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Tagged: power rangers, superhero fanfiction
@skyh0und28, the human stupidity hits too close to home, my mom hated when i watched Power Rangers 😂 The only time i got to watche Power Rangers uninterrupted as a kid was at my grandpa’s house
So Kiwi Power Rangers actress; Emma Lahana (my current Power Rangers crush) who played the Yellow Dino Thunder ranger in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder worked on the show in 2003 in New Zealand that was then never broadcasted in her home country for being too violent….yet New Zealand at the same time shot Lord of the Rings there also around the same time…and were able to show that in their country?
Also, speaking of ridiculous double standards, for someone who was so concerned about TV violence being inapropriate for kids to watch, my mom had no problem with me watching anime filled with tits and ass… yeah, i don’t get it
A Power Rangers I think DigiCat might like…..the SPD Cat ranger
🙀🙀🙀 Soooo Coooool!!!!!!!!!
One of my favorite Rangers is Wild Force White Ranger 🐯
The Wildforce White Tiger Ranger was one of my biggest Power Ranger crushes along with Taylor the Yellow Wildforce Eagle ranger when I was a kid…heck both of them are still my ranger crushes now 😀❤️❤️