What Do You Do When An Anime Doesn’t Fully Satisfy You?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime What Do You Do When An Anime Doesn’t Fully Satisfy You?

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    For a writer, you re-write it to satisfy yourself.


    Off topic, but I just watched a film review of Candyman by Josiah and Mike and Mike said the very same thing that you did: The Set-Up is there, but the punchline is missing. These writers do everything right and it falls apart in the end because they don’t know how to Close out. They don’t know how to be a closer. They don’t know how to finish. They can’t properly write an ending or a conclusion. You really see this in shows, too, as the first episodes or first seasons will be good and then, it trails off and burns out.

    So, this would be good research for writers. Which would be the best movie endings? Which were the best endings to novels and books? What were the best conclusions and why? What stories did fully satisfy you? To answer this question, one might look back on other posts to see people who said that a movie did not need a sequel because there was really no where else to go. Some others say this about books, that some books do not need a movie. Or that some Universes do not need an Extended Universe. So, a good content creator might make a video saying something like: here are 5 examples of good quality endings and finishes that satisfy.

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    Well, I think a big reason for those (at least more so in tv shows, manga, anime etc.) is that writers cant be sure if the show will continue, there is no guarantee if it going to get new seasons, more books etc. Why would you waste time thinking that far ahead if there is a risk that a show wont get enough views and will be closed just after 1st season or just after few episodes? A lot of mangakas often have only rough idea how their manga will go or what ending it will have when they start just because of that. If manga becomes popular they can be forced to milk it for a very long time or they can just do it because maybe they dont believe they will ever create something that popular after that it ends. Its just a job security. Does it excuse bad writing? No, I dont think so, but it is what it is.

    In movies, well, its all about money. I mean, Joker movie doesnt need a sequel, but its almost guarantee that a lot of people gonna see it, right? Star Wars wasnt made with a sequel in mind too. Well, right now in hollywood they think more about how can they push an agenda rather than a good writing. I dont think they care if ending is good or bad.

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