Who gives a shit about the Andor Show?

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    Does anybody really care about this show?  I mean, of all the useless characters to make a show about, Cassian Andor?  Come on.  He was easily my least favorite character from Rogue One.  Which in my opinion was only an OK movie anyway which was also unnecessary.  I know everybody says we didn’t need or ask for a Han Solo movie; that’s exactly how I feel about Andor.  If they were going to pick anybody from R1 they should have made a show about Chirrut and Baze.  Much more interesting characters to me.

    I never understood his character very much from the time I saw him murder his friend in the alley.  I know we’re supposed to think he had to do it, that it was a better fate than being captured or killed by the Empire.  But a real friend/hero would have tried to help him escape, not murder him.  And better writers could have found a way for them to escape.  However, I do appreciate that they tried to work in a sort-of redemption arc for his character during the movie when he finally came around to help Jyn.  It’s still hard for me to root for somebody like that.

    The only thing saving this show for me was that K-2 was going to be in it.  Now they’re saying he will not be in season one.  That’s a big mistake that I think might make the show get off to a rocky or slow start.

    I’m just ranting I guess, what do you think?


    Yeah, I don’t understand why they keep going back instead of moving forward. We know this character dies, so all of the potential struggles we will see this character take are going to feel diminished.

    I bet they will make him meet a young Cara Dune and Obi-wan at some point

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by MrBidwell.

    MrBidwell,  I did not think of that.  I don’t hate that idea if it’s done well.


    Endor ! ? !


    We gonna get a life action show of the carnivore Ewoks!


    I thought it was a spelling error, as it should be an “E” not an “A” in the name.


    BTW, who or what is an andor?  android?  Lobot?


    I hated that mumbling fuck from the moment he showed up on screen the first time. I had to watch the film with subtitles to understand his ass & even then I hated everything he said.

    There is no reason for this show. just like there is no reason for there to ne an ObiWan show. We know where he was & what he was doing. Learning how to transfer to a force ghost and keeping the boy safe.


    At least with Obi-wan, there are plenty of fans that are looking forward to seeing Ewan McGregor in that role again, so I can see the business sense behind it.

    I wonder if Mace Windu will show up


    I’m looking forward to Cassian Andor, not because of the character, but what the show will likely be. A Mission: Impossible style espionage show set in the Star Wars Universe.

    That sounds awesome.


    Hey if they had followed the Kenobi book the film would have been fine.
    But they killed the film to make a series. There isnt enough material involved in 20 years of watching Luke grow up and protecting him from exturnal threats when most of the time he stayed away from the farm cause Owin hated him.


    The problem with the Cassian Andor series is that we could have had any other character instead of him. Yoda, Darth Vader, Maul, General Grievous, Mace Windu, the list goes on in terms of possibilities. But Cassian Andor is literally the most boring character to make an entire TV show about. Hell, even a Jar Jar Binks series would be more interesting than that.


    Darth JarJar the bumbler.


    Darth Jar Jar the bumbler.

    According to fan theories, Jar Jar only acted like a fool, and it was he who manipulated things from the background.

    Afterall, a Sith likes to work behind the scenes/in the shadows, and having a figurehead in Palpaltine would have made it all more so.

    Heck, no one would believe this bumbler as being the true Sith Master, so when he suggested in the senate to give all power to the chancellor, no one gave it a second thought.

    Adult Swim does a good job of showing Jar Jar’s dark side!



    I’m going to give the Andor show a chance because Rogue One is one of the few Disney Star Wars shows I like along with the season 7 of The Clone Wars (taking out the Martez sisters arc) and The Mandalorian.

    I’d rather watch a show centered on any character of Rogue One than a show centered on any character of the Sequel Trilogy.


    Currently, I could care less about this show. I thought Rogue One was okay. But Andor was a forgettable character. K-2S0 stole that movie and made it not so grim. At present I haven’t heard if Alan Tudyk is being brought in to play K-2S0 like he did in Rogue One. But if they bring him in to reprise his role, I will tune in for that. But I have to be honest, I’m considering dumping Disney+. Just not enough there to justify the cost. And this BS with show running times being 20 minutes or so is pissing me off. If I’m going to pay for a streaming service for original content, give me standard show lengths of 30 or 60 minutes. Stop cheating the viewers and give us story lengths worth tuning in for.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Corvus6.

    Yeah Alan Tudyk was supposed to be in it, but now he’s saying he’s not.  Disappointing.



    So after watching the Andor series, as I suspected, I still can’t stand the character and none of the characters on the show for that matter.  They failed to make me care about them at all.  Don’t ask me what the show was about, couldn’t tell you.  It was mostly just a lot of walking and talking.  I guess if someone asked I would say it’s an origin story for Cassian.

    I will give the show a little credit.  It may have opened the doors for other creatives to make SW content that isn’t necessarily connected to the Skywalker  legacy.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that, because there isn’t, but it would be nice to see spin off type shows in the same galaxy.  It’s what I thought The Mandalorian was going to be.  It’s great, and my favorite show by far, but before it came out I thought it would have nothing to do with the Force, Luke, etc.

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