Warning when searching on the forum

Geeks + Gamers Forums Support & Feedback Website Issues & Bug Reports Warning when searching on the forum

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  • #244602

    I noticed this curious warning when I do a search on the forums:


    Not a big deal and can be dismissed but I was curious about the store part on the warning.


    I came across this thing right now too, what is it?


    I just tested making a website with the Joomla tool (necessary software to get a website working not the domain) but don’t know what they used to make the forum, after searching a little bit I found something similar on a plugin for WordPress called Woocomerce:

    If they’re using it, supposedly can be disabled on:

    Admin > Woocommerce > Settings > General > Store Notice


    Just noticed it also appears on the bottom part of the website:


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by larioxem. Reason: Adding a picture about the bug
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