We should not be vilifying each other

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      Regardless of what “team” you consider yourself on we should not be vilifying each other en masse.  Sure, people that do evil should have their evil called out but we should not be painting “others” with a broad brush.  This sort of thought is leading to terrible and violent things as the media of all types fans the flames of division.

      This whole thought process of attack the other side because they think different is horrific and destructive.

      We should all be seeking common ground and compromise where possible.  We should be practicing empathy and not superiority.

      None of this is unplanned.  The powers that be want this division because while we sit in tribes waring with each other and spending all our energy hating each other they are free to do as they please.  It is time that stops.

      We do not lose power as a people through understanding and compromise, we actually gain it because we will be working together against the political and corporate elite instead of fighting each other.


      Finally someone gets it.


      No, we should completely erradicate the enemy, you don’t make compromises when your body is sick with the bacteria, virus or parasites so you?, no, you go to a fucking doctor, take some meds to ERRADICATE the fucking ENEMY, you think this sickness is going to make compromises you sad fuck?, no, it will fucking kill you if you don’t do it first.

      We are in war, the sooner you realize the better and it is kill or be killed, this war is a psychological war and we won’t win it until you realize you are in a fucking war and you need to fight or you will die.

      Stop eating soy.


        “No, we should completely erradicate the enemy”

        You assume that everyone is radical and militant and is firmly planted on a “team”.  You think that because you are and you assume it for everyone else.  I am here to tell you it is not true, it’s what they want you to think.  There are indeed lines that are drawn but you are misreading where they are.  The battle to be won is not between team A and team B or right and left it is the political and corp elites vs the people.

        “Stop eating soy.”

        That’s some sort of half-arsed insult and it’s not an argument.


        “We are in war, the sooner you realize the better and it is kill or be killed, this war is a psychological war and we won’t win it until you realize you are in a fucking war and you need to fight or you will die.”

        A war against who? Trans people? Gays and lesbians? Blacks / Whites, Left / Right, Christian / Jew / Muslim / Atheist?  Who are you at war with?

        Not that it makes any difference. Whichever side you’re on, the regime benefits each time some idiot goes to war. Like this trans idiot school shooter this week, like the other idiot who shot up a synagogue, or the guy who shot up a gay club in Orlando or the one who shot up a black church. Doesn’t matter who dies. The government wins every time.

        The government always wins. Nothing can stop it.


        A war against who?

        Exactly, find out against whom.

        You nees some tips?: Find out who was really Karl Marx, find out who created critical theory, find out who were the Bolshevists, find out who wants to tanke control the guns in America, find out who really is Bill gates, find out who is George Soros, find out who are the CEOs of this pharmaceuticals, find out who are the CEOs of the social media sites that keep censoring people and manipulating the narrative.

        What do all of they have in common?


        Always comes down to that with you Jesus freaks, doesn’t it? Stupid fucking Nazi. Lost last time, will lose again this time, because you’re too fucking retarded to see who your real enemy is.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Wisdom.
        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Wisdom.

        Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 19-08-22 stories-main What Really Happened


        Always comes down to that with you Jesus freaks, doesn’t it? Stupid fucking Nazi. Lost last time, will lose again this time, because you’re too fucking retarded to see who your real enemy is.

        First of all no, I am not a Christian because I am not a fool to adopt a religion that is made by the enemy just like they made the ideologies that control the left.

        My real enemy is people like you and the controlers you defend, you stand in my way ill put you down with no regrets, we didn’t lose, THE WORLD fucking lost you inbreed, LOOK AROUND, YOU are loosing you stupid idiot:



        We shouldn’t be accepting the premises of those who hate us. Some things are worth villifying, such as the sexualization and chemical mutilation of children, but that is not the same as hating people.


        Duh, obviously the West is a shithole. Everyone with eyes in their head can see it. I’m a Russian / Hungarian / Austrian Jew. Every time I visit family in Russia, I marvel at how clean and safe Moscow is compared to virtually any place in the West. You could eat off the sidewalk, it’s so clean.

        The societal decay of the West is unquestionable. Explain how exactly that is the Jews’ fault? You mention 3 names. Of those one isn’t Jewish (Bill Gates). Soros is a former Nazi collaborator who helped identify Jews in Hungary during WW2, is generally seen as public enemy #1 in Israel and would likely be arrested in the spot should he ever set foot there. And Marx… you’re talking about Karl Marx right? The same who quoted Martin Luther at every opportunity? The same who wrote, when it came to Prussia debating giving equal rights to Jews, that this should only happen if they renounce Judaism, and that there was no room in an emancipated humanity for Jews?
        The same Marx who claimed that Christians had been corrupted by Jews? Who wrote “What is the profane basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. What is the basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, egoism”.

        Overwhelming evidence you got there….

        The people you listed are all communists. Where did Communism come from? It wasn’t invented by Marx. The first use of the term Communist was by the French during the 1600s. Specifically, by radical Christians who advocated for the abolishment of private property.
        Who else proposed that in history?  Let’s see…

        -500 bce Socrates declares that an ideal state would eliminate all forms of private property among the elite of society to the extent that even children and wives are shared.
        -Early Church Fathers maintained that human society had declined to its current state from a now lost egalitarian social order such as described in the Acts of the Apostles (specifically Acts 2:44-45 and Acts 4:32-45)
        -From the High Middle Ages in Europe, various groups supporting Christian communist and communalist ideas were occasionally adopted by reformist Christian sects. An early 12th century proto-Protestant group originating in Lyon known as the Waldensians held their property in common in accordance with the Book of Acts, but were persecuted by the Catholic Church and retreated to Piedmont.
        -Thomas Müntzer led a large Anabaptist communist movement during the German Peasants’ War. Marx and Engels analyzed Müntzer and extensively quoted him.-In the 16th century, English writer Sir Thomas More portrayed a society based on common ownership of property in his treatise Utopia, whose leaders administered it through the application of reason. Several groupings in the English Civil War supported this idea, but especially the Diggers who espoused communistic and agrarian ideals.
        -After the French revolution, both liberal and Christian writers increasingly began to criticize the institution of private property even to the extent they demanded its abolition. One famous proponent was the devout Christian Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
        -Victor d’Hupay’s 1779 work Project for a Philosophical Community described a plan for a communal experiment in Marseille where all private property was banned.d’Hupay referred to himself as a communiste, the French form of the word “communist”, in a 1782 letter, the first recorded instance of that term.-Both Marx and Hitler maintained that Communism was just Christianity in practice and Jesus Christ was himself a communist. This link was highlighted in one of Marx’s early writings which stated: “As Christ is the intermediary unto whom man unburdens all his divinity, all his religious bonds, so the state is the mediator unto which he transfers all his Godlessness, all his human liberty”.
        Marxist egalitarianism reflects the Christian universalist teaching that humankind is one and that there is only one god who does not discriminate among people (replaced by the state in Marx).

        Notice who is NOT on that list? Jews. Judaism never advocated abolishing private property and self-interest. Which is why you can’t blame Communism, an idea that has its roots in Christianity and Athenian philosophy, on Jews.

        Even your idol Hitler agreed.
        “in private Hitler acknowledged his profound debt to the Marxian tradition. “I have learned a great deal from Marxism” he once remarked, “as I do not hesitate to admit”. He was proud of a knowledge of Marxist texts acquired in his student days before the First World War and later in a Bavarian prison, in 1924, after the failure of the Munich putsch. The trouble with Weimar Republic politicians, he told Otto Wagener at much the same time, was that “they had never even read Marx”, implying that no one who had failed to read so important an author could even begin to understand the modern world; in consequence, he went on, they imagined that the October revolution in 1917 had been “a private Russian affair”, whereas in fact it had changed the whole course of human history! His differences with the communists, he explained, were less ideological than tactical. German communists he had known before he took power, he told Rauschning, thought politics meant talking and writing. They were mere pamphleteers, whereas “I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun”, adding revealingly that “the whole of National Socialism” was based on Marx.”

        All that being said, why are so many American and Western Jews left wing / Social Marxist?
        During the 19th century, there was a split among the millions of Jews that fled westward from Russia. The right wing, zionist / nationalist half wanted to return to Israel and rejected living in the West. They mostly remained in Poland, Hungary and Ukraine, waiting for the official founding of Israel. The left wing saw the idea of a nationalist state as a betrayal of their ideals of an egalitarian world without borders where all were equal. They mostly moved to the US and UK, calling themselves Al Olim (global people … or “globalists”). That’s why “Jews” like Soros, Chomsky and other leftists are so virulently anti-Israel.
        On the other hand, who are Israel’s closest allies? Hungary, Putin (who saved Israel from Obama https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200616-netanyahu-putin-saved-israel-from-unsc-resolution-to-create-palestine-state/ ), India, Czech Republic and the US briefly under Trump. Hungary’s Orban in particular received much support from Israel, who even helped him with his reelection campaign. And while Israel is under immense pressure by the US not to get too cozy with Russia, they work together quite closely from intelligence sharing to student exchanges to a visa waiver program (the US on the other hand maintains Israel doesn’t meet the qualifications for its visa waiver program).

        In other words, the same people who are trying to save the West are also close with Israel, itself a right wing country. Hmmm, I wonder.

        Maybe you just see the Jews as the culprits because that’s what the ruling elite in the West want you to believe. It’s the oldest, most reliable scapegoat if you want one, because no one really knows or understands anything about Judaism, and beyond that, the left really fucking hate Jews more than anyone. Even more than you do. Because unlike you, they know why. You don’t. You merely fell for the bait like an idiot.

        To your final statement: yes, the world (humanity) has lost much through the fall of the West. What once was the light of civilization is now a toilet. But it was never us. It was Christianity and its later metastization of Communism / Socialism.
        The core idea of egalitarian ideologies is that the strong and able must be cut down to size to uplift the weak and inferior. “Each to their ability”, as laid out in the bible. This has an anti-evolutionary, dysgenic effect on society. The virtuous and industrious are punished, while the stupid and lazy are subsidized. Consequency, intelligent people will have less children, and idiots will have more. As each generation further devolves, eventually you are left with a dysfunctional society of low IQ schmucks who need the government to hold their hand every step of the way. Exactly what the ruling class wants. You keep them entertained with bread and circus, you keep them in fear either of each other or you mix it up with some good old apocalyptic shit like global warming, and you designate anyone just wanting to live their life in peace as a villain (either a climate destroyer or perpetuater of systemic racism or whatever other shit they come up with). All people are born with inherent sin unless they repent, submit and sacrifice for the greater good. Sounds familiar, where have I heard that before… , the church pulled that same scam for 2000 years.

        But that’s YOUR ideology. Not ours. YOU fucked up your societies. YOU voted for big government. Don’t blame us for doing right where you did wrong. If you had learned from us, it would never have happened.
        While I’m tempted to gloat, I’m really not. If the West ends up becoming full communist, it will be much harder for Israel to survive, because not only will we have to deal with the psycho arabs, but also with the entire West as well. Difficult, even for us. While we are making deals with Russia, India and China behind your backs, those do come at great expense. It would be far easier and more convenient for us, if you got your shit together and stopped the Soroses, Obamas, Clintons, Merkels, Trudeaus etc.
        Who are you trying to convince of your bravado (“put down with no regrets”)? Me or yourself. Those words are quite meaningless as long as you keep drinking the kool-aid. You ain’t saving the world by going after some imaginary Jewish cabal or some autistic transgender kid or some black people who complain about being stopped and frisked 4 times on their way home from work. Saving he world isn’t as easy as bullying someone you don’t like for arbitrary bullshit reasons. If history is anything to go by, you have neither the brains nor the heart to go after your real enemies.

        Ultimately, you are why the West has fallen. As bad as Obama, Soros etc are… if you really want to find the guilty, you merely need to look in the mirror.


          Let’s chill with the hatred in all directions.


          My real enemy is people like you and the controlers you defend, you stand in my way ill put you down with no regrets, we didn’t lose, THE WORLD fucking lost you inbreed, LOOK AROUND, YOU are loosing you stupid idiot



          WOW, you sound like a reasonable  person that isn’t on some sort of person of interest list LOL.
          Seriously, you need to calm down. The way you sound is like an extreme leftist that wants to kill people.

          The truth of the matter is the world is not as insane as you might think it is. The world is  filled with good loving people, with a small minority that are insane outliers.
          BOTH Leftists & Rightists are stupid, the Left is a much more so extreme.
          Right now the Government wants to know who is the more useful fool & the Left have proven themselves the victors in this. They wanted to know how far they can morally reset a whole group of people & look how successful they were. We now have  a group of people going forward  with a march called “Trans Day Of Vengeance”
          They are only so bold because they have been allowed & Encouraged by the Government to get bolder & bolder.
          This is my prediction, Whoever is elected in 2024, they will have to clean up the mess this evil administration. Either way, this thing will end & trust me it will not end peacefully & it will not end without massive amounts of deaths out of pure stupidity & evil.
          I do believe that the government wants as many people dead as possible or a massively reduced population that is capable of  reproducing.
          The US is the most extreme model of this, but Canada  also has it’s hand in evil, with the Medical Assisted Suicide Act where even teenagers can apply as of March & just being a little sad now qualifies you to apply for it.
          In Canada, Suicide is a solution they underhandedly recommend. Whatever is going to happen will happen. The only thing we can do is protect the children at all & any cost.


          I am not being allowed to respond.

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