Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Sports › Football › Why are 1/4 of all NFL articles vaccine articles?
I enjoy reading NFL news. It’s not that I watch every game or anything but I like to keep up with it just because. I find it all very interesting.
And in doing so, I have noticed that no matter what site I read, probably a full 1/4 of all articles written are about the vaccine.
Now keep in mind sports journalism is awful at this point. They will write about a whisper heard across the field by a squirrel in a 100mph wind. So in general a good portion of the articles are drivel anyways.
But I find it beyond interesting that they devote so much front page space to vaccination.
The activists impersonating reporters have been using any and all means of spreading their agenda.
For the longest time it was about;
bending the knee.
defund protecting people from criminals.
supporting the marxist organization.
anyone but the ‘orange man’.
getting the jab.
It is the flavor of the year to push and control the narrative.
I think you hit the nail on the head.