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Is there something that you are all for?
I’m all for:
Hollywood have the same functionality as the Anime and Manga Industry.
The Birth of a new Western Entertainment Industry.
Anime, Tokusatsu, and the new Western Entertainment Industry taking Hollywood’s throne as the king of entertainment.
The American Film Industry to be everywhere.
Star Wars, Star Trek(although I’m not a Star Trek Fan), Doctor Who(although I’m not a Doctor Who), and other beloved entertainment to be freaking vaulted.
The Development of new franchises and original IPs being developed.
I’m all for:
– Making video game music an official music genre.
– More Nintendo movies after their Super Mario film comes out, perhaps a Nintendo cinematic universe? *coughsmashbrosmoviecough*
– Adding Princess Daisy as a playable character in an upcoming mainline Super Mario game!!!
– Less streaming services.
– Making the mainstream public more aware of littering and throwing things in a trash can, NOT ON THE GROUND!
– Pushing personal politics out of the public school system.
– Eliminating data caps on internet providers.
– Making sports well, SPORTS AGAIN, not platforms for politics.
– Bringing back lay-a-way (please PM me if you want to know why).
– Stop censoring or canceling classic content!
– Make cartoons like the 80’s/90’s/early 2000’s again!!
– Stop ruining Super Heroes
– Acknowledge there are racists in ALL nationalities.
– Get rid of microtransactions in video games
– End these damn lockdowns and open back up the states!
– Stop forcing identity politics into every single little thing!
– Create a third, independent political party run by the people, for the people, to stop the two party monopoly.
– Put BLM and Antifa in the same boat as KKK and other anti-human movements.
– Hire people based on their MERITS, not their skin color, what’s between their legs, or what their politics are.
– Protect the environment, but do it with reason, logic, and common sense. Not with B.S. such as the lie known as “climate change”.
Umm, and on a personal note, can Clamp please make Meiling Li an official canon character? Put her in the manga???
— Adhearing to the Constitution as written. It is a legal document as such it says exactly what it means and nothing else.
— Burn the 2 party system to the ground. It was one of the Founders greatest fears.
— Table top RPGs.
— Mini painting.
— video games.
Climate change does not exist. If my dog dont like you neither will I. Want to see me get really mad? Lie to my face about shit I know already.
Healthcare is not a right. Murder is not healthcare. The 14th amendment does not state that Illegal Aliens dropping anchor create a citizen. here is no such shit as the sex wage gap; unless you are talking about the porn industry. Women make 10x as much as the male actors on average.
BTW We the People quite literally started a war to tell England we were done with thier dynisty concept; stop asking me if I would vote for don Jr, or the daughter, or yet another Bush.
100% agree with everything except for the climate change part. I do believe it’s very slowly happening. But some people freak out like it’s going to happen any day.
But the 2 party system is such a relic it should be fixed immediately imo. Now, I’m not too familiar with this particular question but what’s the common opinion on the two party system from conservatives in America? Do they think it’s a tradition America should hold onto no matter what or do they in general resist it?
I want everything to be the way it was before 9/11.
Cant speak for anyone else but I know for a fact it was the biggest fear of the signers of the Constitution.
We have some 4 billion years worth of climate data from the geological record. The shit is cyclical. The American and French Revolutions both happened during a mini Ice Age. That we are 1degree higher in tempreture today than we were in 1900 is meaningless.
Oh and the global weather stations that NASA has set up havent registered an average tempreture change of so much as 0.1% in 20 years.
climate change is a fucking hoax designed to make the globalists rich and the rest of us poor.
I’ve been hearing on the news that we’re ten years away from total disaster for about thirty years now. Not one of these doom mongers has ever said what they think the global temperature actually should be or how that figure can be calculated either. Without a point of reference to show how much the variation is from what is expected all the data is worthless no matter what it shows.
9/11 was a complete inside job and you are RIGHT. Anyone, who was an adult before 9/11, knows how this country is night and day now and it is getting progressively worse.
You know how I win 9/11 arguments? I challenge whatever fool believes the official story to sit in a chair and watch a video of Building 7 and compare it to other skyscraper fires from history.
After 20 years, not one person has taken the challenge because deep down inside they know it was an inside job. They all have gotten mad and stormed off.
I would get rid of the internet. I mean that too. It obviously never will happen, but the internet has frankly been the single worst thing to happen to society and it is only going to get worse. I truly do not think people understand what is coming with quantum computing, AI, and robotics.
The fools out there thing it will advance society. I think it is going to enslave society. Just look at the fools we have in government now. Imagine them with a fully functional surveillance system.
I see so many young kids going out on dates and they don’t even freaking talk to each other. I literally saw a group of about 12 girls at Panera. I kid you not. Every single girl was on her phone ignoring the other girls.
It isnt healthy.
Since I cannot get rid of the internet, I am all for getting rid of feminists.
I want the MCU to develop some Indian superheroes…if there aren’t any to pull from the comics, and let a Bollywood action studio handle it giving us something on the level of this fight scene…which I’ve watched more times than any in a Marvel movie…so fun…
I’m all for sending SJW’s to China to let them know what real oppression is like
Funny how they do whatever they can to protect muslims and gay people from the evil white westerners, when they should be protecting gay people from muslims in muslim countries
Demolishing a building 3 blocks away was the tell There was no reason it would have been damaged when the church across the street was not.