Why aren’t we talking more shit about star wars around here?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Why aren’t we talking more shit about star wars around here?

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    The only reason why my dad would “tolerate” the original Star Wars films is because he’ll basically watch nearly anything with Harrison Ford in LOL! But for most of the time, he’s got little to no interest in Star Wars. Also I’m pretty sure if I did give him ‘The Acolyte’ soundtrack he’d probably disown me on the spot!


    YellowFlash says that women are NOT showing up for feminist Star Wars and are NOT showing up for the M-She-U.
    That they blame men for these things failing, when men make up most of the audience and they are making content that is anti-male.
    One key thing he said that pissed me off was that the production company that made Jessica Jones and Daredevil was immediately cancelled by Kevin Feige. To me, that was a huge crime. Feige put an end to a company that was performing well for the fans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Television


    It is men’s fault that star wars is failing, and modern cinema and culture is dying. We let all that shit fall into the hands of subversive man hating commies.

    I just finished watching the House of the Dragon premiere. HOLY SHIT what a show, the contrast between Star Wars created by hacks who despise the source material and the talent and hard work that went into the original compared to the creators of Game of Thrones could not be more Stark (no pun intended). *EDIT: Just watched Ryan make this same damn joke on Nerdrotic’s live stream review, I didn’t steal it, I swear)

    I actually love the Acolyte now, it heralds our vindication. People are waking up to the fact that commies can’t make good star wars, and waking up to all these do gooders are all full of shit, never wanted to help only and only wanted to enrich themselves off the hard work and legacy of others.

    They can eat a bag of dicks.

    Anyway, House of the Dragon feels like an adult version of star wars. Instead of hyperspace and Millennium Falcons we have dragons, and instead of the force it’s a bit more grounded and we have touches of blood magic and godly presence.

    The epic war raging around the wonderfully created fantasy world, the sense of scale and turmoil is palpable, the strong characters with clear alignment to good and evil on all sides. It’s basically just star wars if you replace the X-Wings and Tie Fighters with dragons for a grown audience. I could nit pick, but I could not be happier with that first episode.

    I was legit pissed at Chris Gore for that spoiler that the show was mid, I wanted to at least have the joy of happily watching the show before it was revealed to be crap, but I think he was just trolling us, +1 respect for Chris, solid fucking troll and I just enjoyed it all the more with the lowered expectations.

    Holy fuck, what an incredible world they’ve spun, and with the knowledge that altering time is possible du to the Original Game of Thrones series, the potential is there to “Fix” the story that comes after it. Who knows!?

    Then with the Acolyte I’m just waiting to find out how it was the Jedi who actually killed those witches and used force powers to blame it on some innocent children. Little platoon had a great video on that theory.

    Also if you guys aren’t on Twitter, it’s so much fun right now arguing with the morons who still enjoy star wars. Do them a favor, shame them into a modicum of self respect and taste, no one should be on this sinking ship any more, it’s embarrassing.


      Also if you guys aren’t on Twitter, it’s so much fun right now arguing with the morons who still enjoy star wars.

      Those people don’t exist.  They are just people defending it.  They don’t really enjoy it. 2 different things.

      Also, if you want something to whither and die.  Ignore it.  Incessantly talking about it only drives attention towards it and free airtime is free advertisement. That’s now called the “Trump effect”.


      The original I suppose will always live on because it provided a sense of mystery and adventure like no other. It hit all the right notes. Anything that can motivate the fans and we are now seeing fans come up with more of a sense of what Star Wars was than what current Star Wars does.

      It’s the fans that will keep it alive and may even produce better material at tech advances. I am truly amazed what nerds, geeks and dorks can do when they work together. Just to give me that old buzz of Star Wars.


      One thing Eric did do on his site was get fans to show of their art, so he had like an art contest. I think that is the way to go.
      During reading, there was talk about how even George let his feeling of the Jedi slip. It seems other writers had more to say on it in that they did not know where to go with the Jedi and that the Jedi were not well defined, so they got bored with the Jedi? This really bothers me in that they did not spend more money on the writing and recruiting writers.

      I think Jedi stories of saving people from the Dark Side would be excellent. We saw how Anakin slipped to the Dark Side, but it would be cool to see that in reverse, like we did with Vader, only you’d think it would happen more often. Like, if a Sith suddenly showed too much compassion in a moment of sentiment, that would sway that person to go over to the Light Side.

      Also, with the Rebel Alliance, the Jedi are like some kind of spiritual military cleric order, and it would make sense that one Jedi could train others for pocket rebellions within the empire and it would be fun to explore The Force used to boost morale and win some victories, so that their planetary civilizations can continue. Also, there should be explorations on weak and strong connections to The Force and how The Force ebbs and flows depending on experience and confidence and conviction and belief and fellowship.


      I am overposting now. Sorry about that.

      After posting here, I clicked thru fan films and they were all very good and much better than what Disney offers the public.

      All the fan films have a disclaimer that says they do it just to do it and not to profit. To see people with far less talent like Headland and her crew ripoff the company for so much money is an injustice. It’s a shame that they just don’t throw Fan Films up on the big screen and do some kind of profit sharing. It would be zero overhead for Star Wars and any profit could be dished out and Star Wars could become kind of an amateur vehicle to get on big screens.

      It’s surprising how many good Fan Films there are with views somewhere in the 5-figure range, which is low. If anyone should be grateful, it  is Star Wars and Disney that should be grateful to the fans for attempting to keep the brand going with the younger generations because, according to Yellow Flash, the demo for SW is older men, and that is what is true in my experience. It surprised me when I met a mechanic who was older than me who told me that Star Wars was his thing.


      Last thing, but I must agree with Tuna below. I have seen this happen with Exorcists and Vampires, two separate topics that waned, and I saw ComicsGate people start doing indie projects on those things and, immediately, the networks and the big 2 hacked the indie writers and their ideas to bring those things into their fold. Saw it with BloodHunt and that show EVIL, which was a woke show that I liked.


      Also, if you want something to whither and die.  Ignore it.  Incessantly talking about it only drives attention towards it and free airtime is free advertisement. That’s now called the “Trump effect”.

      The guys just talked about this in one of the live shows, they get a lot of shit for covering star wars, attacks for breathing life into it. But that’s not how things work any more. Disney has the coffers to artificially inflate and promote their garbage shows, and in this vacuum of quality content a lot of viewers who don’t know better will assume it’s a decent TV show. That’s their play, they want to silence all naysayers and try to convince them that in the little cave they’d carved out for them, there is nothing better beyond.

      Star Wars and Disney thrive on the loyal fanbase being relegated to their little cave where they can be force fed their trash without knowledge of  better entertainment products. A great deal of their customer base also buys into the sense of belonging, in being part of this movement for something fun and wonderful. They eat up that illusion sold to them in promo materials and news letters and within this bubble.

      These people need to be smacked upside the head and told, “Hey idiot, watch house of the Dragon, stop supporting these people who hate you and exploit you.” Because you better believe the people at Disney are trying to say, “Hey bigot, if you don’t watch our show you’re a racist.”

      The reason Hollywood took over was because they played dirty, they forced a narrative, they mocked and shamed others into believing what they wanted and following their incessant whinings. While it would normally be low to shame others and mock them, if you are trying to bring people out of a cult, and to help people to realize that they have been mocked and exploited to buy into a low quality brand, then  they are susceptible to these poor tactics and using them to bring them back to some level of dignity isn’t such a bad play.

      They couldn’t help themselves from casting a spotlight on Trump. And Trump was able to turn their attention around because he’s a counter puncher that knows the game better than they do. The spotlight only works if people like what they see. Disney wants to be in the shadows, they want to be alone with our children so they can have their way with them.

      Also gonna sneak this twitter post in here cuz it’s hype:


      Do you guys feel the rising tide? The call to action to fight against these cancel pig fucks? The time to hop on twitter and talk about this shit is now. The time to change popular opinion and ride this cultural shift is now. Why would we ignore them when these shit heads are at their most vulnerable? It’s time to press the attack and embolden others as their moral craters and the writing is on the wall. Disney is not the good guys, Lucas Film is not the good guys. They don’t make quality entertainment, they’re massive unethical megacorprations that are having a supremely negative affect on all of humanity and they need to be destroyed like the friggin’ Death Star.


        The guys just talked about this in one of the live shows, they get a lot of shit for covering star wars, attacks for breathing life into it. But that’s not how things work any more. 

        It’s very much how things work.  Disney advertising or not, it’s all amplified by a zillion YouTubers chasing clicks.  It would not be discussed ad nauseum if there was not money it.  And that’s fine, nothing at all wrong with that.  But that does not change the effect it has.

        The reason Hollywood took over was because they played dirty, they forced a narrative, they mocked and shamed others into believing what they wanted and following their incessant whinings.

        Hollywood did not take over anything.  Propaganda is a power they knew they had since the 40’s.  Initially they swore never to use it and then then WW2 seems to have changed that.  Then later on actual evil crept in and now all they do is push evil via propaganda to the exclusion of everything else.

        Do you guys feel the rising tide? The call to action to fight against these cancel pig fucks? The time to hop on twitter and talk about this shit is now. The time to change popular opinion and ride this cultural shift is now.

        That’s a waste of effort by itself.  All the talking in the world alone, changes nothing.  If I need to move a rock, I can post  1 million tweets about it with billions of likes.  That rock will not move.  The rock only moves when you actually do something and move it yourself.  True change is a simple recipe.  1 part action, 1 part sacrifice.




        Most of us simply don’t care about Star Wars anymore.   That is saying a lot from a guy with my profile name and photo.  Fuck Star Wars.

        It isn’t even worth felting anymore.   It is so off my radar anymore.


        I am more about exposing EVS and his scum bag friends these days.

        More power to you with the whole SW thing.   Most of us are just so over it at this point.


          Most of us simply don’t care about Star Wars anymore.

          I am far more a Trek fan but it’s the same either way for me.  I still adore and so very much enjoy all the stuff before the culture of it was set ablaze. So of course the new stuff.  I just ignore entirely.  There is zero sense in even talking about the new stuff at this point.

          I am more about exposing EVS and his scum bag friends these days.

          I have no idea what mean girls nonsense goes on between Rippa and EVS.  All I know is I find Rippa consistent and EVS I don’t.  And inconsistency makes me highly suspicious.

          • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Vknid.

          The fuckers got  SWT


          These people have their hands in all the mechanizations of economy.

          “You will like what we want you to like, you will buy what we want you to buy, and you will champion the destructive causes we demand you champion or we will cut out your tongue. You will have your means of supporting yourself stolen from you. We have to do this… for the greater good.”

          The evil of one, the evil of two, the evil of many damned dirty commies poisoning the levers of power in our Star Wars.


          Wow! Star Wars Theory gets a video taken down. Be careful out there. He comes another purge. My channel was locked about a month ago and it was a very small one with only a few hundred subs.



          Looper is a corporate middleman, so Disney can have “plausible deniability” and LOOPER just accused Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker of HATRED and Bigotry.

          Hatred and Bigotry come from Headland, Iger, Ari Emanuel and Larry Fink as they are the cinematic version of The GREAT Replacement. JJ Abrams overtly said he hated seeing white people in Star Wars and Star Trek and wanted to replace white roles in all the IPs that were just handed to him. JJ Abrams has real Hatred and Bigotry.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is Mayorkas, Blinken and Scheinbaum, who are invading your country, so that your votes will no longer matter, as the invaders that we never voted for make REAL Americans a minority in their own country. White kids are already a minority now and it is just a matter of time until the order goes out for invaders to start shooting them, that is, if whites are not drafted to go face firing squads in war like they always have been. Real HATE and Bigotry comes from the Vampire Squid Banker Class.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is watching a white girl get her head smashed into the cement until she ends up in a coma.
          Real HATE and Bigotry is seeing a white 3 year old stabbed out in the parking lot, and the suspect shows up in court smiling.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is dumping Palestinians in Spain. What kind of an ally dumps enemies on your shores? A lying Ally full of Hatred and Bigotry towards you.
          NATO is full of Hatred and Bigotry as they have allowed invaders to turn cities into No-Go Zones.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry are people who force Vaccine Mandates on you in order to get a job, while you watch hearts explode and hearts pop from blood clots.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is Harvey Weinstein’s staff and Jeffrey Epstein’s staff ignoring the screams of tortured and abused kids in dungeons by the political and celebrity class.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is churches burning down all over Canada while LOOPER ignores it.
          Real Hatred and Bigotry are Grooming gangs in the UK and teachers who call kids racist in class making it easier for them to get raped by Grooming gangs.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is drafting little girls into wars after thousands of Ukrainians have already been set up to fail, so that they can be killed which is what Zelensky and Putin are doing.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry was the bombing of civilians in Serbia and Dresden and Japan.
          Real Hatred and Bigotry is forced Rainbow flags and forced Globohomo and forced diversity while having your own people and your own demographics ignored.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is looting a currency and money-printing out of control until prices get to the point where you are starving to death.
          Real Hatred and bigotry is cutting off water supply to farmers in California, Idaho and The Netherlands.
          Real Hatred and bigotry is buying up all farmland while telling people to eat fake meat or bugs.

          Real Hatred and Bigotry is BlackRock using an Ai computer called Aladdin to buy out the housing market so that younger generations can never afford a home.


          Star Wars Theory is who I watch to see if a Star Wars show is worth it, which is why I’m not watching Acolyte.


          Star Wars Theory is who I watch to see if a Star Wars show is worth it, which is why I’m not watching Acolyte.

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