“Who is Eliza Bleu” Documentary Updates by Faran Balanced

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      Ya, the stuff with Tim especially his Booker is really looking bad… But then the shots at The Quartering and and other crap is really not making him look good. People need to really stop and look at her and ask themselves a simple questions:

      If it turns out she grifting what will you say?

      What will you be able to say if it she was scamming everyone ?

      But there is the worse of all, and in no way am I saying she is but, what if things come out to show she was a trafficker?


      Lots of Bad things in the Hypothetical right now, all could have been put to bed by her coming out, but now that we see scrubbing of post and video’s, this is smelling like a Criminal Cover-up.


        Gigs up even her friends at Twitter won’t be able to protect her.




        • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Mustangride1.




            Her sub count dropping faster than her panties lol





            Liar, liar sub-counts on fire!…LOL


            I’ve been following this on Twitter a bit more recently. I’m disgusted that people are being banned just because they’re sharing a vid that’s basically been around for years. This lady is obviously a liar.


              I want to know after the Interview with her talking about the “community deciding if a minor child” can haver sex, aka pedophilia, how anyone can support her.

              I also want to know a few more things:

              There to date has been nothing so it appears that can back up her stories of raising money for victims of the (sex-trade/trafficking) so the real victims if that is true are the ones she potentially defrauded using that cause and those truly affected to play on the hearts and good intentions of people.
              My Question(s) then are:
              1. Is Law Enforcement now investigating this and is she trying to cover this up actually censoring people in hopes they or a company delete evidence?
              2. Is the Internal Revenue System looking in to this? After all if you are running a charity there should be a 501 and financial filings on it that no one seems to be able to find.
              3. How involved in this Elon Musk, as he clearly knows now. Sorry Elon but you cannot say you are for free speech and press and then allow your employee’s “Trust and Safety team” to censor people and the News.

              4. Why are Media personalities not talking about it yes Tim Pool and because Shapiro was named by her The Daily Wire.

              THIS IS NOT a Left or Right political story, this is one that as it appears now, it about a person who has chased clout, fame and fortune on the backs of victims of some of the most hideous crime, and she should be exposed by ALL the media and anyone else, and if what it appears has happened did. Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and anyone that aided her in covering up the crimes prosecuted as well. That includes Twitter Trust and Safety and yes I will say it even Elon himself if he allowed for the deletion of potential evidence in what could be Felony Charges.

              • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Mustangride1.

                So she was not on FB until 2019 huh.
                Screenshot 2023-02-04 at 09-10-19 Eliza Cuts (@ElizasBadass) _ Twitter

                Screenshot 2023-02-04 at 09-09-55 Tweets with replies by Eliza Siep (@LifeVideoVixen) _ Twitter


                Timmy boy says this controversy is a PR stunt to promote Bleu and people fell for it.


                  Tim Pool has done a great job at building his business.  But as good as he is at news and politics he is equally as bad at handling drama. And that keeps biting him in the rear.  He needs to address these topics and not ignore them.  They would not build to such proportions if he would simply acknowledge these issues early on.


                    Tim can fuck the hell off after the way he treated his Chat, Subs and everyone else after last night. Frosk2.0


                      I think that is a little extreme.  Dude does good work he is just very bad with anything drama related.  He seems to mishandle it every time.


                      ALL this just proves to me the stuff that Adam Crigler reveled in his explanation of his time on Time Pool and being fired. Tim is a self centered, controlling, work acholic that doesn’t care about people, just money and numbers. He abandoned Adam with no info or explanation, then years later called and wanted him back, then fired him a year later after he moved his life and wife to go with Tim. He also kicked The Quartering off his show the last time he came. Tim may have some good things to say sometimes and some good interviews, but he as a person is very dishonorable. I rarely watch him since Adam put up his video awhile ago. I keep seeing things (like this event) from him and through the façade.


                        Na man, that was actually me being nice… You treat paying customers like shit then you can fuck off… his treatment of them put him right up in the G-4 category of assholes…. That level of disrespect in unacceptable and I really hope he goes the way of G4 for it, he does not deserve them or their money.

                        Without the Fans/ Subs/ Customers / Clients, whatever you want to call us…. Without us you aint shit! If this was his first time and an honest mistake I could be forgiven, but as MANY are and have been pointing out, its not.  And forgiveness ends at a point and supporting someone that looks to be supportive of Pedophilia and may actually be/been the trafficker certainly by all signs at minimum a fraud. That is the hill he wants to die on. Fuck him.


                          I understand your anger towards him.  But he is a net positive force as I see it. He just is REALLY bad with handling himself as it relates to drama. But he is on the internet so like it or not that is part of his job and his business. And yes I do think that does indeed have to do with his ego as DarthVengeant mentions.  The dude has some issues, clearly.  But who doesn’t?  So it’s not that we have issues, it’s whether we try to improve upon them that counts.  And you seem to question whether he cares to do better, and you might be right.  Time will tell.


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