What are your thoughts on time travel?

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    Do you believe in time-travel?


    I have a lot of thoughts on what I like and dislike about time-travel, the Butterfly Effect, parallel dimensions, parallel timelines, parallel universes, and a wide variety of loosely related topics.


    Some of my favorite movies and shows involve time-travel and they include Star Trek, Star Wars, Back To The Future, The Butterfly Effect, Terminator, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, to name a few.


    I love time-travel and a wide variety of things. I love debate. I love theories. I believe that the more I know, then the more I don’t know about everything in life including things relating to science, religion, philosophy, principles, reality, the laws of the universe, physics, different dimensions, Theology or the lack therein, cults, legends, myths, hypothetical theories, anything theoretical, all kinds of stories, books, movies, shows, video games, etc.


    I love watching time-travel. I love Rick & Morty. I love so many different things.


    But personally speaking, I would encourage people against actual time-travel, assuming we ever could, have ever, would ever, regardless. I have to be clear, I love time-travel, but I think it is too dangerous to travel through time. I would have to agree with the Doc in Back To The Future regarding the dangers of time-travel. Doc Brown mentioned the possibility of blowing up the universe (not to be confused with the main plot in a movie called Dogma starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Chris Rock) via creating like a paradox or whatever.


    I could probably write all day about my thoughts on time-travel.


    I am not going to say time-travel is impossible but I can tell you a few problems I find in time-travel.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

    If you only know English, I heard you could only go back three-hundred years and still understand enough to communicate via speech.

    Further back, and no one will understand you and vice versa.


    Then the odds of you altering history grows the farther back you go.

    So you go back 100-years and kill Hitler before he becomes a teenager, does not mean WWII is avoided.  Germany might get an even worse leader and the Nazis WIN WWII.



    It’s something that can work well for stories (one of my favorite time travel stories is the manga/anime Erased), but in real life, I doubt it would be possible.


    Legatus, I agree with that, outside of trying to learn Greek or Latin or Hebrew or something for example. Oh, I forgot to mention the Simpsons. Love those Halloween episodes. Audie, I don’t know about Erased, I know very little about anime. I probably should check it out.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

    And one potential problem is the Germ Paradox, an endless time-space loop of recycled germs, bacteria, viruses, etc. You go back in time with your germs which is released into the wild. Fast forward to the future to the time you go back in time, there may be more germs than the first time you went back in time. But now you might be going back in time with more germs. This circle of life loop repeats infinitely perhaps.

    So, in other words, going back in time may in fact create a feedback loop similar to when you put the microphone next to the speaker, the sound amplifies, magnifies, as it loops around from the mic to the speakers and back into mic and then out of the speakers and back into the microphone around and around like a guinea pig in a wheel. It is like a reverse hypnotic spiral of death which could create a paradox that could blow up the universe for lack of better words.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

    Well, to be clear, what I’m saying is only a hypothesis based on one version of traveling back in time. And also, I should let everyone know that I may not technically be against time-travel if it involves going ahead into the future. Can the person then return back to the present time? I am not sure but that reminds me of another movie called Time Changer. Man from the 1800s travels a hundred years into the future to see how messed up Hollywood is.
    So, there may be different theories on time travel. So, the germ loop theory I mentioned above may only apply in a version of time-travel which only takes place on one timeline.
    So, my germ loop theory may not apply to Back To The Future canon where they created alternative timelines which included a guy named Biff which like took over the city and then people were comparing him to Trump.
    But I would say the germ loop theory is only one of the theories I have on time travel.
    There is more where that came from.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

      There is no time travel because there is no time. It’s a man made invention. Only the present exists and we are always bathed in it and cannot get out of it. Sure we can calculate certain things or cycles and assign numbers to it but that’s really all we are doing.

      As far as time travel itself. One of 2 things is the truth. Either we die off before we discover it or it does not exist because there is zero chance humans discover such a thing and don’t abuse it to all hell to the point where we would not see it.


      @vknid, does that mean you only believe in three dimensions of length, width, and height? You do not believe time is the 4th dimension? But would we abuse time travel to Hell? That argument could be used for anything including bombs, guns, war, drugs, etc. Humans do abuse many things but not every person chooses the darkest path possible.
      One of my concerns with time travel is that whatever change may have occurred due to time travel probably then therefore already occurred in the past. In other words, if people in the future go into the past to do stuff, then that past already happened from our perspective despite the future of the people going back in time has not yet happen, assuming time travel does not create parallel timelines as seen in Back To The Future.
      But a bigger concern of mine would be the time-travel version of the what came first, the chicken or the egg? I mean, what came first, you going back in time to say hello to yourself or your past self seeing and hearing your future self say hello to yourself? You can say first you live life and then go back in time to say hello to yourself. But if you went back in time to say hello, then that means you would have already said hello to yourself that first time around. Then you live your life until the point in time you go back in time to say hello to your a second time which is also the first time, the only time. But it could be an endless cycle, an endless feedback loop. And then after you say hello to yourself, if you do end up going back to the present to where you left off in the future, it is hard to say what kind of future you would be going back to as you would be right in front of a time paradox, a feedback loop, or possible like a ripple in the pond of time. The act of going back in time could create an infinite loop or black-hole in a sense where at least you are looping. Like I said earlier, perhaps your germs would loop and multiply with you.
      Time travel would be fine if you could somehow minimize collateral damages. If there were no germs involved, you could treat time travel like a clean surgery. But in reality, there would likely be side-effects or the butterfly effect but on drugs in the sense that smaller butterfly effects would likely happen as you travel back in time to say hello to 2010 you. But then 2010 you goes to the present in 2021 and goes back to say hello to 2010 you again the first time around but also the second time around and this process could repeat infinitely and if it doesn’t repeat infinitely, then what does that mean?
      If the loop doesn’t repeat infinitely, the loop of you saying hello to your former self which will then end up going back in time to say hello to yourself, then does that mean you never went back in time in the first place?
      In Back To The Future, the writers conveniently explained it away by saying it would simply create different timelines or parallel dimensions or universes. But assuming they’re wrong about that, then my theory on an endless loop would likely happen.
      And on one hand, I have no idea what an endless loop looks like of you going back in time to say hello to yourself again and again. Well, assuming time and space is not like a unique snow flake, then nothing crazy would happen. But assuming the butterfly effect and such, small changes would occur during each loop. And you saying hello to yourself would most likely create an infinite loop meaning even the smallest changes imaginable would add up to an infinite amount of times during that loop to create Time Frankenstein.
      Either it creates an endless loop or it does not.
      If it does not create an endless loop, then did it even happen in the first place?
      Time travel could truly create a chicken or egg paradox or an endless loop paradox.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.


        “That argument could be used for anything including bombs, guns, war, drugs, etc”

        Not really, we know all those things exist because we created them (and humans DO abuse them). Time travel, not so much because either it does not exist (which is does not) or we snuff out before we find it.

        If you want to believe in time travel, you have to ask yourself. Who or what is transcribing time so you can historically go back into it? Now if we wanna get spiritual we can say God can make that possible and I believe that to be true. And we could make the argument that makes it possible. The universe is not random, there is an order to it. Hence why math can describe it and it plays by God’s rules.

        So with all that said, I guess it depends on where you want to take the conversation. But once you put God into it then technically anything is possible if it is his will.


        Not believing in time would be the same as not believing in the first three dimensions. It is that simple. We are pretty good at measuring length, width, and height. We understand these three basic perspectives on space. A lot of people believe in time. I choose to believe in time. I also choose to believe in other dimensions as well. It makes me feel good. Call me crazy but I love time. I am in love with time.
        The problem with Rick & Morty and at least one episode of Star Trek Next Generation and Fringe is if there can be one or more versions of reality included pocket universes, parallel timelines, parallel universes, an infinite amount of Oatmeal Joey Arnold sex bots or many different versions of Jeremy of Geeks + Gamers for example. Like take all the different YouTube and Twitter accounts named Jeremy this or Jeremy that. Imagine that each account is actually a different version of Jeremy from other universes. Better yet, just take the different clones or versions of Rick and Morty.
        The problem is if there is more than one Rick, then is it ok to kill Rick and get another Rick who can be grandpa? I believe that an infinite inflation of you is an infinite hyper-inflation of you which devalues your value. If there is an infinite amount of Ricks, then it is like printing an infinite amount of dollar bills or Rick bills or Rick clones. Turning robots into humans as seen in Picard devalues Picard. And turning Picard into a robot, that devalues Picard.
        By the way, another problem with a singular timeline time-travel back in time is a potential violation of freewill within the infinite loop. I go back in time and I say hello to myself. Now, do I have freewill? What if I choose not to go back in time to say hello to myself? But I already saw me from the future which means I will do it. That means predestined or fate. Like destiny or fate. But if I don’t do it, then do I undo my memory like a butterfly effect? If I change what I do, does that change my memories, does it split the timeline so that a new version of myself can reap the rewards or consequences to my alteration of the timeline? But why would altering the timeline create a new timeline, dear writers of Back To The Future?
        Because going back in time to edit the timeline should in fact change that timeline. To suddenly turn an edit of the timeline into a new timeline does not make sense in the sense and perspective that the timeline does not have check-off list, “Ok, did anybody from the future alter me? If so, then please split yourself like a banana and get the Hell out of here. If there are no time travelers around you, then do not split no matter what Bill Gates does. Alright, check check.”


        I wouldn’t mind making crazy comedy movies or a comedy show parody exploring time travel and everything else like a live-action Rick and Morty.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

        In the Bible, in Ephesians 2:10, it mentions God making plans for the lives of Christians before the foundation of the world. That is one of my favorite verses and time is mostly a concept I guess. So, in other words, the general public is unaware of any scientific proof of what time is outside of just an idea. I agree with that. I have not seen time myself.

        At least we can see that light is protons. So, we know what light is. There may still be a debate regarding what gravity is or is not versus other theories as to how it all works relating to gravity, mass, force, why we don’t float into space, why things go down. And I will not say the earth is flat but I might suggest that the earth might be a little hollow. There are caves. There are holes. There may be underground cities, bases, tunnels, etc. And time-travel may be real or may be fake.

        It is possible God created time or maybe not. It is possible God is outside of time or something.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.
        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

        La Brea Show 2021


        Spoiler alert, La Brea is an NBC show which appears to be dealing with a time portal or it might be parallel dimensions or God knows what.


        My thoughts on time travel is that it is possible, I totally believe it is possibly. We are moving forward in time are we not?

        So why can’t we find some way to move backward? If I could time travel, I’d go back in time to when I was a kid and be less of an indoor kid, used my knowledge of the future to build my life up better and prepare for this time period we are living now…..maybe even preventing it if I could.

        Cause I would rather live in a parallel universe right now than the miserable shitty present life I am living now where my whole family is disappointed in me and all think I am insane for not seeing the world they see it.


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