Western Degenerates Dictate Our Morality, F That!

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    Dragon Quest Censorship What Happens When Degenerates Dictate Morality
    I used the most extreme example of a video game with extremely lose morals & near endless degenerate sexual escapades, Baldur’s Gate. They fell in love with a game that would allow you to engage with a bear, full frontal nudity & all sorts of other things (I know most is optional) but nobody cried for censorship of the game, including myself. Yet for some reason Square Enix forced Dragon Quest remake/remaster to de-feminize a completely normal female warrior in their latest game.

    I actually thought that Japan had the option to make both a Western release & a Japanese release, but it seems like the Activist in the DEI California base of Square Enix (who are the ones controlling Censorship) forced them to also tone down the Japanese release. Yet when it comes to Western developed games like Baldur’s Gate 3 & the upcoming Dragon Age The Veilguard… there is no ceiling to their depravity. But they at the same time bar appealing female figures from being created. And they also go after games like Stellar Blade, because Eve is to sexy, even though her body is from an actual Korean Female Model…they even go so far as to tell us that Stellar Blade will end up getting women Killed, according to IGN.
    Have you noticed how they have this twisted sense of “Morality” where they demand Christ Like behavior from us, while they go on a puritanical cleansing of our entertainment & burn anybody down that does not embrace their “Morality” while they engage in the most vile & degenerate behavior you can imagine. No to over sexualized women…but yes to sex workers… So much more including getting our kids involved in their lifestyles & educating them against their families. We need to up our game when it comes to removing these activists from all aspects of our lives.
    Don’t waste your time going after Sweet Baby Inc & their ilk, start sending LETTERS to the actual publishers like Square Enix & let them know, in a very polite letter, that we do not want these activists & we do not support their message. This is easily proven, financially. Tell them about your experience with their studio over the years of gaming & how much their games meant to them. Tell them you won’t continue to support them until they fire every last one of them. Conclude by thanking them as well. Do not be aggressive or forceful or rude in any way. Clear & well formulated sentences. We need to push them out. Fast!
    The original Tweet that had the video I am reacting to was taken down with no explanation as to why, but we all know/speculate that it was at the request of Square Enix since they openly talked  about the west’s obsession with Censorship. I am glad I got a chance to watch & download the clip. BTW, that 2 minute clip was from a 6hr interview & the rest of the video was just regular talk. Califirnicators ruling our entertainment.
    Thank you for watching & as always, stay Stellar & stay tuned for more.


    It took me 2 hours of Disrespect to make my DEI version of their Censored version of the female warrior. There are a lot of subtle  details, from head to toe. Feel free to use it as you like. I was going to include a rainbow flag but I figured that might be a bit to on the nose & besides, they are more obsessed with trans stuff, so I gave the They/Them trans hair colors, for the diversity & representation lol.
    I did not change the eye shape nor the eye brow shape, I made the brows thicker & I lowered the jaw & widened the chin. It’s amazing how easy it is to make something look like a man.
    These people have an obsession & need help. Any sort of obsession is very unhealthy.

    DQ3 b


    I think when it comes to games that are over 20 years old NOTHING should be changed about them. Especially if its something from Japan. No matter what the screeching harpies say otherwise.

    They’d all end up with heart failures if they ever saw ‘Golden Axe’ and took one look at the amazon lady on it LOL!


    The F That people are the ones who inspire me. Companies and governments want consumer drones that will just buy on command and swallow the message without objection. Was listening to Nerdrotic clip with panel about how fans are treated and called toxic when the opposite is true, that the west has toxic people in authority that are on a power trip and they get off on giggling at ugliness, as if they are pranking and punking the public. Kind of like how they said the Joker 2 was an FU to the fans. Well, it flopped, but the first Joker was an FU to late night, to wall street, and to the media, which made me say, oh wow, something no one ever does.

    I wish I were more of a prude and more moral. Things are so bad now, that to ever come up with preachy morality in our times is a joke. The thing is, Instagram and cams are filled with sexy people. Even Olympians do it. That was another thing Nerdrotic said is that, before, there were gatekeepers are a tight nit movie critic industry, but now, the gates fell and the gate is open. They don’t want any other voices competing with their own. Whenever I see corporate ratings or corporate sales fall, I laugh, because they taunted the public with things to mess with them. They poked the public with sticks and stones because they had circumstances were they had captive audiences with less options before. Slightest bit of blowback and they cry foul. They do not have thick skins that the public has developed, as they’ve been accustomed to be called names like hater, racist, supremacist, nazi, hitler and they just rotate the terms every now and then, but it’s been the same for generations.

    When it comes to Japan, Japan had better be on guard. They are trying to get Japan to open it’s borders and trying to get Japan to get used to noncitizens. Diversity seems like a good thing at first, when there are good people involved, but it quickly devolves into dumping refugees into your location and taking away your sovereignty and before you know it, the proper ways and formality of Japanese customs will be lost to people who will trash your cities, ruin your sanitation and will dilapidate your countries over time.

    I’m all for morality. They promote “The Message” and diversify your countries until stabbings become normalized. They are actually very immoral and amoral and their intent is to destroy Japan as they have London, Detroit, Minneapolis, Paris, Chicago, etc. Saw one story where Ukrainians moved back to their war torn country because western cities were far less safe and clean.



    A lot of discourse and conversation that you guys have had and written about seemed to show up in this thesis.
    One of the better video essays I’ve seen.
    Would not post if I didn’t think it was worth your time.

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