What would you bring to life if you had the Cupboard from Indian in a Cupboard

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    Have any of you ever seen that 1990s movie called Indian in a Cupboard?

    If you have then I will give you all a brief summary which is that a kid gets a magical cupboard on his birthday, and when he puts his toy plastic Native American warrior figure in it….the cupboard turns his toy into a real breathing little person…here is a clip to help you guys see what I am talking about.

    So what would you guys put into the magic cupboard if had it like what toy of yours would you bring to life?

    For me if I had the cupboard from Indian in the cupboard I might bring to life:

    All my Batman action figures

    My Godzilla figures

    My Darth Vader figure

    My Spiderman figure

    My Superman figure

    My Spawn figure

    My Luke Skywalker figure

    My Captain Kirk figure

    My Spock Mego figure

    My White Ranger and Red Zeo Ranger Tommy figures

    My Dino Megazord figure

    My Green Lantern figures

    My Indominious Rex Figure

    My Captain America figure

    My Ironman figure

    My Wolverine figure

    My Cyclops figure

    My Deadpool figure

    My Optimus Prime figure

    My Megatron figure

    My Cheetar figure

    My Mighty Morphin Red Ranger figure

    My Hellboy figure

    My Bob from Reboot action figure

    My Boba Fett figure

    My TMNT figures

    My Yoda figure

    My Darth Maul figure

    My Groot figure

    and these are the other figures I would bring to life if I had a growth sizer to make them life sized for more…..different reasons that relate to certain fun that only adults can do.

    My Jessica Alba Invisible Woman figure

    My Faora Un Man of Steel Figure

    My Scarlett Johansson Black Widow figure

    My Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger figure

    My Wonder Woman figure

    My Shae Vizla 3 inch action figure

    and if Hasbro ever decides to do a Lightning Collection Kira Ford Dino Thunder Yellow Ranger action figure…..I would definitely bring her to life since she is my current crush.

    So what would you guys bring to life if you guys had the Cupboard from Indian in the Cupboard?


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Megazord_Jeremy. Reason: Spelling error

    Since the cupboard transforms toys/replicas into the real thing…


    Star Trek Tricoder (medical & scientific)

    Star Trek phaser

    Star Wars lightsaber

    Green Lantern ring


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Legatus_Legionis. Reason: my post keeps disappearing

    WTF.  it does not like my reply.


    since it keeps everything the same size, I would put in adult sized replicas:

    Star Trek tricorders

    Star Wars lightsaber

    Green Lantern ring (the Kyle Raynors that did not need recharging)


    That would be for starters.



    I like your think 🤔😀

    I would love a real working Green Lantern Ring



    Yay, trying to think of things that would fit in that enclosed space, and being usable/benefits me.

    I was think of a Jedi and Sith holocron, but since we don’t have midichlorians in our blood their knowledge would not be usable.


    A ST:TNG tablets?  the information on it (to cures and designs and future events)


    As much as I would want to put in the character of “Q”, so it can bestow the powers on me, I am afraid such a being (made real) would do instead.

    We saw in the clip how those “toys” began fighting each other (as is the nature of the characters the toys were based on).





    What if I put in a toy like Dr. Strange? He might know a way of defeating Q, and if I put in Dr. Fate, and other good guy wizard type of characters they could think of a way of maybe controlling Q or taking away some of his powers?

    Also what if I put…..Galactus in or Thanos?

    I wonder could Q defeat either of those two?


    Great topic. Creative thinking. Very first thing in front of me is a miniature arch-angel.


      Well since it does bring things back to life, I would put in the Wax figures of Our Founding Fathers.
      Sit back with my Bourbon and a Fine Cigar and watch them take back the county.

      When they are finished, Before they go back have then Amend and Clarify a few things so that SCOTUS and other Courts can never “interpret with their ideology” our Constitution again.

      Of all the things I kept thinking about from when i saw this thread yesterday, this to me would be the funnest and most fulfilling.

      Oh ya and a Genie, I would use the wishes like this.
      1. All wishes to be protected and unable to do harm upon me.
      2. To be a “Q”
      3. Back in the Lamp Genie.

      Oh ya I put thought in to “Q” FOR MANY years and how to pull it off.  Now that I am a Q let the fun begin.



      A vast majority of my soft toys. I’ve a LOT😂 and I think it’d be interesting to see them act in a ‘Toy Story’-like manner.



      Actual that sounds kinda adorable and this is coming from a dude, having stuffed animals come to life would be like having a pet in a way. Imagine bringing a Teddy Bear to life and taking him out for a walk or drinking bear with him like he was Ted the Teddy Bear lol 😂😀

      I might bring my Detective Pikachu plush to life just to see if he can talk and sound like Deadpool? Lol 😂😀



      Thank you for the praise 😀


      Oh I just thought up a few more things I might put in to bring to life….I would put in my Power Rangers in Space morpher and see if that becomes real and if I can morph into the Green Space Ranger?

      and I have a Marvel Legends Stan Lee action figure I might put that in the cupboard to see if I can…….bring Stan Lee back? There are lots of people who miss Stan Lee including myself and maybe the cupboard bring him back by turning my action figure of him into him even if he would be only 6 inches.




      My inflatable sex doll.



      I’ve seen the first Ted film which was hilarious🤣 but not the second one. But yeah, I’d like to see if they’d have the personalities that I “gave” them when I was a kid or not.

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