What Was Your Introduction Into Anime?

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    Speed Racer and then Tranzor Z, this was before I knew what Anime was as a kid watching those early reruns, then came Voltron and Robotech, but when I saw first of the North Star, everything changed :)


    Ranma 1/2 was pretty decent, will agree there. Totally watched it as a teenager, but it has been a while.


    (hello all, first post, BTW)

    For me, it was most likely Voltron. Then I started seeing Dragonball/DBZ, and the anime that aired on Toonami. Then a friend and an ex-girlfriend introduced me to japanese dubs of those shows and new anime, and I never looked back.

    Today though, I am happly married to a woman who also introduced me to more anime! Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase was what got us together, and Sailor Moon was what kept us together.


    I watched Star Blazers when I could as a kid, didn’t watch a lot until much later and found Cowboy Bebop and Dragon Ball Z, But Star Blazers was first.


    Same here. About Star Blazers that is.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by chris_mead1.

    At first, I really didn’t like Sword Art Online.  But after I got past my first initial impressions of it, I started to like it a lot more.  Another good one of this genre is Log Horizon.   I haven’t really watched any of the . (dot) shows tho.


    Macross was really way back.  That was airing back when I was in 6th grade.  It was a really good show tho.  Large, epic battles.  Tho, I don’t remember…what her name Minmay?  She got on my nerves a lot.

    [Edit] The shame of that show tho, is that they didn’t copyright their mechs.  They got taken and used for a lot of other things.  Including a transformers toy. [/Edit]

    Guyver is one of my all time favorites.  And I bought some of the American version of the comics.  Tho they were hard to find in the midwest.  I think I liked the second version of it more tho.

    Record of Lodoss War was really good too.  If you liked it, you might enjoy Bastard!  It’s an old 80’s style, that had quite a few Hair Band and DnD references to it.

    Another good one is Goblin Slayer.  Tho… the first episode may not be for everybody.  It got pretty gritty, and featured a r*pe scene.  Tho the rest of the episodes are really good, and don’t take it to that level.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DarkeWolf. Reason: added comments

    I remember the old Ghost in the Shell movie.  I watched it as a rental back when BlockBuster was still around.  Really good show.

    Appleseed is always great.  The artwork in them is just absolutely fantastic.  The characters are always likable.  And the action is just… oh hell yeah!


    I went out and bought a gameboy, just so that I could play that.  I bought Red, and my best friend bought Blue.  Then we traded off pokemon.

    I remember us going to a small pokemon con they had, so that we could get Mew.  I took third in the level 70+ tournaments :D

    The cartoons were really good, but I especially liked the movies.  Very heroic, and extremely touching.  The soundtracks were really, really good at the time too.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DarkeWolf.

    I remember Battle of Planets.  Absolutely loved that show when I was a kid.  Especially how the spaceship turned into a firebird.

    There’s a Japanese version of it, under a different name.  Tho I haven’t watched it.  I can’t remember the name, so I never can look for it LOL.

    I really, really have to wonder if the robot in that show was what inspired the design for R2D2.


    Slayer-  It might have been Shiro.  I’m just horrible with names.

    Yeah, I really wish that it would have come out a few years earlier too.  There was just too much “girl power” being shoved in my face for me to enjoy a lot of it.  They had the tech to do a lot with the robeasts too, which they…didn’t.

    Oh man, the original soundtrack.  Heck yeah, that was awesome.  It gave us the same pump up that later kids got off of Power Rangers.  And the Blazing Sword.  All us kids wanted one of those!

    I dunno if you’ve seen the reboot of ThunderCats.  It was pretty good.  They did do some alterations with some of the characters.  And clearly, it grew with the times as some of their personalities changed.  But it was an enjoyable watch.

    (Edit) And no, I don’t mean ThunderCats Ho (Edit)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DarkeWolf.

    I watched a lot of Pokemon.  I really, really like the games.  I’ll even break out a ROM of it, and play it for a while on my laptop now and then.   DragonBallZ is always good.  Digimon was pretty good too.

    Naruto is really good, tho once I started getting into Shipudden, I really started to get annoyed with it.  All the CONSTANT story breaks, either for sidestories, flashback stories, or just outright annoyances, it got to the point where the main story was literally just a break in the side stories.  Which is sad, cuz I really liked Naruto.

    If you like Naruto, and you like DragonBallZ you might try watching Bleach if you haven’t seen it.  It ends up getting really OP the way that way that DBZ does, but it’s a really good story.


    Akira was just an absolute cult classic.  There are youngsters today that fall in love with that one.

    BDZ is always great.  Tho I’m not that great of a fan of Super.  Tho I’m really glad to see some of the other old characters come back in it. (Edit) ACK!  My dyslexia kicked in!  That’s supposed to be “DBZ”  LOL!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DarkeWolf.

    My intro to DBZ was on Toonami.  I THINK they were playing the Cell Games, when I first caught it.

    But yeah. I was hooked immediately.  From that point I kinda watched it in reverse tho.  Went from Cell Games to the Freeza Saga, back to the Saiyajin episodes.  Not really the way that I wanted to do it, but it was difficult to find them at the time.  Most of the time they were rented out at the stores.


    Ninja Scroll was REALLY good.  That was back when anime was truly anime.  Lots of blood, guts, and gore.

    You might like the old Devilman.  It was another blood and guts anime, and by today’s standard, some of it was waaaay over the top :D

    Tho I dunno if you can find it now, without sailing a ship.

    I remember Robotech.  That show was just epic for it’s time.  Tho, I wasn’t much for all the singing and whining.  Hated it tho that it came on after I’d have to leave for school.

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