What are you collecting?

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  • #233040

    My collection is still a work in progress.  Still waiting on some items from eBay and a few things that are delayed at Sideshow.17A11EDB-B97A-40A9-8C20-418F71952EEE94B13791-5095-4938-81F0-6CDFCBDE453BE4D8E1D8-779A-4DAA-A306-6FDFA148B1D2589DBAA2-0798-4A51-98B5-5DE3C3A274ED04DD8F1C-3C67-44C4-91AF-98F4404EB5A90A6D5263-884B-4805-8FC2-C3ACACDD8D0FDC7CD268-A1BC-4AB8-9B0A-40F0B53A605068B0EE21-07DE-4671-8EA3-7BF6D1446968D72C6D98-A3ED-4E21-987A-C540F025781157F29753-0A74-4B88-A75F-54D03DB5766A00D83CC8-3D57-4C1E-BD88-05FE2518027E6444DE66-F8AC-4DC5-898E-531AC331242E


    That’s a pretty awesome display, Michael! You’ve got some great stuff and it looks like a fun place to hang out.

    I used to have a set up similar to yours but sometime back it grew to the point where you just keep amassing things and your “museum” collection sort of becomes a hoard no matter how much restructuring you do. So I alleviated that some time back by creating several simple displays that I rotate things in and out of. For example, I’ve been on a 3.75″ action figure kick lately so I themed it out to one of my wall displays for “vintage or retro 5-points figures” recently……


    Then for example, I had set-up some vintage 80’s I.P.’s and vehicles…..


    Once I get tired of that I changed it over to a Bowen theme instead of trying to “make more room”….


    Pretty soon I’ll rotate the Bowen stuff out for a full-on Iron Man display, and I’ve got another case going with a pretty neat Quasar display.  My collection used to display “Iron Man” and it took up an entire room that I now use as a photo studio. Back then it resembled one of those photographs you’d see in the paper when they highlighted that….. dedicated person….. who had some kind of “Massive collection” of a given character. I got away from that and more into this “revolving” thing. When something isn’t on display I keep it in storage. You can imagine what my storage area looks like. LOL!





    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by IMJ. Reason: Initially used wrong image HTML

    Hey, that’s a nice Toys R Us you opened up there lol.
    Crazy collection. I collect figurines, books & discs: Blu-ray, 4K, PS4/5 & Xbox Series X physical discs as well as old games from old consoles.

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