Wednesday. Please dont be woke.

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Wednesday. Please dont be woke.

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      I really think our collective standards have fallen. A decade or so ago movies and shows were made to entertain.  Then they started making propaganda full time and beating us over the head with woke.  And we are now so used to getting beat over the head with woke that so long as the audience is not being actively attacked during the movie we consider it good.


        Well, while we debate what is woke.

        Apparently “Wednesday” has been deemed not inclusive enough.


          Do you know the Addams family history?  I have to wonder if you do because you would know that line about Pilgrims is something that could be from the comics through all renditions from Wednesday. Her taking down 3 boys, Seriously 2 of us have already told you why it is possible and if you watched the show and listened you would know why she could.

          Why does this show need to represent 2022?

          Answer: BECAUSE ITS SET IN 2022!!!!




            This show is not woke.

            The Pilgrims had nothing to do with wokeness, they are a group of people essential to the plot and story telling, and for dark jokes. (Just like the clip @Mustangride1 posted for the Indians) Watching further episodes you would understand that and WHY they are there, I wont spoil it, but they are a legitimate piece of the puzzle of the plot. NOT FOR WOKENESS!!!!!!.

            I rewatched episode one and two, there was nothing about the Patriarchy in the context that is being accused of being woke in. ZERO!!!!!!!!

            Wednesday was born and raised by very capable parents and was trained in many aspects of the arts, fighting, language, etc. This is why she can fence and fight well.  She is not a Mary Sue. Anyone who even thinks that clearly has no knowledge of her character historically. Her character has always been well rounded and singular in of herself without needing or wanting others.

            Just like @Mustangride1 said, I am sick of people pointing the finger at nearly everything now days and saying it is Woke, when it is not there. Had this show been on 20 years ago it would have really been NO different than it is now because this is a 100% fitting story, atmosphere, and character portrayal of Wednesday Addams, now and then. You also cannot expect a show made in 2021/22 to not represent this time period in social constructs. That would be ridiculous to NOT do.

            If people are on pins and needles about wokeness looking for it everywhere, then maybe it’s time to do some self evaluation on yourself and actually try to enjoy something for once without that singular thought always in the back of your mind ruining everything. Yes, wokeness is a disease in our entertainment, but it is not in every little crack and crevasse of things.

            So, I apologize if my post seems a bit crass and blunt, but I am really tried of the accusation of things be woke, when they aren’t. It’s not different than the media calling everything racist now days, when it’s not. Sure, don’t like the show if you don’t like it, but please understand the history of a character and franchise before labeling it something it is not.

            Off to bed after a long night of work…after I watch another episode of Wednesday and enjoy something in life.



              So I think that is a valid criticism.  It seems to be something people run too.  But part of that reason is because much of the time, it’s true.  BUT, just like we should evaluate people individually I think we should also take each show and movie individually.

              I think another difference in the way people are seeing this is because we don’t quantify “woke”.  I mean so how much agenda has to be in it before it’s woke.  See what I mean?  Maybe you think it takes a constant string of references to be woke.  Maybe I think more than 1 or 2 makes it woke.

              Again, I think you are right but I can see why some disagree on it as well.


                I have seen more than a few video’s now of people saying its woke who clearly did not watch them all or do not understand the lore. So let me try to be as non-spoilery as possible once again to try to explain it.


                First, what is Wokeness?

                It is the artificial and intentional inputting of a Social agenda or Political agenda or Both in to something (Conversation, Entertainment, Advertisement, Company Policy) that serves no other purpose than the destruction of “something” or used to force change to a specific ideology.

                In its most subtle forms, it can be used to try and convey a meaning or thought to help create change or sway public opinion. Sometimes for the betterment of society.

                In its most heinous forms it can used to cancel people in the forms of “Censorship, Los of Job, Physical Violence and even Death and Destruction”

                It is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. Hollywood has been using it for decades to try and sway public opinion by placing subtle messaging in shows. “M*A*S*H” was a prime example of this, one of the most popular shows in History.

                But since I want to say 2013ish we have this new term “Woke” and it has turned in to what it is today. Many Americans, I would say probably near 80% or more are sick of it. Yes people look for it in everything and when you look hard enough or want to find something hard enough YOU WILL! Even if it is not there!

                I cannot speak to people who support it as to me it is a mental illness and a deep hatred inside the person to the point you cannot even discuss a topic with them. But I can speak to those who are reading this.

                I know we have “Hero’s” or people we look up to who are content creators, Many of them infected with the “anti-woke- virus” that is to say they will see woke in everything because they want to, or worse because they can get views off it. Many of who I stopped following and watching because that was exactly what they were doing it for.

                You should all Think for Yourself first! Before you listen to one person (Read, Watch listen) to whatever it is. Do so with an open mind and make up your own mind to if there is an actual “Wokeism” happening. Or is it something that would fit the Lore, Cannon, Character and Theme of the thing. Also be very mindful of the time its set in. If it is from 2013 on then there might well be something you would say is “woke” in it. That in all reality is simply fitting in for the culture time period and therefor makes it relevant and truthful.


                First Gomez is a Spaniard / Hispanic created in 1938 that is long before anyone even thought about woke. Long before the parents of the Woke Generation were born.

                Wednesday has been trained in Fencing, fighting, reading, writing, dancing  etc  It is canonical to both the Tv series of the 60’s the comics back to the 30’s and the movies of Today.

                The Pilgrim scene as I already posted was done in 1993 also, for those of you not born yet, let me be blunt IT WAS A VERY NON POLITICALLY CORRECT TIME. and again something that she would do without doubt. And those complaining about it clearly have not watched the entire series it is a MAJOR PLOT POINT.

                Now as I really have had enough with this. Yes there are a few things people will say is “WOKE” and they are NOT they are part of the culture of 2021/22. I have heard and seen them said and done in real life with no agenda or bias. I have had people introduce me to their two mothers, two fathers. girl friend when its a girl introducing her and reverse for a boy. I have even met people who came across the border and said so “legally and Illegally”  All that is just part of living in 2022.

                People who say that is woke. Have you never met a Gay person? Never met a person who came here from another country? Talked Politics? If you say no where do you live because many of us want to move to there because that place sounds great to me…. A place where everyone is just a person and no one knows nothing about you or anyone else… On second thought, that place sounds boring as hell, so keep it to yourself.

                But in the real world we do here those things, we do see them. Guess what im 53 years old and the same crap that you call woke has been going on before I was born. Just not to the degree, we;; except the Hippie Movement that was really in your face but mostly harmless except for a few nuts.

                Bottom line. Use your own tow eyes, and ears. Make up your own mind not what someone said, especially someone on Youtube who wants to make money off your clicks. And stop to think before you judge this “is the context correct for our time and is the cannon and lore fitting for the character or show?” if it is then it is not woke.

                It might be garbage still, or you may not like it because of your taste, but at least you can be honest with yourself and others about why you don’t like it. Most of all see it through before judging it all.



                I just saw the first 5 minutes of the series and what a disappointment, I understand that they put Wednesday super strong because it always was but to highlight it they make pugsley a crybaby ???, pugsley was just as twisted as her and was never afraid of anything pffffffffff



                Lizzy Buczak
                Thu, December 29, 2022 at 9:38 AM PST

                A round of snaps for Kamila Valieva.

                A figure skater in Russia stunned audiences with a routine inspired by Jenna Ortega’s viral Wednesday dance.

                Kamila Valieva channeled her inner-Wednesday Addams at the 2023 Russian Figure Skating Championships.

                Not only did the professional skater recreate the dance from the supernatural Netflix drama, but she also tapped into Wednesday’s goth vibe by donning her signature black pigtails, moody makeup, and a lace party dress like the one the character wore in the iconic scene.

                The 16-year-old’s routine began with Thing snapping his fingers to The Addams Family theme song. Valieva then sat up—as if getting out of a coffin—showing absolutely zero emotion the whole time, as the character is known to do.

                A bit into the routine, the music transitioned to “Goo Goo Muck” by The Cramps, which allowed the skater to show off Wednesday’s expressive moves from the Nevermore Academy dance.

                Ortega, who previously revealed she felt “insecure” about the dance as she choreographed it by herself after watching archival footage of goths dancing, was praised for her authentic portrayal of the iconic character.

                Valieva finished off the creative routine with Lady Gaga’s “Bloody Mary,” the tune that has gone viral on TikTok alongside fan videos recreating Wednesday’s compelling number.

                Fans were absolutely mesmerized by Valieva’s performance, with one writing, “She nailed Wednesdays facial expressions! Also that ina bauer in the start and her flexible spins fit this theme so good! And that dance! Everything! She is special.”

                Another fan was impressed with “how she stayed in character,” adding it was “one of the best exhibitions I’ve seen in a very long time.”


                  I am not really a fan of the show nor am I a skating aficionado but I watched that whole performance just now.  That was super creative and cool.

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