Who wanted to Kill Trump?

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    Conspiracy Theories? Judge for yourself.


    Robert Barnes Makes SHOCKING Assassination Accusation about Mike Pompeo

    The accusation about Mike Pompeo by Robert Barnes on the Rebel Capitalist channel sounds beyond belief until you consider that as CIA Director Pompeo sought the assassination of Julian Assange. It’s almost as if lawyer Barnes is relishing a lawsuit by Pompeo. The first part of discovery in such a case would be to question the Iowa delegates to the GOP convention that Pompeo spoke to.


      The who is simple and it’s obvious.  The people with the power who don’t want to lose it.  The current establishment.  That is a cadre of bureaucracies who actually run the government at this time.

      If anyone watched the RNC, it was for once not an establishment circle-jerk.  It was inspiring in some ways and it was clearly very anti-establishment.

      However, if we suggest the anti-establishment has some actual sway at this time the establishment will slink into the shadows and strike at you from there.  Like they did during Trump’s first term.  So they must be vigilant this time.


      Military industrial complex. Lots of VERY powerful, VERY evil people who have made their generational wealth off of war and death. Weapons, militias, spoils of war, political insertions meant to fleece a nation of its resources and wealth, imperialism. Since World War 2 this nations more powerful and secretive families have been closely tied to this dealing of death. Politics is an offshoot of this overarching machine, but hardly the guiding force.

      I think these forces have largely lost influence and power simply because the world has become so much more prosperous across the board. It simply hasn’t been necessary to kill and cause war to live like a king for several generations. But we’re still living close to the era where these groups tied to these sorts of dangerous plays are in power and they are now under sever threat of judgement for nefarious acts that aren’t directly tied to violence, I feel as though you guys will know what these are, media manipulation, societal sabotage with all the leftist bullcrap,  canceling, moral decay, election meddling, etc.

      You guys remember when Obama’s chef died mysteriously? Lots of people theorized it was Obama that did it to tie up loose ends, but I wonder if maybe it was a threat to Obama. This threat of violence goes both ways. It’s really strange days, because us plebs are so out of the loop of these really dark elements of the ultra elite and how the top positions of power are seized and controlled.

      It’s such an amazing contrast, you see Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Obama, and they’re all part of this giant machine of very dangerous influences that span media, military and generational wealth. Then you see Trump and it’s just one dude against the world, but all the ultra Maga misfits have his back. We’re not as connected in some sort of social apparatus meant to destroy our enemies, but we are stronger in other ways, self reliant, mentally and physically stronger. It’s quite the battle raging in America.

      Where’s Joe Biden? Some people are theorizing he’s dead and they’re trying to avoid panic. Interesting if he died directly after potentially attempting to assassinate Trump.

      Ok, this tin foil hat is getting a bit tight, i should shut up XD

      there are few people I trust as much as Barnes. Speaking of, he had some interesting things to say about some  who live in the east in this sphere…. I’ll just leave it at that.

      Incredible watches if you haven’t seen them, both are cathartic. Shows the sheer ineptitude of the Secret Service and damn near obvious planned exposure of president Trump to threats:

      Might be in poor taste, but maybe we should start calling the Presidential protection detail the “Secret Cervix” cuz it sure seems like they like to insert a lot of intersectional members in their ranks that would love to see Trump dead.


      Sure sounds like from the videos that the woman in charge of the Secret Service really screwed the pooch on the poor actions towards the protection planning process


      Secret Service director steps down after assassination attempt against ex-President Trump at rally

      The director of the Secret Service said Tuesday she is resigning following the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump that unleashed intensifying outcry about how the agency tasked with protecting current and former presidents could fail in its core mission.

      Because, deep down, they WANTED to FAIL.

      “I take full responsibility for the security lapse,” she said in an email to staff, obtained by The Associated Press. “In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that I have made the difficult decision to step down as your director.”

      About time.  She should have resigned the day of the attempted assassination attempt.

      Cheatle acknowledged Monday that the Secret Service was told about a suspicious person two to five times before the shooting at the rally. She also revealed that the roof from which Crooks opened fire had been identified as a potential vulnerability days before the rally. But she failed to answer many questions about what happened, including why there no agents stationed on the roof.

      And the famous “it was sloped, and a safety hazard” while the roof the secret service marksmen were on where why steeper.

      Who wanted to kill Trump?  I think the shorter list would be whom wants Trump to succeed and Make America Great Again.


        Her resigning or staying on means zero.  Just like Kamala running things is zero difference from Biden.  They are all just being done as they are told.  You take one for the team and you get set for life with no consequences.  She is indirectly responsible for the near death of Trump and when I say near I mean like an inch from.  What consequences does she receive?  None.

        Unless the establishment can get broken nothing changes and it’s all theater.  We have a chance right now but just a chance.  Trump and his people would need to come in and do what they pledged.

        For some time I thought Vivek’s plan of surgical strikes on the establishment was preferred to Trump’s bull in the china shop style.  I now believe we need the bull in the china shop.  But he needs to actually do it and let smart folks like Vivek, Gabbard and even Desantis help him.  It will be awful and there will be collateral damage, but awful was going to happen regardless.


        Cheatle really got chewed out at that hearing – from both sides. Still questioning whether or not the concern from the DEMonS was genuine. ‘Twas more likely a concerted effort to cover their arses.


        ‘Twas more likely a concerted effort to cover their arses.

        How many of these types of hearings in the past actually had those called before it do anything BUT stonewall with non-answers?

        The unelected administrative state does NOT like they have to answer to someone other than themselves.

        That is one of the many reasons they fear a Trump POTUS.  He holds people accountable.


        My answer would be some random lunatic, but that’s just me applying occam’s razor



          My answer would be some random lunatic, but that’s just me applying occam’s razor

          No, that’s applying propaganda.

          Occam’s razor would dictate preferring simplicity so either we are to believe 1 single young man with no external resources devised a dastardly plot and was able to carry it out due to the unexplained and deep failings of multiple federal and local agencies prior to AND during the event, or it was something allowed to occur with their knowledge on one more more levels.

          One of those is fairly simple, one is not.

          Also, wishing death on someone and or carrying it out is not perma linked to insanity or any mental anything.  Violent crime in all forms is almost always a moral failing.


          • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.
          • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.

          No, that’s applying propaganda.

          how is it applying propaganda to be agnostic about the situation? If there is strong evidence it was some orchestrated deep state plan then I might believe it, right now I find it as believable as it being a staged shooting to make Trump look stronger.

          Also, wishing death on someone and or carrying it out is not perma linked to insanity or any mental anything.  Violent crime in all forms is almost always a moral failing.

          Wishing death on someone and carrying it out does take a whole different mindset.


            how is it applying propaganda to be agnostic about the situation? If there is strong evidence it was some orchestrated deep state plan then I might believe it, right now I find it as believable as it being a staged shooting to make Trump look stronger.
            Well I appreciate you adhering the sanity on that one, clearly not staged as that really makes no sense.  I did entertain that thought myself and stepped through it in my head and in my mind that is silly and would be out of character from Trump himself.  He can be a wingnut but I have not observed him practicing any subterfuge.

            I called your statement propaganda because you are doing what you typically do, just parroting the mainstream narrative.  Now maybe you thought about it and it makes sense to you.  But maybe it’s because you are not listening to anything else and your pool of info to think from is shallow.

            I am very logical, I do not parrot.  If you go through what occurred there is essentially no chance there were that many failings without at least some of them being intentional.  Am I saying everyone there was on the payroll, no.  But I think some were.  It only takes a few.

            I did hear a guy who worked with the SS and explained that they have serious  DEI capability issues and their capability is compromised and he explained how it is possible for some of that to have happened through incompetence.  But even he could not explain that many failures.

            So, there is a difference between orchestrating something and letting it happen.

            I do not believe the kid that was killed did this on his own and I believe he was taken advantage of by someone.

            Wishing death on someone and carrying it out does take a whole different mindset.
            Not at all.  It just takes a lack of moral fiber such that you believe some or all humans deserve to die and you are OK carrying that out.  Killing one or more people does not at all require lunacy or mental illness.  I will assert most of the time at this point it does not involve mental illness.

            For example.  I find abortion abhorrent and I consider it murder.  You do not.  Why?  Because you believe it is not a person you are ending the life of.  That thin line of humanity is what assigns the value of life, it is the only barrier to seeing value in others.  If that becomes mailable or relative, then you get Hitler, Mao and Stalin at some point because people will bend it to their will.  Same thing has happened with morality, once it became relative it ceased to exist because a standard cannot be relative.

            • This reply was modified 7 months ago by Vknid.
            • This reply was modified 7 months ago by Vknid.

            If I were to say here,I honestly think that there is more that went on in this situation that not all of us are privy to and the reason why I say this is because there seems to be so many questions about what exactly went down in this assassination attempt of trump, like how could a shooter get to a an area or place to do what they chose to do without being seen or detected by anybody ? That would be my first question because it was supposedly known that this individual may of been under some sort of surveillance by the secret service and possibly the FBI. So,my question would be is how was the suspect able to slip through their fingers without setting off any alarms? 2nd question would be where did the suspect learn how to shoot because from some of the articles I may of read or scimmed through,it said that the suspect some how managed to graze the ear of trump instead of hitting him where he supposedly wanted and those kinds of shots aren’t exactly the types of shots that Amateur shooters would be able to make, so it really makes me wonder what kind of training did this individual have ?  Could this individual have been a marksman or possibly have some sort of military training in shooting a weapon ?  There was even some whispered speculations on wether this person possibly could of been a manchurian candidate, which means someone whom could of gone through like a program like the MK-Ultra,which was a brainwashing program that was used by a Shady group and used on regular peoples and they were literally brainwashed to the point where their individuality was wiped completely and they became mindless automatons, which then made it easy for them to be re-programmed into doing anything without any consequencies or memory at all

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