When did Star Wars Die for me (and you).

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      Like the title says; When did Star Wars Die for me (or you).

      I think background is important in this. Im am 52 years old my actual birthday is May 25th 1969, I share it with my Father <pretty neat huh>. Leading up to my 8th birthday was the commercials for this new show Star Wars. Like most kids my age we had some pretty good scifi for the time and this looked good.

      So on my Birthday dad and I went to see the movie, I truly thought Mr Lucas made a movie for me and my dad. I KNEW after seeing it he did. For those not alive that summer and really rest of the year it was about how many times you went and saw it in Theaters 37 for me. Luke was my Hero, Vader was evil and we got introduced to the only thing in the entire Universe(s) that could keep a secret R2.

      My top 10 Movies of all times are in this order:

      1.       Gone with the Wind

      2.       Empire Strikes Back

      3.       Outlaw Josey Wales

      4.       A New Hope

      5.       Jeremiah Johnson

      6.       Shawshank Redemption

      7.       Wizard of Oz

      8.       A Christmas Carol (1938)

      9.       Godzilla (1954)

      10.   Return of the Jedi

      I was Ok with the prequel Star Wars, they were NOT the original and truthfully, I really think Jarjar is what brought them down for me, didn’t need the stupid speak. They were still Star Wars and worked, it was still George Just no Luke and Leia or Han was a letdown for me.

      Then came that Horrible day where the Empire again rose on October 30, 2012. I now look at Georges Speech as not “A New Hope” but a Eulogy.

      “For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next,” said George Lucas, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lucasfilm. “It’s now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I’ve always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime. I’m confident that with Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy, and having a new home within the Disney organization, Star Wars will certainly live on and flourish for many generations to come. Disney’s reach and experience give Lucasfilm the opportunity to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, theme parks, live entertainment, and consumer products.”

      Solo was bad but forgivable had it been a one off, fans are forgiving of mistakes, Rogue was really good and could have been a great tie in to Episode 4 so much so I have argued with friends it should be part of the Lucas Universe as Episode 4 bumping New Hope to Episode 5. It felt Star Wars, It Smelled of Star Wars and it made me Smile and Hurt like Star Wars. It had the balls to Kill off all the good guys after making you love them.

      I even Liked “The Force Awakens” I was expecting a set-up for 8 and 9 and just wanted to see my childhood hero’s again and got them. It had a Star Warsish feel (ish) because a lot was not right and Mary Sue was it. I knew at the end of it something had changed.

      And then all the very open “wokeness” started coming out from under the covers and the rest is History.

      To me Star Wars stabbed and slowly started dying beyond forgiveness after the Farce Awokened.

      But there was hope. Luke in the Mandalorian made me cry, ya fuck you Pablo, 52 and cried and proud to admit it. I think I am in damn good company of millions of other fans who if they did not cry sure were punching the sky for Luke the Luke who we should have gotten in 8 and 9 FINALLY. The fans you hate you assholes at Disney, the Fans who spend BILLION have always been forgiving.

      Hell, I bet the Fans would forgive again because of the love for the story, but they will NEVER forgive or give it a chance as long as Kennedy, Pablo and their entire crews are there or there is any PC SJW WOKENESS involved… Disney, Lucas and Star Wars all are dead to me, funny deaths come in 3’s and its true.

      RIP Star Wars 1977 to 2012
      Murded by a Mouse!


      Disney Star Wars feels like a roller coaster of highs and lows. There are some good stuff like Mandalorian, Clone Wars season eight, and Rogue One, but there are also bad things like the sequel trilogy. Also, while I don’t think Solo was bad, it wasn’t good either. Tbh, I kinda forget a lot of it actually. Let’s hope the future shows are good though, so we can move on.


      The knife was shoved into Georges back in 12.

      Then they chose to twist it and burn the EU to the ground. That is when real SW died. I got given the chucky windigo trilogy for my tablet. I tried to read that buit there was no story it was nothing but gay this and lesbo that and retarded shit that was not in keeping with the themes of a good book. Let alone a SW book. That shit took me more than 90 days to finish.



      I was always a casual for Star Wars but I respected the franchise and the fanbase and usually considered them the best fans of anything (until Doom since I consider them on the same level now). When The Force Awakens was announced, I went and saw everything in the Disney canon at the time and I finally became a Star Wars fan thanks to the Clone Wars. Unfortunately, my time of being a fan was cut short after a couple of months when I finally saw TFW. I got so irritated and disappointed after seeing it was a crappy woke version of Episode IV that I just gave up on Star Wars right there.

      So yeah, I may be the shortest-lived fan of Star Wars ever. I know there’s the EU but I can’t keep my interest in it for long because I already invested too much time on things that end up disappointing me. Comics, movies, Western videogames, real-life situations, dreams, etc. All I can do is move on and let the sinking ships sink.


      Pretty simple for me, still had hope after The Force Awakens, then I saw The Last Jedi…. I hated it… but Star Wars died right after they turned on the fans.


      Yes, I think it was Lucasfilm’s response to fans rejecting Episode 8 that killed the Star Wars franchise.

      Remember when the Holiday Special came out and it was rubbish? No-one got called racist or sexist for not liking that.

      Remember when the prequels came out and lots of people didn’t like them? No-one got called racist or sexist for not liking them. Although the actor Simon Pegg has said that he does not respect anyone who does like them.

      But now the Kathleen Kennedy Klan runs Lucasfilm and adoration of whatever they vomit up is not optional it seems.

      I shall say that I am still a huge Star Wars fan. It’s just that the sequel trilogy isn’t Star Wars to me any more than a film such as Star Crash or any other cash in as studios scrambled to to try and duplicate the success of the original films was.


      the last jedi was the fatal stab that you know it was going to die , the rise of skywalker was the Cremation


      Excerpt from the script of my Is There Still Hope for Real Star Wars video:


      If you had asked me that question in as far back in  2012, I would have said a flat no. Full disclosure: I am an Expanded Universe guy. I’m one of those diehard fans who when Timothy Zahn gave us the Thrawn Trilogy I jumped in head first saying, “Thank you, sir, may I have some more?” and I got more for over twenty years. But in 2012, when newly anointed Lucasflim President Kathleen Kennedy threw out all of my beloved EU, my heart was broken. Broken in the same scattered pieces millions of people are now experiencing.

      In 2012 I fell into a deep fan depression over Star Wars. I was never lead down the yellow brick fools gold road to The Force Awakens. After it came out, I was in a rage for years which eventually turned into apathy. My remaining Star Wars trinkets were discarded without care, and my shelves of books ignored, eventually boxed up and forgotten for a time. Does this sound familiar yet to all you folks black pilling Star Wars here in 2021?


      Even though I detail this, Real Star Wars is not dead for me. It’s alive, and my talking about it here and making videos, I’m keeping it alive and protected until the hopeful day it is freed from its Mousey Prison.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Roas.

      I’ve observed Star Wars from a distance since I’m not really a huge “sci-fi with aliens” fan (which is weird because I love to read information about space).

      Then lockdown 2020 happened and I had to shield for a while. So whilst looking online for some blue-ray’s to keep me entertained, I finally decided to set my sights on Star Wars. I got the prequel and original films has a blue-ray box set, ignoring the Disney sequel films as I had seen clips online and even I scowled and knew that they weren’t Star Wars (you wouldn’t believe how long I looked to find a box set that DIDN’T involve them!). I really enjoyed them- maybe the original films more than the prequels although I admit to finding Anikin’s story arc more interesting than Luke’s- and have been thinking about getting Rogue One and the Mandalorian on blue-ray.

      Unfortunately, I always end up coming in late to liking a franchise as by the time I end up liking it, something like this has happened to it. I’m now starting to think that maybe I shouldn’t have bothered and should’ve liked it when the prequels were out when I was growing up (my class watched ‘Attack of the Clones’ at one point at school and I admit I was enjoying most of it before we had to stop it and go to our next lesson).


      I’ve observed Star Wars from a distance since I’m not really a huge “sci-fi with aliens” fan (which is weird because I love to read information about space).

      Then lockdown 2020 happened and I had to shield for a while. So whilst looking online for some blue-ray’s to keep me entertained, I finally decided to set my sights on Star Wars. I got the prequel and original films has a blue-ray box set, ignoring the Disney sequel films as I had seen clips online and even I scowled and knew that they weren’t Star Wars (you wouldn’t believe how long I looked to find a box set that DIDN’T involve them!). I really enjoyed them- maybe the original films more than the prequels although I admit to finding Anikin’s story arc more interesting than Luke’s- and have been thinking about getting Rogue One and the Mandalorian on blue-ray.

      Unfortunately, I always end up coming in late to liking a franchise as by the time I end up liking it, something like this has happened to it. I’m now starting to think that maybe I shouldn’t have bothered and should’ve liked it when the prequels were out when I was growing up (my class watched ‘Attack of the Clones’ at one point at school and I admit I was enjoying most of it before we had to stop it and go to our next lesson).


      Did you watch the Prequels first or the OT, because, honestly, that was not the way to do it, heh. Watching the PT before the OT basically ruins Empire Strikes Back.

      It doesn’t matter if you have come late. Real Star Wars still exists. The original 6 movies, dozens of videogames made before 2012, and the entirety of the EU are there for consumption. You can Choose to embrace Real Star Wars and ignore Disney Star Wars as the garbage it is, because Lucas never approved it, while he had creative and approval control over everything made between 1977 and 2012.


      It’s interesting that you say watching the prequels first ruins The Empire Strikes Back because I once lent the DVDs of episodes 1-6 to a friend who had never seen any of them and he watched them in that order. He didn’t have any complaints about episode 5 being ruined but said he got a real shock in 3 when he suddenly figured out who Palpatine was when he was talking to Anakin about Darth Plagueis and answered Anakin’s question about whether he could learn to have power over life and death with the phrase, “Not from a jedi.”


      It’s interesting that you say watching the prequels first ruins The Empire Strikes Back because I once lent the DVDs of episodes 1-6 to a friend who had never seen any of them and he watched them in that order. He didn’t have any complaints about episode 5 being ruined but said he got a real shock in 3 when he suddenly figured out who Palpatine was when he was talking to Anakin about Darth Plagueis and answered Anakin’s question about whether he could learn to have power over life and death with the phrase, “Not from a jedi.”


      I personally cannot ever really know, since I of course watched everything in real world release order, but I cannot fathom watching the PT first, knowing that Anakin is Vader and then watching Empire and getting to “I…am your Father,” and not getting my mind blown. For me, that is one of the biggest, out of left field reveals in cinema history, and if someone watches the PT first, it’s absolutely ruined.

      Well, perhaps ruined is too strong a word, but it loses all its power as a line and a moment with the following,

      “That’s not true…that’s impossible!”

      “You know it to be true.”

      “Noooooo! Nooooo!”

      Going in knowing Anakin is Vader steals the power of the scene…



      I watched the prequels first and then the originals as I wasn’t sure what order to watch them in 😂. Thought I might start in chronological order thinking that it would make sense to watch Episode 1, 2 and 3 in the right order even though I knew I could learn just as much with the original films first.


      I watched the prequels first and then the originals as I wasn’t sure what order to watch them in 😂. Thought I might start in chronological order thinking that it would make sense to watch Episode 1, 2 and 3 in the right order even though I knew I could learn just as much with the original films first.


      For any other franchise, that kind of logic is correct. Star Wars is literally the only franchise in entertainment where you do not watch the movies in chronological order if you are a first time watcher. When you’ve been watching them all for over 30 years, then yeah, it doesn’t matter. I know I tend to go 1-6 these days when I’m watching them. One time I even went 1, 2, Clone Wars, 3, 4, 5, 6.



      A friend of mine did advise me to watch the originals first and then the prequels if I wanted to but he said it didn’t matter too much so I started off with the prequels as I sort of grew up with them when they were being released.

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