Warner Bros Kills U.S. Movie Going Experience…do I care? Do you care?

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    By now we’ve all heard about Warner Bros sticking the final knife into the chest of U.S. movie theaters. In the unprecedented move of putting all their 2021 movies onto HBO Max, why would anyone bother going to a theater again, COVID not withstanding.

    So what do I think?

    You can’t see me, but I’m shrugging, because I don’t give the two shits I haven’t given for years. I’ve said it before in other discussions that have touched on this, so I’m gonna say it again.

    Going to the movies has not been worth it for years. Why?

    1) The movies have sucked. Seriously, tell me what is worth actually going to see anymore?

    2) The theaters themselves suck the biggest balls. When I say this, I’m talking pre-COVID. It’s too expensive for the garbage they are putting on the screen. You can’t really sit wherever you want, anymore. All because of online reservations the rest of us who always just walked in for the decades and sat wherever we wanted have to bend over because some jackhole wanted to choose a seat a week before they even go to the movie. I was in a theater that was empty save for a few souls, so I decided to “move” over a seat or two to my left…well…some dude and his wife walked in ten minutes after the movie started and said I was in his seat…fucking unbelievable.

    3) I guess I’m the outlier, but the so called “movie going experience” isn’t and has never been to me an experience. When I was a kid, my mom used to sneak McDonalds into the movies for me in her purse on Fridays after school, and that was the most fun part eating my nuggets or burger and fries instead of the theater crap. Back then the movie was kinda the second thing…getting away with sneaking in outside food was more fun. And I’m no sound or picture snob, so something at home sounds and looks just as good to me as it does in the theater…and I can get up to pee and get food without missing anything.

    So, I know my opinions are not the common kind. Many reading this and talking passionately about this topic are sincerely down heartened, while I’m being an uncaring callous dick about it. I’m good with that, because I think deep down inside such people were living a lie about going to the movies for years, and now they are being forced to face reality and join me at my level of disinterest….and even disdain, because thanks to Hollywoke I’ve reached disdain for entertainment as it exists now.

    So, the floor is open. Come at me.

    Am I wrong? Am I just being a grumpy curmudgeon?

    Do you agree with me? Am I right and are we better off with this coming change in how we view entertainment?

    I have other thoughts, but I wait to see if they fit with other comments, because I know I feel differently about TV and movies coming out on stream in total seasons rather than weekly, and I know that kinda translates to how movies will come out, now.

    Okay. I’m done.


    Some of my fondest memories are of going to see movies with family and friends. Part of the experience was the shared emotion by the patrons of a full theater, and it’s something that you just can’t replicate at home, no matter how large a TV or fancy a sound system that you have.

    But I agree that going to the theater has lost it’s magic mainly because of the politically laden, preachy films they’re putting out nowadays.

    The other thing I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older is that spending time doing something constructive is a much more fulfilling than watching a movie.


    With respect to the movie theaters themselves, I do have a level of sympathy for the owners. The business model they face is a difficult one in that they only get to keep a portion of the ticket receipts, most of their profit comes from the concession stand. This move by the production houses to online/streaming services is fueled by greed and constitutes a slap in the face to those who stood with them throughout the years. Some might say “business is business” but it’s downright disgusting if you ask me.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Maverick.

      Yes i f***ing care, and i’m f***ing pissed!!

      I love going to the movies, maybe part of the reason’s ’cause my home life is shit and i’ll take any reason i can get to get out of the house, but there is something special about seeing a movie in theaters for me

      There is something special about sneaking McDonalds into the movies (i still do that @Roas 😁🍔🍟🥤)

      There is something special about hearing a packed theater scream, and laugh, and cheer during a movie, it might be rare to get this much of a reaction in movie theaters today, but i guess that’s what makes it special

      I’ve only ever been to a fully packed movie theater once, this was for Avengers Endgame, fully booked, extra show that was crammed in last minute ’causeall the original shows had sold out, i usually hate big crowds, but this was the best movie going experience i’ve evere had!


      I was in a theater that was empty save for a few souls, so I decided to “move” over a seat or two to my left…well…some dude and his wife walked in ten minutes after the movie started and said I was in his seat…fucking unbelievable.

      😂😂😂 Something tells me those weren’t even that dude’s seats, he was probably just feeling particcularly miserable that day and decided to be a cunt, i’m assuming he’s now an SJW? 😁



      Some of my fondest memories are of going to see movies with family and friends. Part of the experience was the shared emotion by the patrons of a full theater, and it’s something that you just can’t replicate at home, no matter how large a TV or fancy a sound system that you have. -Mavrick

      There is something special about hearing a packed theater scream, and laugh, and cheer during a movie, it might be rare to get this much of a reaction in movie theaters today, but i guess that’s what makes it special -DigiCat


      K, so I’m giving you  both the a simultanious reply, since my answer serves both your statements. Again, I am an outlier when it comes to all of that. Yeah, in all my years of course I’ve gone to the movies with other people, and of course been in packed theaters. You can’t be going to the movies since the 80’s and not be a part of some of the biggest cinema cultural phenomenas of modern time. That being said….I find watching almost anything with other people supremely annoying. First, having your friends around can be ultra annoying when you are trying to watch something, because they do stupid things.

      I had a friend who actually screamed during Fellowship of the Ring when Blibo goes possessed face for a half second and grabs for the Ring around Frodo’s neck right before they leave Rivendell. She screamed…really loud…and it totally pulled me out of the moment…that and she was god damned drinking booze out of a soda bottle she snuck in, so she was drunk and stupid, too. Then there are the people who are always asking questions to me, cuz they can’t follow along fast enough. And the actual rest of the movie going crowd? They suck to for countless reasons from talking, to phones, to not sharing the space like a good neighbor when it’s packed. And back in the day, if you were behind a tall person (before stadium seating mind you) you were fucked. Enjoy the back of their head for two hours.

      Frankly, I don’t feel anything special or draw any of this energy you speak of when in the theater with other people. Other people tend to ruin it or are not on the same level of enjoyment I am. Case in point…when I went to seek Attack of the Clones….I was the only person in the theater who let out a cheer when Yoda ignited his lightsaber for the first time and went at Dooku. Everyone else was dead to it, and it was a packed theater. Now, I’m an EU guy, and I’d bet dollars to donuts maybe you could have counted other EU people in that theater on one hand back then, so I was far more invested in the movie than probably anyone else. So to see Yoda go whirling dirvish on Dooku was a special moment, CGI not withstanding.

      To me, I might as well be at home alone or with a couple of people who know damn when I will tell them to shut the F up if they are being stupid….unless it is back in the good old days and we’re all watching Army of Darkness while gaming and quoting the whole damn movie line for line.


        I had a friend who actually screamed during Fellowship of the Ring when Blibo goes possessed face for a half second and grabs for the Ring around Frodo’s neck right before they leave Rivendell. She screamed…really loud…and it totally pulled me out of the moment…

        Oooo, you’d hate going to the movies with me, i scream and laugh like a maniac 😁

        Then there are the people who are always asking questions to me, cuz they can’t follow along fast enough.

        I am definitely not one of those people, well, i was sometimes as a kid, but now i’m the one always getting asked the questions, but i have a really high concentration level for movies, so i’m unfased by this

        And back in the day, if you were behind a tall person (before stadium seating mind you) you were fucked. Enjoy the back of their head for two hours.

        This i can relate to, even with statium seating, i’m tiny, but thankfully, people seem to hate the front row seats where i am, so unless it’s a massive movie like Endgame, i don’t even need to book online, they’re always there, free, waiting for me

        But back when i was a kid, my folks were obsessed with gettin the “best seats in the theater”, which were near the back (and even more expensive), and without fail, every time i found a wookie sitting in front of me, i remember one time, there was a dad with his kid, and he was deciding which seat he was gonna get and which one the kid was gonna get, you can guess who i got in front of me 🤬 Why!?! Seriously i don’t get it, if i see there’s a kid in the seats behined me, i have the decency to take the seat in front of the kid ’cause my head won’y block their view!

        Funnily enough, my best theater experience as a kid was in an old style theater without stadium seats, i guess it had a really good layout so that wherever you sat you didn’t have a head directly infront of you

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by DigiCat.

        The last films I saw in the movie theater was the Lord Of the Rings Trilogy, and The Last Jedi.


        I just found that most movies they make now, I am not excited for.

        I can easily wait 6 months for them to become available on DVD.

        So the cost of the DVD is about the same a theater ticket (and snacks), and I can view it when I want, as often as I want, without them censoring it or putting “warning” labels on it.


        As if the rating “G”eneral, “M”ature, or “R”estricted adult is not enough.


        So yay, I think the end of the BLOCKBUSTERs are now here.


        There’s gonna be a lot of abandoned movie theaters now (I mean at least we’ll get a couple really big Spirit Halloweens)


        When the multiplexes came a few of the regular theaters closed down. The buildings were quickly bought and refitted into Penticostal places of worship.

        If anyone is thinking of starting a church, now is a probably good time.


        I’ve never been very active at watching movies in the theatres, maybe 3-5 times per year, but:


        1) opinion thing. I’ve been enjoying the movies in recent years more than in a quite long time.

        2) this sounds like the typical boomer who can’t comprehend times and things change. Reserve your seat online like the others if you don’t wanna move around and get a good seat. Reminds me of the Pharaoh guy on this website calling smarrtphones dumb phones (which is already such a grumpy boomer thing to say) and refusing to have one.

        3) maybe it’s because you’re not a kid? Many things which felt exciting and cool as a kid aren’t giving the same feelings when you grow up


        That’s my take in the topic.


        1) opinion thing. I’ve been enjoying the movies in recent years more than in a quite long time.

        2) this sounds like the typical boomer who can’t comprehend times and things change. Reserve your seat online like the others if you don’t wanna move around and get a good seat. Reminds me of the Pharaoh guy on this website calling smarrtphones dumb phones (which is already such a grumpy boomer thing to say) and refusing to have one.

        3) maybe it’s because you’re not a kid? Many things which felt exciting and cool as a kid aren’t giving the same feelings when you grow up



        1) Please list these movies. Considering 9 out of 10 movies in the past years have been absolute dog shit, I gotta know what you have been enjoying.


        2) You did not just boomer me. Dude, I’ve seen more stuff change in the past 40 years than you can probably comprehend. I watched computers the size of walls turn into tablets that fit in our hands. I was there when a phone was a damn phone, not the drug everyone is addicted to nowadays. I watched the world cede its ability to do things for itself to so called “smart” tech. Don’t boomer me and say I sound like someone who just doesn’t get it. I’ve adapted my whole life to the world as it changed. What I refuse is to have my rights as an individual and a customer taken away from me.

        This is not about “I can’t handle this new fangled gizmo and what with all the kids are doodling with it…” No…this is about having my rights as an individual customer taken away from me in favor of the digital landscape that the digital overlords want us all to be good little monkeys and propagate. The ability to walk into a theater and CHOOSE my seat because I got there early should be my god given customer right, because I took the time to get there ahead of everyone else.

        Reserving a seat online takes away not only my free will to walk into someplace and have a choice, but can you seriously tell me you can look at a seat map on a screen and know exactly where the seats line up for your idea of a perfect line of sight on the screen? I don’t know about you, but I like to get  as close to center screen as possible a little bit in the back, but not too far. Looking at a stupid seating chart screen doesn’t really tell you that line of sight, and it doesn’t tell you really the depth of how far back the theater goes in the rows, because stadium seating changed everything this past decade.

        Feel free to line up and just follow the digital herd, but I choose to have my free will to choose things on site intact.

        This line of  “progress” only leads to the theaters, if they continue to exist, start to tell you all where who can sit in what rows. Eventually, some god damned SJW will get it in their heads that identity politics has to play a role in where people get to sit, and therefore, you go ahead “choose” your seat online, only to get there an be told you can’t have that seat because you didn’t identify yourself correctly.

        They take away the little things first, then take away more, because we let them.


        3) I’m rolling my eyes at that one. I’m a freaking nerd who writes fantasy/science fiction, plays videogames, spends too much time on a computer, watches anime, plays all forms of table top gaming, and has shelves of sci-fi fantasy books collected over 30 years. I’m about as kid as you can get on the inside despite my age. Take that nonsense to a different debate and come back with something better I can beat you over the head with.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Roas.

        Alright, well these are my opinions


        1) Keep in mind I said I’m not that active when it comes to watching movie theatres, so I do believe if you watch a movie like once a week there’s lots of uninteresting trash. But some good examples from recent years that I like/was interested in watching are MCU movies (minus Captain Marvel of course), Rise of Skywalker, The Joker, Jojo Rabbit, Detective Pikachu, Parasite, Bad Boys for Life, Jumanji, F&F:Hobbs and Shaw…

        2) I’m not too invested in your life story, but

        The ability to walk into a theater and CHOOSE my seat because I got there early should be my god given customer right, because I took the time to get there ahead of everyone else.

        what about people who took time to reserve tickets before you even got there? Who took time to reserve in advance? Checkmate! Not everyone has the time to get there way before the movie starts because people have other things to do. The reason I threw the word boomer in is because you can’t seem to adapt and accept the fact that this is how it works these days, you usually reserve tickets online so you don’t have to get there in advance to get good seats. Pretty handy if you ask me. Get used to it.

        If you wanna blame and reee about some secret society/government controlling people by online movie ticket reserving then I guess feel free to do it, I’m not into that kind of stuff.


        3) Yes, I read manga and comics, watch anime, play video games too and enjoy it as much as always. But growing up tends to affect more on the feelings and sensations you experience in things, rather than activities. For example, I don’t get the same excitement about going to amusement parks, or the same nervous excitement on Christmas.

        These are all suggestions to your problems based on my own opinions and experiences, not a debate so just calm down and breathe.


          Smartphones are dumb phones, and smart toilets are even dumber 📱🚽


            I still get the same exitement about going to the amusement park, and the same exitement on christmas 🎡🎢🎄🎁🤩


            Some people do, it’s different for everyone. But I bet there’s something which got you excited/happy 5-10 years ago which doesn’t bring as much childlike joy today. Christmas and amusement parks were examples of my experiences. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy them, it’s just that the nervous childish excitement of opening gifts aren’t as strong anymore.


              I am mixed.  When I saw Endgame I took the day off work and saw the 9:30 a m. Show with a very enthusiastic crowd.  So much fun.  I saw Sonic the Hedgehog and sat around people talking and texting most of the movie.  That pissed me off.  Same happened when I saw Shazam.  I think some movies should be seen on the big screen.  Maybe movie/draft houses will become more prevalent.   I’d pay a higher price to keep the texters and talkers out!!

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