Why aren’t we talking more shit about star wars around here?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Why aren’t we talking more shit about star wars around here?

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    Did you guys watch the newest episode? I haven’t watched any starwars in years but tried to watch episode 3 on a family members account expecting to get riled up but instead I just felt nothing. I fast forwarded most of it and thought i’d at least get a laugh out of watching the coven of witches catch fire but it was just absolute mundane garbage.

    It’s so weird to watch people with no drive to create great stories suddenly given the reigns to a cultural icon like Star Wars, I remember being younger and being excited as shit for the prequels. Modern Hollywood can’t die fast enough, we need an entertainment renaissance.

    Saw this on twitter just a bit ago, Fuck yeah Gina, hope she wipes the floor with these commies:


    Let’s fucking go.

    And how absolutely lit would it be if Elon was on FNT? The dude is funding Gina’s legal battle. No shit this is absolutely possible. We saw Vivek just a bit ago and Gary is a former employee. It would break the fucking internet. And imagine if they got Trump to pop in for a second to simply say, “Everything woke goes to shit”.

    Stranger things have happened!


    I heard they made one of the kids some kind of arsonist or pyromaniac. The witches did manage to curse this show. Why? Because there is no real interest in it. Almost every show is like this now though with witches, magick, Lucifer, demons, and none of it is really that interesting.

    In Episode 2, we got a guy sleeping and floating. Imagine thinking you are gonna thank the Academy after taking a nap and then, taking a shot. Director must have had their work cut out for them, Ok, I need you to sleep here, now, take a shot. Did that guy graduate from Julliard for this kind of role?

    In Episode 3, I heard it was basically like Hillary Clinton’s Broadway production with a black mass choral musical version of Force worship harmonizing. Just a bunch of bland, sexless women waving their arms around and humming. Could there be any less interest in this show?
    After Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres and The View, maybe people are just not that into lezzy witches anymore.


    Jermy said it best when he said he realized at one point that Kathleen and Filoni will never listen to feedback, and that things will never change, never improve and never get better. Everything about this show sucks. The casting is bad. With Wicked coming up, I guess this is the year where every role is going to be occupied with some Queen Latifah type figure.

    This show really reflects the political situation in our country by defying what the people and the fans want, and instead, forcing some cripple groups on the masses and spending tons of money while doing it. Nobody wants this. Nobody voted for this. One thing that impresses me though is that this is worse than Willow, worse than Rings of Power, and worse than Wheel of Time. The only show worse than Acolyte is Doctor Who.

    They were going to do this with Blade, too. Fill Blade with a bunch of girls to humiliate him. I don’t know why I even bother because no one listens to us anyway, but if you want so badly to cast a black woman as a Jedi or a Blade’s daughter, you someone like this below, but we know who they use instead probably is better on the casting couch or somehow adopted by some privileged family already.

    U might wanna mute this pedantic, verbose narrator in the next video. The only reason I post these is to show just how little to no effort went into casting for Jedi or Blade’s daughter. Instead, they get some BLM type.


    This new Star Wars is in a word UNAMERICAN. It’s just straight counter to what everything this country stands for. Like you look at the Star Wars story arc, the “Hero’s Journey”, but you could also think of it as “The American Dream”. Some poor kid grows up on a farm, dreams of making it big and seeing the galaxy and seeing some action, and through hard work, dedication and learning important life lessons and forged through the strife between good and evil, they rise and acccomplish the impossible, they destroy the Death Star, they safeguard all life and ensure prosperity by defeating the power mongering shit heads.

    Luke honored his family by redeeming his father, saving his sister, and learning to control his emotions while a slew of other fantastic characters rose to the occasion showing their own redemptions and moral triumphs. We’ve had DOG SHIT Star Wars for so long that we can’t even remember what made this shit great. It wasn’t the fucking laser beams, light sabers and force bullshit. It was about facing adversity and being strong for your friends and family. It was WHOLESOME, it was INSPIRING.

    Modern star wars is about avoiding child protective services, laying low so you can live a life of abject nihilism stuffing kids with “Spice Creams”. What the fuck happened to us? How the fuck did these shallow losers receive the keys to the kingdom?

    You go back just 1 generation and people were grateful, people respected hard work, they respected talent, there were adults in the room making sure that the people in charge took things seriously, gave a damn about our culture.

    The reason this star wars HORSE SHIT resonates so damned much, is because it’s representative of this global decline. Those visionaries who work hard, sacrifice and make cool shit that give our lives meaning and purpose and inspires us to do more awesome stuff… they’re all dying off. And in the wake of the Harvey Winestien types who gave the patriarchy a bad name, we now have these prissy fucking nihilists, the children of billionaires, blackmailers, snitchers, and back scratchers. Just the whole cabal of vile losers who will do anything for money and power but a hard days work.

    It’s not a Star Wars problem, it’s a culture problem, this mass retardation is made everything go to shit, games, tv, news, politics, education, food, every single thing in our lives is going to shit. This stupid story made by a bunch of hacks, was to created for their own therapy session because they have no idea how to tell a different story.

    You know why they think Star Wars is misogynistic? Because they never watched it. They never gave a damn, they are more than happy to live in their bubble, believe all lies of hate that gives them the moral mandate to live petulant lives centered wholly on themselves, and treat the fans like dog shit.

    I read this quote on Twitter earlier today that hit really hard, “A great story exposes the flaws of its characters, a poor story exposes the flaws of its writers.” Kinda similar to that notion that a character in a book can only be as intelligent as its writer.

    So we wonder, why is Star Wars so shit? Why is it so uninspiring? Why is it so poorly done? Why is it so fucking bad? Because we let a bunch of week fucking losers take control of everything in the world. Drugged up children of billionaires who were sexed up and coddeled their entire lives and have never built any fucking character, never developed any writing skills, never experienced anything worth talking about in their vapid lives. Just a bunch of decadent jack asses who want the plebs to kiss their ass and worship their mundane existence.

    It’s almost tiring to even talk about. Like it’s not exciting any more, EVERYONE knows how shit hollywood is, everyone knows the rot has set in, there’s nothing to look forward to, nothing to work towards, the entire system is broken as all these fuck heads scratch each others backs and uplift one another.

    The entire system is fucked. It took a fully subverted society for this shit to get this bad, so consistenly in every realm of culture. The schools are full of weak nanny state commies teaching kids to be fucking losers, the corporations aren’t any better, full of a bunch of subversive losers all walking on egg shells more worried about offending anyone than producing anything of quality. And the consumers have been brain washed with their cell phones so no one knows how to find anything unique and awesome anymore.

    Our society is straight up fucking broken at every level in every conceivable way as everyone has been babied into nanny state losers waiting for articles on their screen to tell them what to watch, what to buy, who to vote for and all these mobs force everyone to think the same shit, to get their little moral cookies and keep their jobs and friends for believing all this inane bullshit. And Star Wars is the end product, this is the quality of life we get to live now because of all these weak, creatively bankrupt mother fuckers taking control of everything with no duty to their fellow man.

    Sometimes for things to get better, you gotta hit rock bottom. Here’s hoping this is nearing the end of this era of communist decay and stupidity, here’s hoping the whole thing burns to the fucking ground. Good riddance to these weak, petulant back scratching losers.


    I have been a Star Wars fan since 1977. I was 4. I saw it 10 times in the theatre (my mom was poor and freshly divorced so it was all she could afford to do to make me happy and have something to do, knowing I loved it so much) and when that star destroyer came on screen chasing the rebel blockade runner it forever changed my life. When Vader came on screen I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up. A Sith! lol. I have a collection that more than fills a room. I have read over 100 of the books, now called “Legends”. Piles of the comics, etc. I am a fan through and through. Heck, I even did a death metal album all about The Sith, which was never released sadly. I started writing my own Star Wars book too once. So, when I have an opinion on SW, I know my stuff.

    I watch all these shows, for free, through “other means”. I refuse to give Disney my money. That being said….

    Between all the content creators and news sites, they have it MORE than covered talking about it. Covered to the point of nausea for me. I can’t go to my Youtube feed without it being everywhere. No joke. I’m really tired of it. They did the same thing with the Helldivers 2 drama, and the Stellar Blade drama.

    I personally am sick of seeing the continual on and on and on and on video after video after video of the same things being said over and over again about the show. Yes, I know, the show isn’t very good. The witches are stupid and them calling the force “the thread” is just pointless and nonsensical, having the name of Sol from a Korean actor is really stupid, the witch chant in the ceremony was beyond cringe, Rebecca Henderson as Vernestra Rwoh is stiff and wooden, yadda yadda. I KNOW. But does every single content creator need to say the same thing and make video after video about it? Seriously. I get sick of this.

    So, I am going to say MY opinion. I don’t think the show is as bad as everyone is letting on. Yes, there is cringe, there is bad dialogue, and there is some really stupid shit. But, I think the actor Lee Jung-jae does a good job and portrays emotion well. I think the scene where little Osha admits to her “mother” that she wants to be a Jedi knowing it would take her away from everyone forever was rather touching. I think the color grading and imagery is well done.

    So, would it be a crime for some of these content creators to say some of the positive things? POSITIVE!!! You know, that thing humans might need in this fallen world? POSITIVITY! Because the show is not 100% horrible. Nothing is. Or is it more important to get clicks and views to milk it for content cash? Another thing I am tired of. Last weeks FNT had them screen grabbing an entire episode and making fun of it where I had to turn it off since I got sick of it. You could do that with ANY show frankly, but clearly they wanted to milk it dry for The Acolyte. Sure, it’s funny for a moment or a few scenes to do that, but it dragged on and on and was into the stupid territory, having me turn it off.

    I recently went through and re-watched every single Star Wars show that has been on Disney+.  All seasons of Mando, Book of Boba Fett, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and Andor. You know what? I actually enjoyed Book of Fett more the second time, yes, it still has some crap, but it was better on my second viewing. As was Ahsoka. As was season 3 of Mando, I enjoyed it more this time. Obi Wan just has no hope with that show sadly. And I flat out love Andor.

    My point is, there is some good in the bad, and sometimes things aren’t as bad as they are made out to be for clicks and views. We need to inject some positivity into things and not focus on all the negativity.

    I dare all these content creators to once per week make a video with something positive, something they enjoy, something good. We’ll all be better for it. 


    Entertainment itself is falling off a cliff. It’s not just this show. It’s the cinematic version of BLM/LGBTQ. It’s impossible for me to like and watch. Right now, I am slogging through that show about exorcists called “Evil” and it’s tough. It’s even too woke for me, but at least I’m into it.

    I can say some positive things about past shows, that I liked the Ringworld shot in Mando, the Carbonite, and in Obi-Wan, I liked how Vader projected a kind of evil black shadow force fear whenever he was on the scene and that’s about it. Have to say though, that no matter how many videos are made bashing this, I think it’s actually worse than people are letting on. Especially, for the money spent on it. There are normal shows that are much, much better. It actually makes the whole thing worse when you see other shows do so much better on a fraction of the budget. The show actually reminds me a bit of the WNBA, and the fans are treated like Caitlyn Clark.

    That old Star Wars feeling is long gone for me and it’s been a while. I would just let this whole cluster motivate fans and writers and hobbyists to get more active doing their own things. Entertainment has totally collapsed on multiple levels. It’s impossible for me to watch this show. Someone said that the bad movies and shows in Mystery Science Theater were better than The Acolyte.

    The most positive thing to come from all of this was when Doctor Who said to “Go Touch Grass.” He’s right. Go for a walk or a run in all the fields and parks and go do something else because entertainment is no longer worth your time because it’s not for you. It’s for the homo orgy people. It’s basically become a PRIDE parade and you are not meant to relate to it. It is very healthy and normal to reject it and you save yourself from diseases and stuff, which is a positive plus, instead of being HIV positive, you can avoid these shows and be clean. Entertainment has become that toxic, and it’s full of bug-chasers now.



    I have the George Lucas episodes 1-6, and all the EU novels and comics.

    Rogue One was the only thing that was Star Wars IMO after Lucasfilms was sold to the evil empire of the mouse.

    Nothing else matters nor holds a candle to George’s stuff.  (Yes, even the Holiday special.)


    Methinks, most fans are checked out on Star Wars hence the apathy.

    Suffice it to say the original trilogy is Star Wars – I re-watch it annually.

    Of the prequels, Revenge of the Sith is the only one that kinda lived up to the originals – I haven’t re-watched this in years.

    As for the modern stuff Rogue One and The Mandalorian Season 1 kept closest to the spirit of the primes – yet, I haven’t re-watched these at all.


    The spirituality and mystery of that spirituality are why I like the original trilogy so much. Leaving things open ended left a lot to the imagination and as a kid you felt that hey, I too could become a Jedi and wield the force.

    Then in Episode 1 Lucas came in with that midi-chlorian crap which meant that true force-wielders were a select few that were born, not developed (and no, that “I am one with the force and the force is with me” bone that was thrown for the rest of humanity in Rogue One just doesn’t cut it).

    And now in the Acolyte, the force is not the force but a string? Yeah, ok.

    I’ll forever be fine with the first three, who wants can have the rest.






    Calling it an Unintentional commentary on the modern world. A globohomo satanic cult that kidnaps kids. Maybe brilliant on the part of Headland, but I am just not into the show and it’s not just her. Totally agree with Maverick on the midi-chlorian thing, and that was probably when it ended the higher concepts of The Force. Also, I like how Luke and Paul from Dune both had names of disciples.
    The kidnapping of kids thing is key these days, as Zelensky does that and soon, the USA is going to as well: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/mandatory-military-registration-house-representatives-passes-bill-automatic/

    Does “the Fans are Racist” still work on you to some degree? Don’t see how it couldn’t as you probably went to school in a re-education camp, like I did. The Great Replacement is real and it comes from the very top. All the top vampire squid, shyster banksters are racist towards any of you who have red-blooded American backgrounds. They bought out the country and they think that, because of that, that they own you and that you are slaves that they can tax for life and that you will go to war for the privilege of being replaced by murderous, raping invaders in your own lands.


      I don’t watch things I know beforehand are terrible.  Unless it is a comedy because I sometimes will love a terrible comedy because reviewers rarely like slapstick or silliness and I love it.

      And on this point.  I find talking incessantly about something you hate only amplifies it and causes people to check it out.  I rather just ignore it and let it whither away in the night.  But making per episode hate reviews only makes it more popular even if it sucks.   Do you think Disney is upset when they make garbage and a zillion Youtubers talk about it?  No, they love that.  Free advertising.

      • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.

        Ah, I see why now.



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        Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 06-43-55 Vox Popoli

        Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 06-44-17 The Last Closet The Dark Side of Avalon Greyland Moira Day Vox 9789527065204 Amazon.com Books



        I love how for their recent marketing campaign Disney are saying “Buy your dad the gift of ‘The Acolyte’ soundtrack this Father’s Day!”. Jokes on you Disney and LucasFilm; my dad is a Star Trek fan!


          I love how for their recent marketing campaign Disney are saying “Buy your dad the gift of ‘The Acolyte’ soundtrack this Father’s Day!”. Jokes on you Disney and LucasFilm; my dad is a Star Trek fan!

          I love the first 3 Star Wars movies but I too am a huge Trek fan.  Picard season 3 made me giddy like I was a teenager again waiting for the newest episode of STNG that week.  That was unexpected and I loved it.

          However, if my daughter gave me any Disney SW stuff she would be moving in with her mother.  :)

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