What is the American Spirit?

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      There is much talk of the American spirit at all times and I think it’s meaning has become clouded and often intentionally so.  But almost 250 years later that rebellious spirit still exists today, although it it waning.

      Many people think the American spirit is bravado or foolish overconfidence.

      At heart what it actually is can be distilled down to 1 word. Sacrifice.

      The founding fathers believed in freedom.  A state of being granted by God. Sure, they collectively fought about many ideas and how one thing or another would work and even a few of them we not Christians.  But they all agreed on one thing.  Freedom.  And they would do ANYTHING in the name of it.  This needs to be understood.

      Unlike people today, who often calculate defending something based on how hard it might be.  The founding fathers came to the conclusion they rather die on their feet than live on their knees.  This is almost a foreign concept today.

      This is why the spirit of men is so attacked today. The nature of a man and his role is sacrifice. The farse that is “toxic masculinity” is a direct attack on the rebellious and defensive spirit of a man.  Men lead rebellions and will gladly die for the effort.  That is a tale as old as humanity.

      The forces of evil and tyranny fear people who will sacrifice for others because that is not something they are willing to do as they always prioritize the self.

      The American Spirit is sacrifice and sacrifice for others for the common good.  Just as Jesus commanded.

      “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”–John 15:13

      George Washington kill you


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