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Tagged: Marvel, mcu, WandaVision
If there’s 9 episodes, and we get 1 sitcom episode per decade, then we’re guaranteed at least one more episode like ep 4
@DigiCat I hope we get to the Home Improvement / Full House 90s sitcom era.
Ok, my thoughts on the latest WandaVision episode, i’ll try and keep it as spoiler free as possible:
Not having watched any of the teasers for the specific episode i thought we were going to jump straight into the 80s with Wanda, Vision, and their adorable little twins 😍, and maybe find out what happened to Monica Rambeau at the end of the episode, instead we took an earlier then expected break for the sitcoms and went full MCU seeing what’s going on on the other side of Wanda and Vision’s picture perfect life
We caught up with Monica, at a specific time which coincides with a certain movie, then we got to explore what the craziness of WandaVision looks like to the outside world, and see all of this unravel from the point of view of side characters, which i found very interesting as it’s a point of view that’s near impossible to capture in a 2 hour movie, we were basicly watching the behined the scenes of the big battle, or in this case mysterious alternate reality, and the end, well, really wasn’t expecting to see *spoiler*
@Dash_Attack, i’m loving all the different sitcom eras 📺
What i think ep. 5 of WandaVision’ll lead to:
The X-Men are coming to the MCU and they’re not getting re-cast 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Wouldn’t be so sure about it yet. Ryan Kinel immdiately jumped on the ”multiverse opened now, we might get Tony back” but I wouldn’t be so sure yet.
Even if the multiverse is open, i don’t think that means Iron Man’s coming back, but i do think we could have some sort of Avengers reunion later down the line
It makes senses that this is how the X-Men show up. Its better than them just saying “Oh the X-Men were always here, we just didn’t show it to you!” This way they have an easy way of introducing the characters while still using the versions of the characters we already know
Yeah, what happened when everyone came back in Endgame???
It’s official, Quicksilver’s my favorite part of WandaVision 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
*spoilers ep 6*
Photon’s in the MCU 🎆
Also, pretty sure we just got the reveal who the big bad of WandaVision is…
And i want more Quicksilver 🤣🤣
Hmm so looks like Quicksilver maybe is just an ”illusion” instead if being brought from the multiverse. No certain answers though. But one thing they showed in ep 8 promo is that it looks like we’re getting Dr. Stepehen Strange to the rescue in the next episode
WandaVision has officially finished 😸📺✨ And with that, here’s my review of the MCU’s first TV show! Oh yeah, spoiler alert 😁
Like i said when i started this thread, WandaVision was the Marvel TV show i was most looking foward to, and i am very happy with the results, i dared to set my expectations pretty high, and i got 100 times more than what i expected 🤩 No cringe, no SJW bullshit, now i just have to hope the rest of the MCU follows in WandaVision’s footsteps…
The reason WandaVision works so well is because it focuses on the one thing any TV show, movie, cartoon, anime, should focus on: story telling, WandaVision told a story about Wanda and Vision, from the light hearted entertainment of vintage sitcoms to the darkest parts of Wanda’s life, we got a full story where we could learn more about and connect to the characters
Gonna get into spoiler territory now:
Why the sitcoms? Also, did anyone figure out why before the big reveal? I mean when you think about it, if you were to make a whole alternate reality for yourself, you’d make it reflect what you like most, right? It did cross my mind in the first few episodes “Wanda must really like sitcoms”, but i never gave it a second thought untill i actually saw the scene of Wanda as a kid with a whole DVD collection of sitcoms, and all sitcoms the episodes of WandaVision where inspired from 💡 It was such an obvious reveal yet it still caught me by surprise and got me to tear up 😭
Well, now i know if i ever got reality bending super powers and had a mental break down, i’d be living in anime land 😅
The one thing i was a little disappointed with was the Quicksilver twist, although it was funny, i still wanted the real Quicksilver, but i think he’ll come back for real in the future, partly ’cause he’s one of my favorite X-Men and i want to see more of him
And last but not least, we can officially say that the Scarlet Witch is part of the MCU, and her superhero costume is cool AF!
One last thing to finish things off: anyone up for grabbing some drinks with Vision?