What the Hell Garry you should be nice to Mindless Entertainment watch the video

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions What the Hell Garry you should be nice to Mindless Entertainment watch the video


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    What the hell Garry 🤔 watch this video people that was messed up on so many levels what Garry did to her . Give her love and support everyone


    All hail Jessie 🏛️🏹🌄


    Stuff like this is why I didn’t go to the meetup. I have ZERO interest in being around other people’s drama. Period! It’s frankly why I don’t go to pretty much any event. Cosplay events, Fandoms, etc. People and their petty drama, and then it get’s put online for the entire world to see.

    Though I probably don’t know all the fact about this, it seems pretty immature to not pull her aside and address it privately like an adult. Had there been an issue with her showing up the first day, it should have been addressed then.


    Two sides to every story, but he really should address this. To my eyes this looks REALLY bad. I detest bullying and that’s kind of how this looks.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by ThatOldGuy.

    Who is this? What’s with the crocodile tears and unbuttoned shirt?

    I’ll offer benefit of the doubt that she feels this is the only way to get Gary’s attention; but it’s not the best way.


    I am not going to give my opinion, because as another YouTuber I don’t wanna get into the middle of other people’s drama.

    But I will say, this probably has to do with Jessie’s involvement and drama with Tom from Midnight’s Edge, and Tom is one of Gary’s boys.

    That is the connecting dots I see.

    K, I’m out.


    Yet I saw a vid when Jeremy came out of the bar and greetings Jeff (WCBS) & Jessie (Mindless Entertainment).

    …this probably has to do with Jessie’s involvement and drama with Tom from Midnight’s Edge

    This I have no idea happened.


    I see this “division” as being exactly what others/SJWs/NPCs want.  “United we stand, divided we fall.”



    Maybe Gary had a bad day and didn’t know or realize he was having an outburst at someone he shouldn’t be doing it to. Gary did say once in a video that he had ADHD and I bring this up as I might have it because I was described by someone who had a son who had it say I might have it because I was alot like her son.

    And sometimes I lose my temper and yell at people who don’t deserve it when I am stressed out too. Angry is hard to control for people with ADHD and Gary is no exception also add in the stress he has to deal with from his wife losing her business recently she had for over decade in San Fransisco, the stress of being a father to two boys and one who  has mild autism and has struggles with it…..stress isn’t gonna be something that Gary can deal with.

    Also he had to move recently from San Fransisco to somewhere else because things are getting worse and worse for a place he called home for so long in his life.

    I’m not trying to defend what Gary did to Jessi as being right but I can only give a logical guess on how his mind might work which is similar to my own and why I might accidently snap at people sometimes and also factor in things from Gary’s own life that I know about that might cause stress for a 50 year old man in 2021.

    So my advice to Jessi which she’ll likely never see because she isn’t on this forum or website to see my advice is to not take it too seriously and he isn’t mad at her but Gary is just letting off some steam due to stress in his own life he has no real control over.

    I think everyone is a bit stress these days in what the future might hold for us.


    This whole thing makes me sad. Until now I thought Gary is an actual good guy, but it seems like he is just another adult pretender :(


      Seriously crocodile tears? That right there makes me wonder what is going on. You are a youtuber, you can edit video’s and redo them without the tears unless that is what you wanted to be seen. Next Yelling at you or just yelling so he can be heard in a crowded venue, which was it?  And YET AGAIN here we have TFM brought up, SERIOUSLY getting tired of that to make people look like they are part of something.

      Think I will wait to hear what Gary says and then make up my mind…. But as she an EVS are about the only two I have heard talking about it and EVS likes drame and fuels it. Ya I will wait on Gary if he even wants to say anything.

      Btw like Roas Said, connecting dots… If you caused  friend of mine grief and then showed up at my event, your ass would be removed as well.


      I am NOT kneeling for BLM and you can take that to Megan Rapinoe.


        Love how 2 years old these people are about wanting to lick Jesse’s clit as a cultist of her sexual Deprevity, about Gary was mean to her, piece of shite Neocon jew-elry, George the Giant Slayer Broke down in autistic mode how Hitler esct she was over there, invading The meet up uninvited, forceing her merchandise onto the table to sain, causing violent out burst like cognitive function of a 2 year old having a temper tantrum, for NOT getting her way at the party, and Jeff stood there like a betta cuck he is, because this situation,band not wanting to get involved   fer fear of losing that vagina of his.


        Especially Crucifying and insulting Mrs.Nerotic, (like the Jews she is)  about her as a Women, being punish for it by having a autistic son they have.


        Jewish law Stated, that Parents that has a disabled child are sinner from birth. Since Jesse Where her Jewish Law and Teaching like a Badge of honor, you know why she said that Mrs.N about having autistic child.


        That is one theory of mine based on Jewish Law since the Time of Babylon. Or even longer.


        For NOT getting her way being there, and told to multiple of times to leave  leave for being like Hitler invading Poland, The owner called the Cops to get her kicked out (because of never being taught by her parent how evil and disrespectful behaving that way her whole life, because it’s Jewish tradition to behave the way she did there at the meet up), by the owner for have a behavior of that of a cognitively dysfunctional mind of a 2 year old with a temper tantrum.


        Thus had to leave and never to go back here, because of her neocon Attitude she is born with, like many good Jewish people have that are Neocons, like Ben Shapiro. Who delight in Subjugation by manipulation and intimidation through fear and psychological and emotional pain, to either convert them or intimidate them to get what they want.


        What she is doing in that video is playing the victim card, by using the tactics That she is using to control you guys into supporting her and not Gary, just like the government is doing or Neocon religion do to convert people to her side and not on thd side of Common Sense Intelligence, that is Gary, for fear of be expose as the liers and fear monger that she is.


        So good on you to  indoctrinated yourself to her, sad puff piece, because she’s and excellent actress, manipulater and can manipulate anybody to her will. Like a good old Neo Marxist Conservative She is.


        TSWG, distance herself when she red pill about her apparently, and how she never have her on her channel, due to using TSWG channel political Neo Marxist or Neocon Political Messaging, to indoctrinate people into.


        My theory is they had a fall out, because Jesse intent was  to use TSWG Channel as a political platform to spread her political messaging of Neo Marxist Conservative of Neoconservatives I.E. Neoconism lebral hive mind about it teaching and philosophy of it as a missionary.


        Go ahead be the soy boys that wants to support her to hopefully have “metaphorically” have sex with but can’t. This is truly Fucked Up Ignorance when it comes to Common Sense teachings and The Intelligence from it.


        Well that’s That Fulks!!. Well that’s My Theory on this subject matter as to what has happening between those 2 as of late


        See ya! And Hail 199!!!!

        • This reply was modified 12 months ago by SuperDave.

        Why was this suddenly bumped? The few people taking her side don’t seem to post on this board anymore. So who are you addressing ?


        Also, Is Jessi even around anymore? This thread being bumped is the first time I’ve seen her name mentioned in a couple of years.


        @SuperDave : This was over 2 years old. Why did you come in here with a rant about it years later? What does anyone being jewish have anything to do with it?

        Very strange.


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