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Tagged: Bayonetta
This is Why Bayonetta could Never be made by a Western Studio!
I’ve been holding my tongue for a very long time on this channel & I think I’m going to loosen my tongue a little bit. Bayonetta is an older game but it is one of the best games out there. It has something for everybody to enjoy. But it has something that terrifies Western Developers today, like Naughty Dog. A beautiful Sexy woman. They seem to shy away from that like it’s the plague.
Most women are Beautiful, sure you might not find all women types attractive, but most are beautiful & apart from morbidly obese women (men as well) most women ARE Sexy. It really does not take a lot to make somebody sexy. Being in a healthy weight is #1 in people’s sexiness scoring. The rest can easily be highlighted with clothing or accessories. Make up also does wonders with even the slightest application in the most subtle ways, like covering up a pimple. See, what I mean by most Women are Beautiful & Sexy? Can you imagine if Naughty Dog remade Bayonetta? They would cast a dude that is in their 539th day of girlhood & call you out for not thinking “She” was attractive. Don’t let them Mary Jane “Male Jaw Line”another Beautiful Sexy Woman in our Escapism.
The Woke are sick & need to be cured.
The WORLD is actually very accepting & loving of all sorts of people, as am I, but these sick people would have you believe we are living in some 1930s era where it “Might” have been more accepted to abuse a woman, but those days are FAR long gone & the men with that mentality are all almost dead & their mental disorder is hardly ever carried by their children today. Disconnect from Twitter, TikTok, facebook, Instagram & you will see how much good there is in the world. Don’t let the sick infect you with their virus, we have to stop the Necromorph. Thank you for watching & I hope I earned a subscription from you guys. I’m trying to hit 2000 Subscribers by 2024.
These were the 2 Thumbnails I created for the video, which do you guys think is better for the video? The last picture is just the meme I doctored in Photoshop. It took about 10 minutes. If you guys want to meme the western devs, feel free to use the picture. You guys have the 1st day exclusive access to it should you choose to use it. I’ll upload the meme to my Twitter tomorrow.
BTW, the quote at the bottom: “I was foretold” was originally “It was foretold” I think it’s appropriate to the video theme lol
I think the comparison photo is the most meme worthy.
But you need to man up the pic on the right. It’s not good enough for the meme to cause you to question if that version has a penis, you need to just know it :P