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    Why Yasuke?
    A Japanese pop song mocking Assassin’s Creed: Shadows





    Tech N9ne released another collab album called COSM (Class of Strange Music) I liked the album. Here is one of my favorite songs from the album. https://youtu.be/gsputF5gKfU?si=X4VTreLbo-dGjS9p


    Hey, Susan Wojcicki (2024)


    Song link above. She censored so many smart people. She made many enemies.




    Wrote one about Snarky Jay

    Snarky Jay she struts the room
    Dressed in cosplay armor bloom
    Movies shows she loves to jaw
    Latina queen with humor raw


    Cute and hot she rocks the scene
    Fitness grind she’s always lean
    Sarcasm sharp with jokes so mean
    But man she’s got that friendly gleam


    Damn, I have mixed feelings about that Susan song, she was a mother and died young, but damn that guy is pretty good! In another reality this guy would be a huge star. It’s such a strange world we live in with so many gifted people on the outskirts for whatever bizarre reasons as cookie cutter stars are made.

    You should check out Udio! It makes much more musical songs…


    Thanks for sharing Suno and now, Udio. Will check it out. I took to Suno right away after your suggestion and really appreciate it. It’s cathartic for me. That ragtime piano player embraced it and did not shy away from it, like other musicians. Like you said, I am sick of cookie cutter clones and I grew up on Donald Fagen and Billy Joel, so, I’d rather listen to ragtime piano than what we are given now, which are autotune karaoke singers produced by DJs. Sometimes, I cannot tell if even one instrumentalist or musician in involved in pop music.

    Same kind of feeling about the Susan song, but she banned too many people that I followed. None of them were in any kind of violation. Their language and thoughts were clean. Owen Benjamin and Vox Day are just two examples of many I could cite that I would watch at random. Success on a big tech platform is fleeting. Like a chip implanted in you, they can shut you off with the flip of a switch, so if you are successful on their platform, they act like it’s a digital plantation and that they own you. The EU and UK are acting like that now, too.

    Wish I could follow your youtube channel. Up until a few weeks ago, I was on that account for like, ten years! They finally dropped me over nothing I can discern, which tells me there is a dissident purge over the election. The most pathetic thing about that is that my account was small. Like this forum, what I say doesn’t matter that much, so why censor speech of the little guy? Makes no sense. Let the comments sections flow. They used to say to let the data flow and now, they use data who shut people up and arrest people.

    Anyway, I’d follow all of you guys If I Could. Will check out Udio. Hoping for more Ai stuff from smart people like you, who actually brought something to the table.

    Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 02-58-59 Vox Popoli


    It’s a really sad time in human history. A lot of good people think they are making the world a better place, but they’re all attacking decent people, and then those people get angry and they lash out and it just spirals out of control.

    I’m so f*cking sick of people thinking others are racists and bigots and sexists who want all minorities to be pushed down or women to be trapped in cages for breeding just because we don’t want our society to fall to gosh damned communism. Absolutely fucking sick of it.

    Each year that goes by this all festers and we become more and more frustrated that all these good times are gone.

    How many quality SNL episodes did we miss? How many funny movies were lost? How much joy was stolen from this world so these weak shit heads could parade around as our moral superiors.

    It’s all just so sad.

    And I can relate, I have a pretty sick sense of humor myself. But we all have that voice in our head that says “You better act offended” can’t let other people know you find dark humor funny! Can’t have any fun any more during this short blip of existence we’re given on this rock.

    I’m still waiting for that pendulum to keep swinging. I think I miss good comedy the most. I mean… I miss a lot of my friends and family, but I miss really fucked up comedy too.

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