Why are so many societal issues so broken?

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      If we set aside the political stuff as it relates to sides or teams and anything in the last few years you can look back and see a pattern.  And whole that pattern was hard to detect back in the day, since many things have progressively gotten worse, typically especially so since the late 90’s, we can the consequences of actions in the long term.

      My general take here is that our society in the US is in a cause/effect death spiral logically speaking.

      We have federal and state governments who either state something is a problem and or a problem exists that the people clamor about.  In either case, the government initially steps in and says, we can fix this.  Just give us more money and a few of your freedoms (these are always the answer).   And since that government is motivated by nothing but their own enrichment (since there is little oversite or consequences) they “fix” said issue.  Then a few years later said issue gets worse.  People yell and scream for the government to fix it.  They do, more money and freedom.  A few years goes by again.  This problem is now even worse and reaching some sort of crisis.  The people now demand openly and protest the government fix it, and the cycle continues.  Where each round the taxpayer is charged more, loses freedom and the problem is only exacerbated.

      The philosophical error here is 2 fold.

      1) The idea that the government should save you outside of war is ludicrous.  This will ALWAYS end in a trade of freedom for a safety you will never get.

      2) Why people do not see that they run to the body that most often cause their issues baffles me.  The fires in Lahaina  are a good example.

      It is already questionable that government was responsible for the level of loss in that event.  And then post event those people were highly upset that the government did not help them.  But yet, they demanded the government save them.  Why would you expect that?  Why would you assume they would not fail you again?  I have seen there are a number of large donation funds doing good there.  That is the way to help such disasters.  Charity in the way of funds, needed resources and people helping.  Traditionally this was always the way it was done and it was always a local issue and a local solution.  This is far more effective than robbing the taxpayer and waiting for unconcerned bureaucrats to save you.  And I say this as someone who lived through Katrina.  Katrina was in everyway a failure of Federal and State government because people incorrectly depended on those bodies to save them.  I saw it for myself.


      “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” –Ronald Reagan

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