We are at War. Prepare yourselves.

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  • #166942

      I want to make this very clear to people.  You may think you are just a Geek or a Gamer or a Nerd or a Normie or whatever you want to call yourself, but really you are in a war right now for the soul of America.

      You see it everywhere in society.  What is going on with The Last of Us and the Affirmative Action Awards (formerly known as the Oscars) is how nations fall.  It is a military tactic.  It is called “Cultural Subversion.”

      You are at war and yes, you are a soldier.  Prepare yourselves for things to get much worse.




      I mean I don’t think it’s that serious tbh


        Some people gotta have a cause, a “religion”, so to speak. For some it’s the environment, or animal rights, politics, conspiracies, SJW, etc. My mom used to be just like this, bless her heart.

        For me, it’s games. That’s why I’m _here_.


        Anyone who has ever played Civilization knows that you can take over entire societies without firing a single shot. That’s what he’s talking about. It’s a cultural war. Who and what do we as Americans want our country to stand for? For over two centuries our country has stood for opportunity and a beacon of freedom and hope, now that is under attack, an attack of conflicting ideologies that cannot co-exist. On one hand you have people who want to keep our freedoms and hold people accountable for their own actions, on the other you have people who want to limit everything you say read and do all the while blaming others for their short comings in life.

        This will get far worse before it gets any better.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Darth_Vader.

          Have you not seen the past 6 months?  It is very serious.  How old are you?  If you are younger than 30, you are going to pay a very very very heavy price for what is going on today.


            You are 100% correct Darth.


              You must be young.  Have you not seen the past 6 months?  It is very serious.   If you are younger than 30, you are going to pay a very very very heavy price for what is going on today.


              What we are witnessing right now in entertainment is the equivalent of book burning.


              The removal of content that one side disagrees with because it goes against their agenda.


              Hold on to your physical media. Show your kids the original versions so they know what it looks like. Teach them to be mentally strong and not brainwashed by woke educational systems. Teach them to ask questions, to think for themselves.



                6 months?  That’s it?

                The destruction in the US lately, similar to what ISIS did not long ago in the Middle East —  yes, I suppose that is relatively new. But the erosion of our freedoms has been happening for years,  all my life, it seems.  I grew up hearing this stuff.

                I do not think “things will get better”, as someone said, at least not in my lifetime.  Yes I am older than 30.

                But with that said, I have an innate aversion to radical, dogmatic propaganda of any kind.  I really don’t think it helps.  Older people should know “ya’ catch more flies with honey”, et. al.


                  You have a tendency to read a lot into what people say.   It amazes me that you focus on the “6 months” words.   I did not at all imply this hasn’t been going on for decades.

                  I don’t really care what you have an aversion to.  The reality is that it is here and you can see it in every facet of society.  There is nothing radical about my comment.


                  Speak for yourself, I don’t live in America. Green Hill Zone is SJW free, boi 😂👌🏻


                  I’m 21. Please tell me how I’m going to pay a heavy price

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