Why are people today so unhappy?

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    You state that as if it’s the only life there is in I am guessing the USA. You would be massively incorrect.

    I had South Korea and Japan in mind as I’ve lived in both countries but the USA works to an extent too I suppose. Like the girl who has been trending recently having a mental breakdown as she struggles to pay her rent and education and is trapped in a work where she works 9-5 with 2 hour commute both ways and has a shitty pay, and then got blasted by the ”you’re entitled, shut up and work”. That sounds just miserable.

    Working hard and achieving things has raised many people into higher classes than when they started.

    true but hard work only does not equal to a better life. Plumbers can work a physically taxing job for an extreme amount of time and doctors have to spend an insane amount studying but can only dream to get to the level of their employees or some twitch streamer who get filthy rich from often times just luck, or people born into a wealthy family have way more chances to mess up than poor people as they won’t necessary get a second chance.

    The number one rule in labor is the employee wants to work as little as possible for the highest amount of pay while the employee want them to work as much as possible for the lowest possible pay.

    The fertility rate is an important stat and in the places it’s now so low in is generally due to radical liberal policies.  You would be hard pressed to name any tenant of the radical left that does not end with less people.

    Liberals are definitely not the same as radical left. And I 100% disagree, the empirical evidence strongly suggests declining fertility rate is correlated with modernization and development of societies. If you look at all the countries with declining fertility rate, many of them have quite conservative policies like East Asia. Most often the biggest reason for the fertility rate decline are impovement of health care and sexual education = contraceptives and families don’t need to pump out 8 children due to the risk of infant/child mortality, as well as families don’t need as many children to help out on their farm labor when it’s not agriculture dominated society, as well as more time spent in the office = less time for family.

    This whole phenomenon can be observed just by looking at China. In the 1950s and 60s the fertility rate was around 6, since the development of modern and industrialized cities like Beijing and Shanghai the fertility rate has dropped under the replacement level of 2.1. But if you look at the fertility rate of non-developed areas in the same country like Xingjiang which still is a developing agricultural area, the fertility rate is still over 6.

    Just take any developed nation and a poor developing nation and you will see that 99.9% of the time the developed nation has a birthrate around or below replacement level and the poor developing country has way above replacement level.


      “Like the girl who has been trending recently having a mental breakdown as she struggles to pay her rent and education and is trapped in a work where she works 9-5 with 2 hour commute both ways and has a shitty pay”

      She wasn’t having a breakdown. She was just emotional which is a fairly common female response to that sort of stress.  She was actually self aware and knew it would be perceived as whining.   She isn’t trapped nor do I think she used that that word.  She was coming to the realization that the life she has chosen to this point she hates.  It is an understandable reaction.  But she is in that position because she listened to the very things this post is about.  She listened to lies told by 3rd wave feminists and that side of things in general that tells her the way to be content is to go to college and work her butt off.    I find it interesting that you as a self proclaimed progressive simultaneously touts that sort of mindset for women and then complains about it effects.

      “true but hard work only does not equal to a better life. ”

      True, but it makes the chances far far higher. There is NOTHING that guarantees a better life. A better life, or a happy one, is often dependent on attitude, effort and perspective.  Many people in the US have won the lottery and ended up wishing they never did despite being handed millions of dollars.

      But we should not equate success or happiness to money.  That is a mistake.  Again, one of the very reasons I made this post.

      “The number one rule in labor is the employee wants to work as little as possible”

      Yeah, under communism.  But in a more or less quasi free market many people choose to and want to work hard because it DOES increase their chances of success and many find satisfaction through it.

      “Liberals are definitely not the same as radical left”

      I did not say they were, I was describing policy not people. But I agree.  At this point the radical left considers classic liberals extreme right.

      “the empirical evidence strongly suggests declining fertility rate is correlated with modernization and development of societies.”

      When I stated that I was thinking about what I know. Which is the West.  In the west every policy out there makes less people.  But I don’t know that you can use China for that argument.  They started the 1 child policy in 1980 so of course the birthrate went down.

      But in the west everything encourages either have less children or no children.  Now, it is of course possible for 2 things to be true at once.  I think what I am saying is true but I will agree that what you are saying is also true.  However, you mention birth control as one of the reasons.  That is a radical liberal policy, just an old one. And as far as the pill itself that was born out of some dark ideas initially.   I find it something that has overall harmed society and continues to.  And not just because it makes less children but it is one of the first things that starts to absolve people of personal responsibility and that entire train of thought has deeply harmed society.  I will take that as far as saying things began to go sideways when sex was decoupled from reproduction entirely.


      Without being wordy, social media and a lot of useless information puts a lot of stress on our brains without giving anything in return. The constant supply of endorphins from apps like Tik Tok harms our well-being over the long term.



        That is a great point.  However it is my belief that while social media exacerbates the issue it is not the root cause.  But it is clearly the main vector of spread of the incorrect info that is the root cause.


        Everything in our media is filled with anger & hatred. Negativity is very powerful & even though it might just be us reading or typing something, it will affect us in massive ways.
        I have started blocking people left & right on my social medias including topics. People have a sickness of the soul today & it is really sad.
        Regarding Twitter & all these “Social” Media platforms is that they have bred a violent mental disorder I call SMMD: Social Media Mental Disorder.
        Before I follow or interact with anybody on either side of the political spectrum or what ever I ALWAYS, look at their account. I look to see how many genders, how many flags, how many political tags. Then I look at the last month worth of posts to see how violent their mental disorder is.
        I wish I could tell you that it was 1 sided but it is not. Right wingers are crazy, I have been harassed by many of them & they are almost as unhinged as the left. You can see how bad some of them are on Gab. I was getting a lot of attention a year ago with my Anti Pedophilia postings, then all it took was for me to disagree with somebody that thought Hitler was bad & I started getting called all sorts of things. I deleted everything & left the platform. Don’t let people tell you that right wingers aren’t also crazy.
        But Leftists, progressive leftists? That is another level that is beyond lunacy. I’ve had death threats, I’ve been doxxed, I had entire  chapters of Antifa tell me they were going to find where my family lives & works across Greece & Canada & get us all fired & stuff. I’ve  had people send stuff to my house like adult diapers because I called out groomers. I’ve even had them try to take down my channel over The Red Series videos (the Anti Pedophilia video series) just because I talked about the registered sex offenders that were doxed in the Gay Men’s Choir that appeared in the “We’re Coming For Your Children” 100s of comments were automatically deleted by youtube, it got so crazy that youtube took the video down for a few days. I never once said anything about Gay people in the video, I strictly addressed the child molesters that appeared in their video & they wanted my blood. Then there are the Twitter incidents like when an account called Virtuous Pedophiles shut my account down for 4 months because I called them out & quoted their vile website to expose them, twitter said I harassed them. I got my account re-instated 4 months later after I was contacted directly by Twitter & they asked me Why I wrote what I did, then when he looked into what I said & checked out the site ran by them, he reinstated me & shut down the Virtuous pedophiles twitter account. There is so much more.

        It’s so messed up when people cannot tell the difference between right & wrong or Good & Evil that they demand children be brought to drag shows & that Killing children & citizens is justifiable but only if it’s 1 side doing it & not the other. The whole Palestine thing has exposed the evil that has always been in their violent murderous hearts & they feel emboldened.
        These people are sick.



          Very thoughtful post man.  You make some great points.  And I can see you clearly have put thought work into this topic.  I actually find this topic critically important because I believe this to be root of much of the unhappiness and confusion about right and wrong.  That’s is a thing because the issue is not that people are violating right/wrong I honestly think they don’t know what that is. We have a society that glorifies the self and cheers you on to please you as often as possible.  So when people put that into practice and they are miserable as hell they are confused because they are doing everything prescribed to them to be happy. So they wonder if something is wrong with them, they get on medicine and seek therapy because they are “depressed”.  The reality is they are not “depressed” and they are unhappy because they should be because they have done nothing correct to attain contentment because they literally don’t know how.  There are outlets to figure this out such as God and other ideas labelled conservative and those are all considered to be silly nonsense.  So such a person remains unhappy and sees no path to anything else and eventually hopelessness sets in and life seems to be nothing but an accident.

          I think it should also be mentioned social media is not the root of all this, it is simply the vehicle by which it is spreads.  But I think one could argue it is such a great mechanism for that if you took away the mechanism the spread almost stops.  However if you look back historically long before there was social media or internet the spread of bad ideas still happened.  Just slower.

          I applaud you for you work against pedophiles. I know you took much flak for it but none of us make any real progress without some kind of personal sacrifice.  That is something most folks won’t commit to and as such those willing to do evil slowly take over.  But I believe the tide is beginning to turn.

          The reason some of the gay lobby is so vicious about defending pedophilia is that there seems to be some link between gay men and pedophilia such that they are statistically higher to have pedophiles in their ranks (that is also a murky stat). That is not to infer all gay men are pedophiles, this just means that inside of that lobby you probably have a number of them using that gay lobby as a shield and a weapon.  There are many great gay folks working diligently against the pedophiles and calling them out.  I have seen this and it’s becoming more prevalent which is good to see.

          I believe their is also a philosophical link between gay and pedophilia.  Again, I am NOT saying gay folks are pedophiles.  What I am saying is most any philosophical argument used to defend or explain homosexuality can also be used to explain and defend pedophilia.  And that is why decades ago people feared one movement could lead to the other.  And here we are on the precipice of that.  The one obstacle between gay is ok so pedophilia is ok is the age of consent.  So we see that being attacked as well and we also have the injection of the thought that kids are sexually aware and can decide for themselves.  It’s a very small jump from “kids can pick their gender” to “kids can consent to sex”.  Much of the push of that end of things explicitly states children are sexual beings hence the idea they must be informed about all things sexual early on.

          I agree with you that many people (on all sides) are sick.  This is true.  They are confused and focus on the wrong things.  Society is now very removed from the thing it was founded on, God. And as such it decays. If people put in 1/10th the energy to making things better as they do with hating others the world would be a far better place.  And that is an end we must all keep working towards.  We can never give up on that goal because once you do there is no hope.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

          People are unhappy for various reasons, but some common causes are negative behavioral and cognitive patterns, bad health, loneliness, lack of money, insecurity, low self-esteem, and mental health disorders. Unhappiness can stem from feeling undeserving, powerless, or enslaved to one’s emotions. Identifying and altering the sources of unhappiness can help people enhance their happiness. I recommend everyone take 30 days to relax with fun things like Super Mario





          • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by orborneee.

          Yeah, under communism.  But in a more or less quasi free market many people choose to and want to work hard because it DOES increase their chances of success and many find satisfaction through it.

          No, it’s in all forms. Ask any sane employee would they want to maximize their salary while minimizing their work hours, most would say yes. More money and more spare time. Ask any employer would they accept if all the employees agreed to take a pay cut while working more hours ceteris paribus (=no effect on morale etc), ofc they would want since it would be beneficial for the employer. It’s literally why companies utilize sweat shops, they get a lot of things done for a fraction of the pay.
          Therefore, a balance needs to be found. But if you had the chance to work 9-5 for 60k vs 9-3 for 70k, it’s a no brainer for employees to choose the latter while the employee would prefer the first one.

          I did not say they were, I was describing policy not people. But I agree.  At this point the radical left considers classic liberals extreme right.

          I don’t think liberals and leftists have similar policies but sure

          When I stated that I was thinking about what I know. Which is the West.  In the west every policy out there makes less people.  But I don’t know that you can use China for that argument.  They started the 1 child policy in 1980 so of course the birthrate went down.

          China had problema with overpopulation hence they did the one child policy but it was ended in 2016 if I remember correctly. But the reason I chose China as an example is because the drastic differences in economy between areas in the same country. After the one child policy ended, industrialized areas fertility rate are just as bad if not worse, while agricultural societies have insanely high fertility rates.

          And about the West, it’s not an argument which really sticks. Why should Japan and Korea for example be excluded just because you don’t know about? What I’m trying to say is compare directly modernized countries with fertility rate and you will see that with a couple exceptions, fertility rate is directly correlated with how wealthy and modern the country is, not how liberal it is.

          However, you mention birth control as one of the reasons.  That is a radical liberal policy, just an old one.

          But it’s just one out of a multitude of reasons. But I disagree with birth control being harmful, but that’s another discussion


            “Therefore, a balance needs to be found. But if you had the chance to work 9-5 for 60k vs 9-3 for 70k, it’s a no brainer for employees to choose the latter while the employee would prefer the first one.”

            I am sure if people could wave a magic wand they would make all sorts of changes but that has nothing to do with reality. And a balance is found, it’s called capitalism where people have the freedom to choose their work circumstances and the employers have to offer a fair wage or lose out on employees or the best ones.

            “I don’t think liberals and leftists have similar policies but sure”

            Yes, that’s essentially what I just said.  Glad we agree.  Point being, hard leftists consider liberals far-right.

            “fertility rate is directly correlated with how wealthy and modern the country is, not how liberal it is.”

            Two things can be true at once.  Maybe there is a connection to modern life and children being had but it is clear that in much of the west there is a hard push to follow the will of the WEF for less people.  Most every tenant of the hard left results in less people overall.

            “But it’s just one out of a multitude of reasons. But I disagree with birth control being harmful, but that’s another discussion”

            It is harmful in medical terms and social consequences.  And it’s roots are entangled with abortion via Margaret Sanger.


            I am sure if people could wave a magic wand they would make all sorts of changes but that has nothing to do with reality.

            It was simply a theoretical example to illustrate that the theory of labor I explained earlier is absolute, even in capitalism. Employees want maximum possible wage for minimum possible working hours, while the employers want the opposite.


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            There are pretty simple methods to better your happiness on a surface level like @Maverick suggested. Eat healthy, exercise, grt enough sleep, go out and socialize after work/school  most importantly don’t take everything too seriously.


              “It was simply a theoretical example to illustrate that the theory of labor I explained earlier is absolute, even in capitalism. Employees want maximum possible wage for minimum possible working hours, while the employers want the opposite.”

              How is a theory absolute?  It’s a theory.

              You description is incorrect.  Is that sometimes the situation?  Yes.  But it leaves out all those who are working hard to get ahead either at someone else’s company or their own in which case they are often happy to work more for less for future rewards.  This is the antithesis to your description. Both situations exist but my example is only found in capitalism and yours IS the general rule for communism/socialism where there is no motivation to do anymore than you are forced to as it gains you nothing.

              “There are pretty simple methods to better your happiness on a surface level like @Maverick suggested. Eat healthy, exercise, grt enough sleep, go out and socialize after work/school  most importantly don’t take everything too seriously.”

              On a surface level yes.  But the entire reason I made this thread was to highlight the long term misery the current prescription for “happiness” is causing. The reality is we should be aiming for contentment, that being long term happiness, vs. momentary pleasure.  Surviving off of momentary pleasure is a snowball rolling down a hill with misery and regret at the bottom.


              How is a theory absolute?  It’s a theory.

              Well true, more of a rule of thumb I guess.

              But it leaves out all those who are working hard to get ahead either at someone else’s company or their own in which case they are often happy to work more for less for future rewards.

              Yes, but they work more in order to gain a reward, most often monetary. Very few want to work without a reward, I would assume.

              Which is the whole point. Everyone wants to work the minimum amount for the maximum reward. You don’t want to work more hours if your reward won’t increase. However, you are willing to increase your reward without working more hours if it’s possible.

              I don’t mean everyone wants to work for only 3h per day and then request an insanely high salary, but as stated, you will not work more unless there is some benefit for it. Thus, you want to work as little as possible for the maximum reward.

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