What Was Your Introduction Into Anime?

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  • #161993

    HAHA Yeah, Outlaw Star was pretty good.

    I think I may have to see of they’ve got that on Animekissa.  I wouldnt’ mind watching that again after I finish off the last season of Hero Academia.


    I don’t remember exactly what the first anime I watched was but it was either DBZ or original Pokemon back in the late 90’s since I got into both around the same time. It was cool too because I had a small regular station-only tv on mine & my brother’s toy box so we’d watch Pokemon on that since it was on WB & with the tv that had cable set up we’d watch DBZ on Toonami.


    Sadly I have watched it. I thought it was Shiro that was roped into the gay relationship? Regardless I wish it would have come out at another point in history because other than the SJWness of it, I did like most of the show. Nothing beats the original though. That original Voltron theme is one of the best themes ever created. When that music starts you get pumped up because you know Voltron is about to kick some ass. You don’t get that feeling on the new show…


    I remember racing home from football practice and ignoring my family for an hour while watching DBZ on toonami. Even if dinner was ready I would just eat it cold, didn’t matter how tired or sweaty I was from practice, I was watching DBZ. From there anime has just held a larger piece of my heart as time goes on. Now my family and I practically watch anime exclusively. My wife has exited her repressed shell from her childhood and enjoys it just as much if not more than myself. And my son watches everything under the son that we allow, some stuff he’s going to have to age up into, but he loves it all. Makes me very happy to have people to share this with, because as a kid and even when I was a younger adult I don’t think I ever realized just how much I hide away my love for anime. Not on purpose but just as a reflex I guess, something that carried over from my youth. Now days I talk about it with whoever will listen, and it’s awesome. Wow this got a little long winded.


      Was expose to to it WAY back. I had a japanese friend back since Preschool and every time I go to his house, i would get expose to all crazy Japanese anime, manga, or Tokusatsu(shows like ultraman, super sentai, kamen rider). So I knew about many anime before they were expose to mainstream western audience. My friend also had Japanese tv with japanese channels so I watched those. lol


      The Pokemon Anime, 8:00am every weekday, watched before I went to school.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by LiamKhan.

      I kinda figured that


      Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon and Saint Seiya. Those were the anime that opened the door for me to the world of japanese animation.


      Well, I think I was watching anime before I knew it was called “anime”, like Battle of the Planets (“G-Force”) for example but I first connected the two with Sailor Moon Dragon Ball back in the early 90s. When I was in high school, my first boyfriend introduced me to Ranma 1/2, Gundam (but the one I liked with my friends was Gundam Wing), Berserk, Cowboy Bebop… Oh those were the days.


      Danm I’m old. My oldest memory about anime is Robotech.


      Dragon Ball Z was, for sure, my gateway anime.

      Then I joined my high school’s anime club and got introduced to more anime than I can remember

      …then they elected me president of the club

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Verkano.

      As a kid I remember watching Robotech but only when I was older did i see a true anime for the first time, a movie called Ninja Scroll 😲 in the first few minutes a whole bunch of guys get murdered and someone drinks a guys blood from a severed arm OMFG than it skips over to a chick bent over and moaning…my dad didn’t like that so I had to watch DBZ instead lol.

      And that version of Ninja Scroll was the Australian TV version.



      I think (in hindsight) it was some of the cartoons that were clearly anime based (but dubbed), as has been mentioned BotP etc. Actually maybe even Transformers/MASK? all looked light years ahead of the chuff that came before it.

      First actual Anime? That would be Fist of the Northstar, my mate put it on and I was like “OMG that guy is the bossest mother fucker I’ve ever seen” as a building falls on Kenshiro and just cuts in half LOLOL. Then I watched Overfiend, and as a teenager? well that set off a whole new train of thought.


      Probably Shaman King but i didn’t even realize it was an anime at the time. Just caught it on sundays on tv. My first real introduction was Sword Art Online


        I love Ranma 1/2! Ive been watching it since i was way younger then i shoul’ve been

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