What’s your first Superhero memory?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions What’s your first Superhero memory?

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      Well, i’ve been on this site for 4 days, and’ve started 3 topics (guess i’m already addicted). The topic that gained the most interest was What’s your first Pokémon memory, so since you seemed to like it, i’ve decided to start another, this time for Superheroes!

      My first Superhero memory’s watching re-runs of the X-Men Animated Series, my favorite X-Men was (and still is) Beast, probably ’cause little 3 year old me saw him as a big fluffy blue teddy bear who also kicked butt :D, haven’t watched the series in a while, so please correct me if i say something stupid, but i think another reason i liked him’s ’cause he would often look after the other X-Men.

      Happy to hear more first Superhero memoriy stories!


      Cool Topic, thanks DigiCat :)

      Gawd, that’s been so long that I can’t remember my first.  I guess, if you count cartoons, my first super hero experience was G Force on early morning cartoons. Or at least that’s the earliest one that I can remember.

      I think my first comic I ever tried to draw was like 3 pages of panels on typing paper.  I was like…7 or 8 at the time.  It as based off Rom Spaceknight, from Marvel.  LOL.  (oops, just looked it up, it started December 1979, so I was 8 then, I guess I would’a been 9 when I drew it).

      No they weren’t stick figures, either ;) ;P  But hey, everybody has to start somewhere.



      Superman (1978), because I’m old as fuck. Reeves is and always will be Superman. Don’t get me wrong, I think Cavill NAILS the role and looks amazing as Super but his continual frown (admittedly, that’s the writing)? Pisses me off, Superman is bad ass hope not angsty bullshit.


      I remember those days.  Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor.  Back when htey had to shave his head to make him bald.

      Reeves will always be a legend.

      That was back in the days when we had a Wonder Woman TV show.  Had the Million Dollar Man, and had re-runs of the really old Batman and Robin with the “Holy XXX Batman!”


      A giant Spider-Man puzzle on the wall. It was my brother’s. I was a baby. I wondered in awe at this giant Spider-man on the wall, what it was, who

      it was, and what it was all about.


      This was Spider-Man on TV in my day…




      My grandfather fought in the European Theater of World War Two. You would have had a tough time convincing six year old me that he was not secretly Captain America. Like Cap himself would have had to show up with a newspaper from 1945 with a picture of himself and my grandpa on the front page. :-)




      HA!  Oh yeah, I remember that show too!

      I remember those twin towers sticking up in the background, as well.  I used to have pictures of them that I’d taken from the ferry, on the way over to Liberty Island.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by DarkeWolf.

        Thanks for sharing so many cool stories! This is why i love Geeks and Gamers <3

        happy beast


          Power Rangers


            Two memories actually.  I was a child in the 70s.    The first was Spiderman on the Electric Company and the second was back then they had a web shooter you would strap to your wrist and it would shoot suction-cup darts.  I could remember running around the military base apartments using that.





            In fact, that puzzle I believe WAS an Electric Company Puzzle, with Spider-man!


            Honestly? This.

            In retrospect I don’t think this show has aged very well at all, but it’s still a treasure to me because it introduced me to Spider-Man, Marvel and superheroes in general. I adored this show as a kid. As it turns out, my dad and his brother were into the 60’s cartoon when they were growing up (both of them even learned how to play this classic theme on the piano, and still do now and then). Their parents even went so far as to record every episode for them to rewatch, and then they did the same for me for the 90’s show for whenever my family paid them a visit.

            These days I ultimately prefer the DC Animated Universe for it’s vastly superior animation and much tighter narratives, but I do have a fondness for the other Marvel cartoons of the 90’s, such as Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four season 2, and of course, X-Men.


            A kick from Spiderman in black suit


            Probably the 80s GiJoe cartoon and the Transformers cartoon. Not technically super hero but thats what got me to stop playing with my SW toys on Sat mornings.

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