Who’s The Best Batman?

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  • #165202

    Michael Keaton is the best Batman

    Christian Bale is the best Bruce Wayne

    Ben Affleck is the best mix of both

    …but Kevin Conroy dominates them all


    1. Michael Keaton

    2. Ben Affleck

    3. Christian Bale

    4. Adam West

    5. Val Kilmer

    6. George Clooney

    But Conroy tops all.


    I’m gonna have to say Bale.







    1.) Kevin Conroy – for his work on Batman: The Animated Series

    2.) Daniel Baxter – for his work on HISHE version of Batman

    3.) Seth Green – for his work on Robot Chicken’s Batman.

    4.) Michael Keaton – for his work in Batman 1989.


    That Kevin Conroy bloke were good except for when he was killed by Justin Bieber in BatDyke.

    Keaton and Bale were good too.

    But I were the best (ignore the banana gimp).




    Are we talking across all media or specifically movies?I personally think Bale’s Batman was the best OVERALL, but he was also based in reality so much that’s why he goes off with Selina at the end of TDKR. Batman wouldn’t do that because he’s consciously made that sacrifice and knows its a lifelong battle. Affleck is a popular choice bu A) he was an older, much more unhinged Batman and B) I don’t feel he got enough screen time for his performance to be considered good or bad (I refuse to count his time in Justice League). Kilmer was too wooden and Clooney was too… well Clooney (Although his scenes with Alfred are the only redeemable things in Batman and Robin). I want to say Keaton obviously but I feel like nostalgia plays a part. if I’m being critical towards him again, he was only in two movies and the second one was more a Burton film than a Batman film. And before i write this, BTAS is probably the one show i watched religiously growing up and Conroy and Hamill are every Batfan’s wet dream (myself included) but he only did a voice acting role. Batman isn’t just a voice (just talk to any of Bale’s defenders). His physicality is as much a part of his character as his intellect etc. And the only live action role Conroy had pretty much destroyed his perfect run as the voice of Batman. Personally my list goes…

    1. Michael Keaton (His first line is “I’m Batman.” He made that line famous.)

    2. Christian Bale (Best Acting IMO and his voice was comics accurate despite what all you haters say)

    3. Ben Affleck (par for par with Bale but i think he was bastardized in JL and would’ve loved to see more)

    4. Kevin Conroy (Despite what i said earlier he IS the VOICE of Batman)

    5. Adam West (He was my first, and he was accurate for the times)

    6. George Clooney (I hate Clooney as an actor but at least he took the heat for Batman & Robin sucking. Maybe Rian Johnson could learn something from him…)

    7. Val Kilmer (his performance was so bland it made logistical sense for Robin to be brought in)


    KEATON 4TW!!


    Depends on the time/demands of the portrayal.

    For the darker Batman, Kevin Conroy has both the voice and personality down pat but he doesn’t have the look. I know he’s older now but just look at that “Crisis on Infinite Earths” cameo and you’ll see what I’m on about.

    That’s why Adam West has my vote. For the more “family-friendly” Batman, he checked all the boxes. As Bruce Wayne he came across as distinguished and had both the physical presence and vocal talent to portray the hero. Would’ve loved to see his interpretation of the Dark Knight.



    Michal Keaton was best Movie Batman & Bruce Wayne

    Adam West was the TV Show Batman & Bruce Wayne

    Kevin Conroy was the best voice actor for Batman & Batman: The Animated Series

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