What Was Your Introduction Into Anime?

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    Berserk was the one that did it for me.


    I was staying at a friends house recovering and he asked me if I had ever heard of Berserk.  I said no, he was like ohhh dood!

    I binge watched the whole thing it was so damn good!  The subjective nature of this show was fucking off the charts!

    Even in its subjective nature I knew what was going on and being said between the two.  I won’t do any spoilers for those who have never seen this GEM!


    Geez, I’m old, but Robotech was my first ever intro though it was a mashup of Macros.  Can’t remember if Voltron counts?

    The first real anime I watched was Sailor Moon though.  It was mind blowing b/c I hadn’t really seen villains die in cartoons and the one episode where Malachite dies shook me; I remember thinking he’s got to come back next episode right?  In the season finale, the English dubbed version  had each of the scouts saying “they were tired/depowered and going to rest” after battles; but at this point, I knew they were supposed to have died!


    If we’re talking about the animation style of anime, then that would be about half of the cartoons from the 80s. Thundercats, Silverhawks, The Real Ghostbusters were just some of the cartoons that I loved in the 80s that were done in that anime style. Voltron of course being the first Japan to US anime adaptation that I ever watched. Those shows got me interested but it wasn’t until I watched Gundam Wing in 2000 that I became interesting in actual anime shows.


      I grew up watching the French dub Ojamajo Doremi, but I didn’t know it was anime. What really got me into anime was Bleach when I was 11/12.


      My first exposure to anime would have to be bits and pieces of Pokemon however, Gundam was really what got me into anime as a whole. Amazing mechanical designs and the fact you got to see giant robots blowing each other up was amazing when I was really young. Now that I’m older, I absolutly love the over-arching narritive of the “anti-war” part of it. Now, what do i mean by “anti-war”, and I can probably hear people smashing away on thier keyboard saying. “it is a big war with giant mechs, how is it even considered an anti-war story”.  When you take a deep dive in the charecter development of the series, you tend to see that, there really isnt a “good side” or a “bad side”, there is just a war that people, with probably relatable views on life, fight for what they think is right. Now that being said, there are very evil charecters that exsist in the Gundam franchise, though I don’t really want spoil bits and parts of each show, so I will make them kinda vage but try to leave a few hints here and there. There are two charecters that come to mind that want to do a mass genocide, some that betray friends more than enough times. I would highly recommend to take a look at Gundam as a whole and see what stories you like. there is one main timeline that exsists called, “Universal Century” which is where the main show has its roots, and there are other alternate universes that take place in thier own timeline. For example, Gundam Wing being in the “After Colony” timeline.


      I can’t remember mine but it was either Flames of Recca or Fushigi Yugi.


      Oh this old times( Joking) My first Anime was Sailor Moon, then Dragonball, then a few anime movies  i can´t remeber. Princess Momonoke,first Anime Film, I love it even now(2020 best anime). I seen so much, oh yeah he he Akira. Yeah and One Piece ( BS incoming .)


      Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind…back when it was called Warriors of the Wind in its first dubbing attempt in the 80s.


      For me…it is these two films. Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland and My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro).  As for anime series…it would have to be Voltron and then Ronin Warriors (Samurai Troopers).


      Tonari no Totoro



      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by skyh0und28.

      My first introduction was Akira under the MANGA banner that released in the UK many many years ago, I followed that up with the month VHS release of Guyver. I bought every episode as they released it here in the UK, I think after that it was followed up with Appleseed and Patlabor. Ahh the good old days :D

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by banthasalesman. Reason: spelling

      Watched few anime whiteout even understanding difference between anime and cartoons what got me in to anime was game MS Gundam Zeonic front looked fore more info and rest is history.

      Although I remember watching Robotech when I was little kid whit my brother so that’s definitely first.


        Technically the 1st anime I watched were german dubbed versions of Heidi, Girl of the Alps and Maya the Honey Bee as a very young child, but to me they were just cartoons like all the others we had back then (like old Disney and Looney Tunes), there were other anime shows afterwards like Transformers, Captain Future, Saber Rider etc. which I also just viewed as cartoons. So I would say the 1st anime I recognized as something made in japan and that made me interested in anime in general was Sailor Moon, which I watched secretly as it was considered a girls cartoon, and the german dub and censorship emphasized on that, making it more girlier than it originally was.


        Dragon Ball Z on Toonami. Though I didn’t know it was anime until many years later. Had no idea it was from Japan, I just knew I loved it. I remember the days when all Toonami had were the Ocean dub episodes, so they’d just start over after they got to I think episode 54. I’d watch Sailor Moon occasionally too, but never watched it like DBZ. Wasn’t into Pokemon at the time either, so that didn’t interest me.


        Fist Of The North Star was the first anime I sat through. Then I caught a broadcast of Wicked City on some late night channel – you can imagine how crazy an experience that one was for a guy new to Anime.

        Before that the closest thing might’ve been when I saw The Last Unicorn in the theater as a kid – arguably anime in some shape. After that I sat with an episode or so of Voltron on T.V. here or there. But Fist of the North Star opened the gates for me in earnest.


        As soon as I read the name ” Malachite”, I had to jump right in and respond.

        You clearly saw the horrible DiC english dub. Unless someone recently told you about the original Japanese dub, or informed you about Viz Media’s re-dub, or even read the re-released manga or watched Sailor Moon Crystal, you have not seen the actual series the way it was meant to be seen. If I’m wrong, please correct me.

        But, I just had to jump in, because it completely blows my mind that in 2020 there are still people who’s seen Sailor Moon, but never, ever, knew that in recent years Viz Media re-dubbed the 1990’s anime to follow MUCH CLOSER to the Japanese dub. Nothing is cut out, Usagi is Usagi, Luna doesn’t sound like an old english woman stereotype, Zoisite was a DUDE, Kunsite was NOT named something else, Sailors Uranus and Neptune are still lesbian lovers, they’re Sailor Guardians and not the PC sounding “scouts”, and we FINALLY, after forever in a day and long overdue, got the “Stars” season in english!

        As you can tell, I am extremely passionate about this franchise, and yes I’m a guy, and it’s the reason why me and my wife (who for some reason looks back on the terrible 90’s/2000’s dub with fondness) are together. But as I said, please correct me if you were informed and/or seen/read any of the product as it was intended.

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