What’s the difference between conspiracy and fact?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions What’s the difference between conspiracy and fact?

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      About 6 months at this point.

      Banning Gas Stoves-conspiracy


      Conspiracy – anything the right has to say, regardless how factual/truthful it is.

      Fact – anything the left (and their “experts”) says, regardless how false/misleading it is.


        I don’t think it’s always left and right.  I know it falls that way most times but I think it is more accurate to say establishment vs. anti-establishment.  It’s just that left is in support of the establishment which is historically ironic.


        Alex used to say over and over again to break the left/right paradigm. Trump was a good result of that, but now, I’m not so sure he is happy with the results.

        The following video is not even 1 minute long. Luke of WeAreChange talks about how the truth is gone from our discourse forever.

        It’s very clear theater is used to shape incidents and for public reaction, regardless of any facts. Not sure if it was BlackPilled or BlackPidgeon but one of them played a clip of Abbie Hoffman cackling like The Joker about how he could use media to manipulate people. I have read other comments from some of the better MemeLords that they layman has become an expert in Agitation Propaganda. Steve Bannon once talked about a media cycle strategy that is used whenever there is a bit of panic or whenever the authority feels that it’s losing it’s grip on Manufactured Consent, and he says what they do is flood the media with stories to knock out one they don’t like. Bannon was not very specific or I missed the example of it.

        One thing that is wild about these wars is how many stories that have been put out, and are then claimed as false, even though the media already ran with them. Before anyone can possibly know the truth, the governments have already fleeced and looted the public of Billions and billions of dollars.


          “Alex used to say over and over again to break the left/right paradigm.”

          Alex Jones figured this stuff out decades before anyone else.  I mean, the tag line for Infowars was “There is a war for your mind”.  Infowars is a prophetic name and so is their tag line.  Jones got it long ago.  Yes he is whacky and animated but this does not invalidate what says.

          “The following video is not even 1 minute long. Luke of WeAreChange talks about how the truth is gone from our discourse forever.”

          That’s a bit of hyperbole.  I agree that as things sit truth is rare and it could be gone for some time.  But there is always a next phase (until the Lord returns).  So even if the US becomes a literal tyranny something will come next.  The phase we are about to go into (whatever it maybe) is as temporary as the phase we are coming out of.

          “One thing that is wild about these wars is how many stories that have been put out, and are then claimed as false, even though the media already ran with them.”

          This is so true and it blows my mind.  And clearly that is not journalism that is just propaganda.  But they only do that when it favors there agenda.  Otherwise it’s a whole lot of wait and see.

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