What’s your guilty pleasure music?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Music What’s your guilty pleasure music?

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    Trashcast is my ultimate guilty pleasure. I know EVS is a total fucking asshole, I’ve had spats with him on twitter myself, he disrespects many people who aren’t deserving of it. But I can’t look away from this train wreck. I know it’s kinda f*cked up to post this in these parts, congrats to the Rippaverse getting a huge win today with Yaira. But this was the most god damned funny shit I’ve seen on a live cast in forever.

    EVS takes John Malin on the weirdest conversational journey ever, talking about boning their wives in a wolf costume in the most matter of fact manner, and Johns just going with it like it’s a perfection rational conversation, then after all the bizarre lines of questions EVS finally gets Malin to say “Sure why not, I’ll fuck my wife in a wolf costume” and BOOM… Hungry like the wolf plays.

    (should timestamp right to 3:47:00)

    And let’s be real, the song itself is up there with some of the best guilty pleasure songs ever:


    Liked one song by them.
    Can’t even remember which one it was.


    When it comes to the music I listen to, I wouldn’t say there are any songs I would necessarily categorize as a “guilty pleasure”. With that being said, I think there are some on my playlist that people would be surprised to know that I listen to. For example, in the past few months, I have found myself getting into early 2000s Eminem as believe it or not, I have never listened to his stuff until recently. My favourite so far is “Without Me”. Christina Aguilera is another artist that I have taken a liking to. Like with Eminem, I have gravitated more towards her older works like “Genie in a Bottle” and “Candyman” and I have appreciated the style of those music videos and how colour was utilized to create this nostalgic/retro vibe. “Rap God” by Eminem also showcases this to a great extent.






    My luv for this aircraft will never die.


    That AirWolf theme is an all time great. Way underrated. It’s so SynthWave and futuristic. I also remember one called Blue Thunder about a helicopter.

    Next one is frustrating because I was trying to find the version from the Heroes TV show to go with it. In Heroes, the kid’s choir is singing it at some charity. I would call it a Guilty one because really, it’s king of childish and corny, but you hear it even once as a kid and it just sticks.







    Thought this was a Carol King Song.
    Hope that Dea Matrona covers it. Always liked it. Don’t know if I ever watched the show, but Golden Girls and Addams Family was like, every single line was a setup and punch. Lots of laughs.

    Thank You for Being a Friend
    Andrew Gold song and The Golden Girls theme song
    “Thank You for Being a Friend” is a song recorded by American singer Andrew Gold. It appears on Gold’s third album All This and Heaven Too. The song reached number 25 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1978.

    You might get a laugh out of the next one.
    There is a line where some husband runs off and becomes trans? WTF?
    This was before my time, too, I think.




    I find this song very cute, as well as the character

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