What do SJWs remind you of?

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    The I want to ask you guys this.

    What do the SJWs remind you of?

    To me, the SJWs remind me because let me reveal to my mistakes although my mistakes are different then theirs but still my mistakes in the same level as theirs.

    Try to make the world however I want it to be which is where myself and my friend become soccer players, etc. Luckily it failed.

    Try to get a girl I like to get into Anime.

    Try to get a friend to be in the same grade as me.


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

    National Socialists


    Bullies with a god complex.

    Wanna be leaders that think they’re untouchable.

    Socialist Jackass Wussies (that’s what the SJW should stand for!)

    Cowards who hide behind the internet.

    Puppets who’s ideas come from entertainment and thinks it can work in reality



    This LOL makes me think of antifa to


    British Aristocrats.

    You think American SJW’s are bad? In Britain they’re essentially middle-class wankers pretending to be the upper-class, and they’re so passive-aggressive it’s insufferable.


      It’s a cliched comparison but it fits, Nazis.

      The only difference in the alt-left and the alt-right is we got smart enough to stop listening to the alt-right 30 years ago.
      I’m hoping SJWs dont have to push it as far as Nazis before society wakes up.


        Nazis, because they use nazi practices, indoctrination of children, censorship of everything that goes against their agenda and book burnings.

        ISIS, because the destruction of historical art is something ISIS always did when invading a region, they always went to museums and other places and destroyed art that reminded of a time before social ju I mean ISIS invaded, and if they would invaded the US they would do the same thing as the marxist terrorists right now.


        First and foremost they remind me of spoiled, petulant children.

        A plague of rats.

        A disease.

        A parrot.

        A broken record.

        A time bomb waiting to go off.

        Bullies with gang mentality.

        A mob of rabid hyenas.

        A plague of rats.  (Yeah, I know I said that once.  I’m reinforcing it).


        People who dish out criticism but cant take it


        selfish brats


        They remind me of those weak kids at school that were annoying, had no friends and were always snitching us to the teachers. They don’t like fun, they get easily emotional, they’re frustrated and want everyone to be a failure like them. I would never imagine that this kind of human being would have such evolution and become this huge movement of walking trash, all over the world.


        Middle and upper class twits LARPing at being revolutionaries.


        Most of them remind me of school bullies or punk-ass divas too chickenshit to face Maturity.

        The more sinister ones, however, remind me of the tyrants and gangsters I’ve observed when I lived in China, Philippines and Sri Lanka.


        More like the weasels that hides behind the bully encouraging them


        Clownfish cracked the code who these bastards are who have been ruining our media

        (Pop CANCEL Culture! Comic Book Industry ‘Whisper Network’ is REAL?!)

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by SyFyZero.
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