, where they hunt for thier food, Make thier own clothes etc and he gets introduced to the universe and the technology that comes with it.

    Fantastic read!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Loken. Reason: Bad spelling

    So my favourite story from the Horus Heresy is the last church. In fact I got it signed by Graham mcneill.

    A YouTuber called Tyber Portughese has made a film of it!

    If you’re in to the whole science vs religion thing, then I highly recommend watching it!

    Massive thanks to this channel!!

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