What’s your most anticipated games of 2020?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming General Gaming Discussion What’s your most anticipated games of 2020?

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  • #171441

    Subverse  *nudge nudge wink wink Okay, maybe its not 2020. Let’s see:

    • Gamedec
    • Love, Money, Rock’n’Roll
    • Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story
    • Fairy Tail
    • Cyberpunk 2077
    • Nier Replicant Remaster
    • Robotics;Notes Elite & Dash Double Pack
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Sajjux.

      At this point. I think giving money to Sony might be just as bad. if not worse, than giving it to Activision Blizzard.


        Ghost of Tsushima & Cyberpunk 2077.

        But I won’t be buying either until Holiday 2020, probably later than that for Cyberpunk 2077.

        Also, a plug for BioMutant, whenever it releases (currently unknown): I’m more interested in this game than even Cyberpunk 2077. I’ve literally been waiting for this game for years, the only game I’ve been genuinely excited about for a long time.


          So far, it’s been a remake and remaster year for me. New shit is just trash, mostly. haha

          What I am psyched for:
          BAYONETTA 3 (if it ever releases)
          Deadly Premonition 3
          Cyberpunk 2077

          If it releases this year, Nier Replicant
          I doubt it’s as good as Gestalt but I’ve always wanted to check out the other version of the story.
          (In Gestalt, the main character is a father trying to rescue his daughter. Replicant is, overall, the same story but you are a Brother trying to save his sister.)


            Buy it used and it doesnt.

            Me, I wont be getting a PS5 and I refuse to buy Sony exclusives but I’ll accept Sony getting their 30% until I can get a PC.


              If you have a PS3 (I think it’s on PC, as well), check out Nier Gestalt (or just Nier).

              In Japan, there were 2 version released, Gestalt and Replicant. They only released Gestalt in the west.
              The Nier Replicant remake coming is a remake of the Japanese Replicant version.
              Not a remake of the version released on the PS3 in the west.

              The big difference is the main character in Replicant is a boy trying to save his sister. In Gestalt, it’s a father trying to save his daughter.
              I also expect Kaine’s backstory to not be altered for the western release of Replicant remake like Gestalt

              In the Japanese versions, Kaine has some elements that some would see as pretty fuckin’ woke.
              The removed it from the western version because they thought the market wouldn’t like it. I’m always in the “Fuck Censorship” camp and was not okay with the change. I’ll be happy to see the correct version of that character presented but imagine they’ll be a few pretty pissed people in this community if they play it. not knowing. haha


              All I’m saying that there are plenty of games coming out that aren’t for or by Sony. For instance, New World is a PC exclusive. Simply because I choose to buy a game for PS4 doesn’t mean anyone else has to if they don’t want to. That’s purely up to the individual. All I’m asking is what game(s) people are looking forward to this year.


              Spiderman: Miles Morales was confirmed for this year? Genuinely asking, cause I don’t know the expected date lol.


              Speaking of BioMutant, I’m sure that you saw the gameplay trailer that was dropped. It looks really good, so that’ll definitely be on my list!


                That is true of course, which is why I’m glad Death end re;Quest 2 and Yakuza 7 are both coming to PC day 1, and I hope that will be the case Neptunia Virtual Stars, if a game I really want to play (none of Sony’s own shit) is only on PS4, I will buy it used.


                Says holiday 2020 in the announcement trailer, apparently it’s a launch title 👌


                Cyberpunk, for obvious reasons.


                I am really looking forward to, if they manage to come out, the reinvented versions of Demon’s Souls and Nier Replicant. Not quite certain I would play either anytime soon, but I do wish to see if, with the hype of Automata and the overall Dark Souls series behind them, people will try out these less wide-spread and popular games and enjoy them. Also, Nier Replicant with a better combat system and more thoroughly complete story compared to the original which ‘finished’ with some supplementary materials might be a really great game, assuming nothing bad (i.e. politics) affect it.

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