Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Movies › Warner Bros Kills U.S. Movie Going Experience…do I care? Do you care?
What’s a movie/draft house? :3
so just calm down and breathe.
How come every time we have a go, you throw that line out? You seem to think I’m always some rabid beast when we go around on topics. Get a clue once and for all, just because I’m intensely discussing something, doesn’t mean I’m flying off the handle. My heart rate is normal every time I sit down to respond, and I’m not gnashing my teeth and cursing at the screen as I reply. I am quite calm and collected when I choose how to respond to things.
And guess what…everything is a debate when you challenge someone’s opinion. I specifically said for people to “Come at me” in my opening post, so if you don’t want to debate me on the topic, then don’t directly challenge my points, and I won’t respond.
But some good examples from recent years that I like/was interested in watching are MCU movies (minus Captain Marvel of course), Rise of Skywalker, The Joker, Jojo Rabbit, Detective Pikachu, Parasite, Bad Boys for Life, Jumanji, F&F:Hobbs and Shaw…
Joker was the only decent thing on that list, and even then I wasn’t so in awe that I ever need to see it again. I got it all in one go….and you are free to enjoy Bad Boys For Life…..but that was a movie that should have been made almost 20 years ago right after Bad Boys 2, which was a perfect buddy cop movie. Fat Martin Lawrence and Will “I dont’ care anymore about making good movies” Smith are not the same guys who were hungry and into it back in 2003. Every time I take BB2 off my shelf, I am satisfied. I wished and prayed for a third movie for nearly two decades, and this is the hot mess garbage we got. Thanks, but no thanks.
what about people who took time to reserve tickets before you even got there? Who took time to reserve in advance? Checkmate! Not everyone has the time to get there way before the movie starts because people have other things to do. The reason I threw the word boomer in is because you can’t seem to adapt and accept the fact that this is how it works these days, you usually reserve tickets online so you don’t have to get there in advance to get good seats. Pretty handy if you ask me. Get used to it.
People have things to do, huh? That’s your answer? You are going to ignore all my other points about physical aspects of a theater and what not, and say that and consider that Checkmate?
News flash….going to the movies is a leisure activity you have set time aside from everything else to do. Generally, people are not on any kind of schedule if they are going to the movies, so to say people have other things to do than get to the movie on time or a little before…bullshit answer just to try and make me look like I’m resisting so called modern options. You want to claim that the “convenience” of reserving tickets online is some kind of new thing….L
Listen up, my clearly young friend, people have been reserving tickets at the box office for DECADES. Once upon a time, you called up the theater when a phone was just a phone and reserve your tickets that way. People didn’t need an App or anything like that if they wanted to reserve their tickets in advance. Then when you got there, they were waiting for you and you could walk in and still CHOOSE your seat, while having had the convenience of the tickets pre-purchased.
Therefore, my point still stands and you have checkmated nothing. Take away your so called online convenience, and the situation you describe has always existed. The only difference is, as I have said, people are now reserving seats thanks to so called “modern convenience” and contributing to destroying what was once the movie going experience. So in your attempt to try and outwit me, you have failed to even touch on the loss of freedom of choice. Once more, I drop the point, how can one know what is truly a good seat from 2D picture on a screen without depth and reference? 9 times out of 10 I guarantee most people are just grabbing any old seat not even caring if it is good, because this is what going to the movies has been dumbed down to. What you call doing it in advance looks more like rushing through the process and not caring about the results to me, all to be hip and cool and use the latest tech to get things done and not be….a boomer.
So slow your boomer jab, my inexperienced Padawan. You mistake frustration, annoyance, and disappointment in the current state of things for an inability to adapt. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I don’t adapt. It’s called life experience. You’ll get enough of it, someday. And how have I adapted? I don’t go to the theater anymore, because it’s not fun for so many other reasons in addition to this point.
Those are opinions. You seem to dislike the movies in recent years, I like them.
Why is ordering the tickets online so hard and painful for you? You still have the ”muh freedom” to choose your seats when you reserve tickets online. Also, the theatre doesn’t need to waste staff on being on phone duty with the new system.
And I don’t know about the place where you live, but here people tend to work until around 5PM. If they wanna go see a movie the same day, they don’t have the time or the willingness to spend time in arriving way before the movie starts. They arrive, watch the movie, leave. If you watch the movie on a weekend, feel free to arrive there an hour early if you want. No one is stopping you. I just personally don’t like wasting my time there.
Once more, I drop the point, how can one know what is truly a good seat from 2D picture on a screen without depth and reference? 9 times out of 10 I guarantee most people are just grabbing any old seat not even caring if it is good, because this is what going to the movies has been dumbed down to.
You can ask the same question about calling to the theatre, but then you didn’t even have the 2D picture. But I kinda agree that going to the first time to the theatre, you don’t know which seats are the best from the screen. But it’s not the end of the world. I just assumed somewhere in the middle in both x and y axis are good and I’ve been satisfied with that place, just use common sense.
Again, these are just personal opinions, but I believe the nostalgia is getting you and you make the problem bigger than it actually is.
it’s tough finding the perfect seat in a theater the first time round, but after that, i’ve memorized the layout of the theater and it’s a piece of cake, i generally like the front row middle seats, but each theater i’ve been to’s different, one the front row’s perfect, others the front row’s to low compare to the screen so i move a few rows back, one theater i went to the best seats were actually the aisle seats!
It’s a special theatre that has big booths or cubicles spread apart (kinda romantically secluded) and fancy drinks and nice meals to have during your movie theatre experience. Usually not G rated movies. Its more of a date experience. I wouldn’t mind paying for a movie without texters next to you. My closest one is 2 1/2 hours away though. 😟
Those are opinions. You seem to dislike the movies in recent years, I like them.
You are free to like bad movies…doesn’t change the fact they suck. I like plenty of bad movies I call guilty pleasures, but I’ll always admit they are not good. I’ll watch and enjoy Pitch Perfect, because 95% of the girls in it are hot, and some of the tunes hit my member berries just right…it’s a hotmess movie, but I like watching it and I’ll never say it’s great.
Why is ordering the tickets online so hard and painful for you? You still have the ”muh freedom” to choose your seats when you reserve tickets online. Also, the theatre doesn’t need to waste staff on being on phone duty with the new system.
Wow. You totally don’t get it, do you. It’s not about “hard” or “painful” it’s about dehumanizing and ruining what was once a smooth and easy going experience that for decades no one had a problem with. What you call freedom is not. It’s a tyranny of the lazy giving into the laziness that the digital age has produced, and you just shrug and say “it’s great” or “it’s so easy and clean” taking for granted that you have ceded control over the smallest of things that made an experience worth it in the name of what you call “convenience.”
Theater doesn’t need to waste staff. People don’t need, jobs, eh? Crap as they are, it’s still a job. But I guess you are again a product of this age willing to let jobs people can do go the way of automation. There is always something to be said about talking to a human to get something done, because when the digital system fails, it’s a long time to get it resolved. Again, the world turned and things got done long before phones were surgically stapled to peoples’ hands.
And I don’t know about the place where you live, but here people tend to work until around 5PM. If they wanna go see a movie the same day, they don’t have the time or the willingness to spend time in arriving way before the movie starts. They arrive, watch the movie, leave. If you watch the movie on a weekend, feel free to arrive there an hour early if you want. No one is stopping you. I just personally don’t like wasting my time there.
And I don’t know about where “you live” but people get off work Mon-Thurs, and they usually go the hell home because they are dog fucking tired pre-COVID, or they went to get drinks/eat dinner then go home…alone or perhaps with a one night stand from said drinking. No 9 to 5 working person who is on a schedule is dropping 2 hours on an weekday night to go to the movies. Must be nice for you to walk through a world with so little responsibility.
But it’s not the end of the world. I just assumed somewhere in the middle in both x and y axis are good and I’ve been satisfied with that place, just use common sense.
That’s your preference that you don’t give two shits in the end, but some of us want to be comfortable with our viewing angles/depth and do care.
Again, these are just personal opinions, but I believe the nostalgia is getting you and you make the problem bigger than it actually is.
You really like trying to tell me that I’m trapped by “nostalgia” don’t you? As if that perfectly fits your belief as to why I don’t like what going to the movies had turned into before COVID. Again, you don’t get it. It’s about quality. The quality of EVERYTHING movie experience related has degenerated in the past 5 years. Most of it was tolerable, but the stripping away of personal freedoms for what you call “modern convenience” is what fully ruined it. But, as I said before, it seems you are simply a product of the times.
You happily hand off your freedom to choose like a human being for the choice of touching a screen and feeling like you are being in control of everything because you bought a freaking ticket two weeks before the actual show. The knowledge that your seat is waiting for you warms your heart, not caring whether it might be too close or the angles might be a little off for a truly comfortable line of sight. You cloak your confirmation in the thought of how great and modern it all is, because no one has to think about it, because it’s all done with the touch of a button, and once inside the theater, everyone has to shut up and take it, because all attending are happy in their chosen assigned seats, scoffing at an “individualist” who wanted to….GASP….walk into the theater, take a look around, and decide where to sit on his own without looking a screen.
You say I still have “muh freedom”, eh? Yeah, I have “muh freedom” to give it all two smoking barrels of middle finger and never give them any of my money again. I won’t trade away and sell them “muh freedom”, because I respect individuality. I’m not going to be a herded beast who, like a good little zombie, follows the digital rules because that’s what they call call efficient.
Saying ”yeah that’s your opinion but it’s trash because it’s not my opinion” tells everything I need to know about you.
Newsflash: people do watch movies in the theatres on weekdays, even if you don’t. And pick seats you think are the best from the 2D screen and if you think you’re too close/far away, adjust for the next time.
It’s fucking hilarious how people are politicizing everything, even something as innocent as movie theatres these days. The same people who are against putting politics in video games (unless it’s politics they agree, obviously) to avoid over-politicizing everything, are having meltdowns on how this and that are influenced by some mysterious organization (probably lizard people) to control people.
I’m extremely sorry you don’t enjoy movie theatres anymore but it is what it is.