Why are people today so unhappy?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Why are people today so unhappy?

  • This topic has 38 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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  • #310449

    “Eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep, go out and socialize after work/school most importantly don’t take everything too seriously.”

    All this only works to an extent.

    I do not socialize, at all. Too many people are divided by politics, obsessed with social media, woke, identity politics, and offended at everything. I have NO place for any of that in my life, at all. If people are not ENCHANCING your life, then they shouldn’t be in it. We live in at age where something you post in your twitter or facebook can get you fired from your job. In fact, it is a “training education module” at the Hospital that I work at. It is utter nonsense.

    Don’t take everything too seriously? In this nonsense social climate we have now days, not really. Again, what you do outside the work place can now get your FIRED! So, I do not socialize. I do not use my real name anywhere online either. You have to think.

    Eating Healthy and getting exercise can make you “feel” better, but again, that only goes so far when you have the mental nonsense we have to endure socially today.

    I believe true happiness is unattainable now unless you live way out in the middle of nowhere. Just find some happiness in the simple things.




      “Yes, but they work more in order to gain a reward, most often monetary. Very few want to work without a reward, I would assume.”

      The reason for in this context does not matter.  Your statements leave out that this is also how people see work life in a free market system.  This does not lead to just doing enough not to get fired it leads to the opposite.

      “Which is the whole point. Everyone wants to work the minimum amount for the maximum reward. ”

      No that’s your point not mine and I just proved you incorrect.  Many work hard for a number of reasons.  This reward you speak of is often monetary but not always or even close.

      ” You don’t want to work more hours if your reward won’t increase. However, you are willing to increase your reward without working more hours if it’s possible.”

      For communists yes or people who refuse to leave dead end jobs because they have no long term goals or drive.  And that’s fine if they don’t, people are free to do that.  But you don’t get to complain about it nor take money from the tax payers in such a case.



        I know you and I disagree here and there but I always enjoy your posts because (even if I disagree) they contain wisdom. You also explain your experiences and take on things very well.  I have started to pay close attention to how people explain themselves because within that explanation you understand why they perceive what they explain.  The why is what bridges understanding from one set of ideas/thoughts to another if people are willing to look for that.


        “I believe true happiness is unattainable now unless you live way out in the middle of nowhere. Just find some happiness in the simple things.”

        Happiness is not only recently relegated to the simple things, that’s where it always was.  But happiness is the wrong word.  People today pursue happiness solely through the self and only in the moment.  This leads to a life of short periods of self pleasure that ultimately do not make you happy.  You seek more of them due to this and you feel more empty to the point you lose hope.  The word you are looking for is contentment.  Long term happiness.  This requires effort, some planning and sacrifice along the way.   It’s not that people would not be willing to do that, it’s that they are told the path to contentment are the short bursts of self gratification and that is entirely a lie.

        “Eating Healthy and getting exercise can make you “feel” better, but again, that only goes so far when you have the mental nonsense we have to endure socially today.”

        Agreed 100%.  Happiness/contentment is ultimately a feeling/emotion.  Your body alone won’t really create happiness but it can certainly detract from it.  And yes, the mental incongruity we see today DOES harm people. I fear that’s entirely the point of it.

        “I have NO place for any of that in my life, at all. If people are not ENCHANCING your life, then they shouldn’t be in it. ”

        I find that a very selfish and unproductive attitude.  Why?  People tend to assume the only way they affect another person is if they have some fairly decent relationship with them where they are involved in their lives frequently.  This is entirely incorrect.  Every interaction you and I have everyday with people can affect them negatively or positively.  This can be up-close or even from afar.  Most times you never know that a simple kindness you did that meant nothing to you meant the world to someone else.  In fact, these things we rarely ever know about.

        So to refuse to participate in society is to deprive others of the good you can do.  Essentially just by being you in a positive way you can make the world around you slightly better.  If more people did this instead of taking a bottle of black pills (I am guilty of that myself) the world would be a much better place slowly but surely.

        All the negativity has caused many good folks like yourself to recoil from society.  I believe that is entirely intended.  I have talked to a number of friends lately from different political sides and they all share this idea that nothing can change so why bother trying.  Again, that’s the way they want you to feel.  They don’t want you to fight they just want you to submit.

        “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people. “‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.” -Leviticus 19:16

        “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”–John 13:34-35


        No that’s your point not mine and I just proved you incorrect.  Many work hard for a number of reasons.  This reward you speak of is often monetary but not always or even close.

        it’s not always directly monetary but there is always a reward you work for. People do not work longer hours for absolutely no reward. It’s either directly monetary or to show your ambition or skill for a possible promotion for example.

        This does not lead to just doing enough not to get fired it leads to the opposite.

        I mean if you put minimum effort without getting fired you are far from maximizing your reward. What I mean, again, is people tend to not work past the reward without benefits. Any person chooses the 9-3 over 9-6 with the same pay and ceteris paribus. Why would anyone spend extra time at the office knowing they get no reward, be it monetary or anything else, over spending time with their family for example? I think that is pretty obvious


        @Vknid : Said “I find that a very selfish and unproductive attitude.  Why?  People tend to assume the only way they affect another person is if they have some fairly decent relationship with them where they are involved in their lives frequently.  This is entirely incorrect.  Every interaction you and I have everyday with people can affect them negatively or positively.  This can be up-close or even from afar.  Most times you never know that a simple kindness you did that meant nothing to you meant the world to someone else.  In fact, these things we rarely ever know about.

        So to refuse to participate in society is to deprive others of the good you can do.  Essentially just by being you in a positive way you can make the world around you slightly better.  If more people did this instead of taking a bottle of black pills (I am guilty of that myself) the world would be a much better place slowly but surely.

        All the negativity has caused many good folks like yourself to recoil from society.  I believe that is entirely intended.  I have talked to a number of friends lately from different political sides and they all share this idea that nothing can change so why bother trying.  Again, that’s the way they want you to feel.  They don’t want you to fight they just want you to submit.”

        I think you have taken what I said into another direction. It is not selfish to not want drama, strife, stress, and upset in your life. To not want destructive people in your life. For example, Psychic or Emotional Vampires. To not want people who lie and manipulate. People who cheat on you. I see nothing selfish in NOT wanting people like that in your life. The purpose of having friends and people in your life is to have your life enhanced, to have joy brought into it. People to commune with and have a meal with, etc. Not to have negativity brought into it. I never said you can’t have a positive effect on people, but people who are friends or you have a relationship with should be enhancing your life, not draining it and being a cloud of negativity.

        Have I recoiled from society? Somewhat. But in all honesty, after working a week of 10hr shifts on nights, I want to relax and enjoy myself. I don’t want to have my week off full of drama and upset or negative people. At all. I’ll be 50 this year in 2024. I’m just too tired to want any drama in my life. Heck, I don’t even want a pet. lol. I just want my freedom. I am the type of person who feels things very deeply, so when I care or love, it’s balls out full on. I have to be careful in my life because of that.

        And ya, we may disagree sometimes, but that’s life man. lol. Never thought anything of it and enjoy the words we have had over our time on here. I wish you a good 2024.



          I think you have taken what I said into another direction. It is not selfish to not want drama, strife, stress, and upset in your life. To not want destructive people in your life. For example, Psychic or Emotional Vampires. To not want people who lie and manipulate. People who cheat on you. I see nothing selfish in NOT wanting people like that in your life. The purpose of having friends and people in your life is to have your life enhanced, to have joy brought into it. People to commune with and have a meal with, etc. Not to have negativity brought into it. I never said you can’t have a positive effect on people, but people who are friends or you have a relationship with should be enhancing your life, not draining it and being a cloud of negativity.

          Have I recoiled from society? Somewhat. But in all honesty, after working a week of 10hr shifts on nights, I want to relax and enjoy myself. I don’t want to have my week off full of drama and upset or negative people. At all. I’ll be 50 this year in 2024. I’m just too tired to want any drama in my life. Heck, I don’t even want a pet. lol. I just want my freedom. I am the type of person who feels things very deeply, so when I care or love, it’s balls out full on. I have to be careful in my life because of that.

          And ya, we may disagree sometimes, but that’s life man. lol. Never thought anything of it and enjoy the words we have had over our time on here. I wish you a good 2024.

          I try to never argue.  I like to discuss.  Arguing does not really help anyone, it’s more an emotional reaction.  I like conversation because you learn things and you never know when you might plant some seeds in someone else’s mind.  No one is ever convinced in 1 conversation but you can get them thinking.

          But look man.  I am not taking this is the wrong direction.  In fact ,I am actually dead on.  You seem to be a very good dude.  You could have much affect on people in a positive way.  I am sure you do but you could have more.  People in your life are not there to enhance your life.  That is again, a selfish take in my opinion.

          We live in a society today where you can functionally be an island.  This is what happens often and this is a huge reason as to why people are unhappy.  75+ years ago you had to be communal because you essentially needed your neighbors to get by. This is actually still fairly true in an emotional sense but you can have food and supplies left at your door so you don’t have to say hello to a cashier.

          I think this harms a person and I think it harms society as instead of prioritizing our families and homes and still working on community, you and yours end up your ONLY priority.

          Our lifetimes are relatively short enough where we see something for a decade or 2 we tend to assume it always was and always will be and it’s continuance is inevitable.  The only thing inevitable is change.  The way we exist now will tear down society and break it and the old model will come back but not by choice but as a matter of survival.

          Those people you consider bad or negative.  They are people too.  They matter as much as anyone else.  And if they are negative, bad, or simply a-holes they probably need help.  I am not saying to allow people to take advantage but everyone deserves a chance.  And sometimes a chance is all they need.

          Merry Christmas man!  I hope you and your peeps have a great one!



            it’s not always directly monetary but there is always a reward you work for. People do not work longer hours for absolutely no reward. It’s either directly monetary or to show your ambition or skill for a possible promotion for example.

            Well I mean to some degree that is primal.  A lioness when chasing a gazelle will instinctively only put so much effort into it as at some point the calorie expenditure of that hunt outweighs the caloric benefit.

            But you are conflating immediate reward and delayed gratification.  The motivation for both is personal gain but one takes planning and determination and the other does not.

            What you are stating is a major reason why communism and “equity” are failed systems.  The motivation that capitalism hinges on is not created by capitalism itself, it’s a human component, capitalism just acknowledges and harnesses it.

            I mean if you put minimum effort without getting fired you are far from maximizing your reward. What I mean, again, is people tend to not work past the reward without benefits. Any person chooses the 9-3 over 9-6 with the same pay and ceteris paribus. Why would anyone spend extra time at the office knowing they get no reward, be it monetary or anything else, over spending time with their family for example? I think that is pretty obvious

            When you say reward I think you mean something coming from an authoritative position such as a bonus or a promotion.  I believe you are projecting how you think of work.  But this is not the only definition.  Many people work for self achievement.  Some work as they enjoy it.  And others sometimes rather work than have to be home for a numbers of reasons.

            So if we stick with your narrow definition then sure I guess you are correct.  But this is not the only way to look at it.

            I love my job.  What I do, for me, is fun.  I will spend hours working on things that no one else will even know about.  So there is no external reward for me.  It’s an internal one.  And I ,about 2 days ago,  talked to a guy who was all about his work as well.  He is just starting out, he likes it and he will do more than what is needed as he rather be at work than home.  Things like that may be because you have some home situation you dislike because of family, or maybe you are lonely at home so you rather be at work with other folks.  Again, an internal reward.


            It is often mentioned that we don’t appreciate what we have, and many times we have a lot. There have come times of consumerism, the need to chase what is “new” from what we have, even though we don’t always need it. In addition, we forget what it means to feel, we change our priorities to completely unnecessary in any given case.


            Therefore, I wish everyone a smile for a while, and a successful day. Sometimes all it takes is one kind word to be able to change anything.


              It is often mentioned that we don’t appreciate what we have, and many times we have a lot.


              I think this is absolutely true, well said.  But I think this means not only recognize how much you have, but realizing the value of the important things.  Have a $100k sports car might be cool.  And you should appreciate having such a thing and the resources to have it.  But it’s value is insignificant vs. having say a loving wife and kids.  Your (our) priority should be to make sure we keep and properly maintain the family and not so much the car.

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