What the “pride flag” is actually a symbol of

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      If you look at what the political class does and how it moves from a macro level you notice a few things.  First is, they all move in unison with everything being predetermined and they will never contradict one another on anything.  Then they expect you to believe this is entirely organic.

      But beyond having a united front it seems to me there is absolute manipulation going on based on human nature.  For example the pride flag.  Look how often it is updated and with each iteration more groups are added.  Recently there was an attempt to add a symbol to it for “sex workers”.

      This is not at all organic and this is an example of how the political class attempts to unite different tribes as one for the purpose of being a voting block and a united force.  So what is going on here is different groups are loosely lumped together and shown that you are either 100% with ALL of the agenda or you are against it and must be attacked and ostracized.

      So the political class will put the “team” together and will decide which groups are part of it.  Then the identity of that of that team is pushed hard through media, political pandering and the like.  This plays on peoples innate selfishness where when goverment promises you X,  many will snap in line and happily join the team and defend it regardless of who is on it. And of course as we know it seems to be some part of human nature where we will identify with a team and want it to win even without specific promises.

      So at the end of the day you have groups that are only associated because they are told they are on the same team supporting and defending each other tooth and nail.  And this seems to happen no matter what groups are added to the team or how insane the agenda of the team becomes.  It’s all social engineering and manipulation to the point where this specific flag is more a political/team symbol more than anything at this point in my opinion.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.

      Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 12-55-33 a6828444adb96deb.jpeg (JPEG Image 768 × 503 pixels)


      It’s a profound and deep post and topic. It is overt and it is flagrant. Every group is given “Pride” except very few. For example, there are stories about something I did not know about, which is segregated graduation ceremonies for black people and brown people. This is done to maximize pride and it is based on ethnocentrism.

      Ethnocentric groupings is an excellent way to pit people off against each other. It’s very political and brilliant, if you want civil wars among groups. State backed factions. Caste systems. Brainwashed and propagandized group by group. Gays, blacks, browns, etc. And none of them are immune from the psyops. It makes you wonder if they realize that they are going to be told to hate and compete against the other teams, but one thing that you can be sure of if that the real power structure and authority will not be challenged. The blame will be placed sideways, but never up.

      It reminds me a lot of the first Divergent or Hunger Games. Team competition but the real power structure is never threatened while folks square off. Always against another faction or another location.

      There have already been articles about how gays are not queers are not trans are not bisexuals, so even in the genderqueer group, they have that fragmented and battling each other for perks as well. You have Gays Against Groomers. The Rainbow concept as an umbrella is not valid, but just an idea or construct.


        Good points @comicsgate.  I agree with all what you have said.

        Now lets not mince words.  This team thing happens with more than just 1 team.  People of all kinds and on all sides fall into this trap.  HOWEVER, there is but 1 team that is the current paradigm of power.  What is known as the radical left (which is supported by the uni-party not just Democrats)  is pushing all the agenda because it grants them influence, power and money (and serves the WEF’s goal of depopulation).

        The “woke” agenda is not organic and it is not an accident.  It is a Marxist agenda utilizing those same tools promising things to certain groups to get their support while celebrating other groups for the same reason.

        What these people do not realize is that if the system falls or is pushed over (as they wish for so often), there will be no utopia.  The privilege, safety and comfort they currently experience will evaporate over night and the equity they cried for so much will indeed occur.  But the masses will not be equal in success, they will be equal in suffering.


        Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 19-25-46 FwvjfYIX0AA3zyP (JPEG Image 1169 × 1647 pixels) — Scaled (46%)

        Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives
        The LGBTQ community has more flags than some countries but they tell everyone else that they are United?

        Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 19-25-55 FwqYID0WIAEJoV4 (JPEG Image 680 × 670 pixels)


        lol wtf is “bear” and why does it have a flag?


          Even more concerning is why does the lesbian flag have an axe on it?


          <p style=”text-align: left;”>My college doesn’t have a separate graduation for race, but they do have something called the “Lavender Graduation” for people in the LGBTQ groups, and I’m wondering what the point of that is, considering that they give you an option to have a pride tassel (or something like that, maybe it was a cord but whatever).</p>
          Also, why did they add intersex, which is a medical condition and not a sexuality, as well as black and brown, which is about race? Those aren’t even sexualities.

          Why does the lesbian flag have an axe on it? I’ve never seen a lesbian wield one before.


            “Also, why did they add intersex, which is a medical condition and not a sexuality, as well as black and brown, which is about race? Those aren’t even sexualities.”

            Read my initial post.  The entire thing is to try to unite certain groups into a voting block and a to control them through political means.


            I have a medical condition that is not well known by the general public so the left can’t use me to gain votes.


            According to the crazies on Twitter, I’m supposed to be asexual…which means that I’m not interested in romantic relationships. I would’ve thought that that in itself wasn’t a sexuality because you’re not into romantic relationships 🤔? I’m confused🤯!


            “The entire thing is to try to unite certain groups into a voting block and a to control them through political means.”

            Hit the nail on the head.


            “According to the crazies on Twitter, I’m supposed to be asexual…which means that I’m not interested in romantic relationships. I would’ve thought that that in itself wasn’t a sexuality because you’re not into romantic relationships 🤔? I’m confused🤯!”

            That’s the same logic with which some people call atheism a religion.
            Like you said, asexual isn’t a sexual orientation. It’s the absence of a sexual orientation.

            But that’s people for ya. People are dumb.


            Walk into a kindergarten or a children’s playground, and what are you likely to see? Primary colors everywhere.

            I no longer consider the colors of the flag in question a coincidence.


            I would not even trust pets around these people.

            they need a Bestiality flag.

            Maybe a Zoophilia flag.


            Screenshot 2023-05-27 at 04-57-18 b65cae5da7ef1f0c.jpeg (JPEG Image 568 × 752 pixels)

            Do not let your Gerbil around Richard Gere.

            Hamsters are not safe around him.


            Screenshot 2023-05-27 at 04-57-23 5625cc76b427ce6e.jpeg (JPEG Image 568 × 553 pixels)


            I was at Primark (which is a very big clothes store here in the UK) today and they’ve got their Pride stuff at the very far back. From what I could see, it was mainly for adults but I never looked in the children’s section. Oddly enough, it was right next to the Disney stuff. Not sure if that’s a coincidence given Disney’s current agenda…

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