Wagner chief Prigozhin on board plane that crashed north of Moscow

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    Wagner chief Prigozhin on board plane that crashed north of Moscow

    Mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, who led a brief armed rebellion against the Russian military earlier this year, was aboard a plane that crashed north of Moscow on Wednesday, killing all 10 people on board, according to Russia’s civil aviation agency.

    Now for the conspiracies:

    The crash immediately raised suspicions since the fate of the founder of the Wagner private military company has been the subject of intense speculation since he mounted the mutiny.

    Like what?

    Orysia Lutsevych, deputy director of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at the U.K.-based Chatham House policy institute, said that Prigozhin’s death — if confirmed —

    “After the revolt that challenged Putin’s narrative about the invasion of Ukraine and undermined his stronghold on power, it was only a question of time and mode of Prigozhyn’s elimination,”

    And never that could just have been an accident, but always it has to an assassination by the powers that be when certain “people” are involved.

    We will most like never know the truth.


    Doesn’t seem like an opportune time for Putin to do this. It distracts from the BRICS summit. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that Ukraine could have pulled it off.

    Previous assassinations of Russian opposition figures (to make Putin look like an evil despot) were often MI6 or CIA. They’d have a good reason to off Prigozhin due to the current situation in Africa. But you never know.


      This is similar to Epstein’s death in prison.

      No one but those involved know for certain but we can say it’s more than likely it was no accident.

      But there is such a long list of people standing in line who would be happy to do such a thing you won’t ever figure out which one it is.


      I found many “experts” saying such a public method goes against the MO and PR of Russian state.  So that is suspect.

      That the west and legacy media was so quick to take advantage of it, also is suspect.

      It would not surprise me in the least if it was done by those loyal to Ukraine as a false flag operation to get more support for their war against Russian (people and military).

      Word is a wing of the plane blew off (explosion?  drone?  structural failure?)  We don’t know yet.

      And with the number of plane crashes reported in Russia (remember when a whole ice hockey team died), I personally can’t rule all structural failure with what little information we for so far.


      The way the plane went down in flames like that, that was no structural failure. Most likely it was a bomb


      Most likely a bomb, but placed then by which side/government?

      The Russians?  The Ukrainians?  The Americans?

      Once again, more questions than answers.

      Mostly like it was the same agency that blew up the Nord Stream pipeline if I had to make a guess.


        There is really no sense in arguing about it. We will never know how or why or by who.  Whatever effect it was supposed to have it probably did and of course any misc distraction it causes is just icing on the cake.

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