Why do international corps push woke?

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      So by now, we all know that you have large corporations pushing woke with the whole ESG score thing.  This pushes woke down from the top and forces it down to smaller companies who want capital or investments. And clearly we have some governments doing the exact same thing.

      I wonder to myself why?  Why are so many forces working in concert to push this?  Is it because they care so much?  I don’t believe so, not even close.  I am starting to think it’s all being pushed for 2 reasons.

      The first is for depopulation (WEF).  If half the population is gay or sterile then obviously the population will quickly drop.

      Second, I think it is to introduce a caste system. They want to instill a system where there are a number classes and I am not sure they care who is on bottom or the middle so long as they are on top.  If you look at how woke is affecting things, a “pecking order” sure seems to forming to me where certain sexualities and races are preferred over others.

      What do you guys think?


      Why does anyone push woke? Because it is a cult. It’s the new hysteria to lead the masses by a leash on, it gains the elite more power and more control. It’s frankly no different than what happened in places like Nazi Germany or Communist China. It’s the new “cause”. But, as usual, that cause is fabricated and full of lies. People are too stupid and or caught up in their daily lives struggling to get by to realize it. And many who do realize it keep quiet for fear of losing what scraps they have.

      It’s frankly why I don’t really have any friends or socialize. I am myself, and I wont apologize for it. I am AWAKE. It’s hard to find people of common ground that ISNT online. I gave up long ago finding a wife too for the same reasons.


      Woke (and wokeness) is a cult that brainwashes its NPCs.

      To spread their “disease”, they must take over positions of power.

      And for the last decade(s), they have been slowly doing that to all the major international corporations, legacy news media, politicians, education systems, etc.

      We have only been seeing this as, just like the Sith before them, they have only recently no long work in just the shadows, they are openly corrupting now.

      We saw that with the twitter files (and how woke was a cancer in that organization).

      We see that the biden admin swapping an sjw/woke/anti-american for the “merchant of death”, a known selling of arms to terrorists, while leaving a patriotic former marine behind (who has been there longer).  And yes, the Russians did offer to biden he would swap one (not both) before the biden admin “erased” that fact to where it was either the anti-american or no one.


      Just like with the Nazis and the Soviets and the CCP, they brainwashed the young to know/think only their way – everything else by default has to be wrong (even though it is right).


      It takes one generation to throw rights and freedoms and democracy away.

      We in the west are now seeing that generation happening.

      Their handlers are in positions of power, and they are of voting age to make their wokeness cult the law.

      You have freedom of religion, so long as it does not disagree with our cult of wokeness.  ie. you have no religion other than our cult!  Our state religion!


        “It’s the new hysteria to lead the masses by a leash on”

        Agreed.  I think there is also something to be said here for having a tiny minority rule the majority because all you have to do is infiltrate and co-opt that minority. And if you look we see that over and over again.  It was with the same with the Christian right in the 90’s.  And many of the same uber woke politicians were on that side then spouting very different beliefs because it got them power.  Anyone who thinks these politicians care for them in the least are beyond misguided.


        Nobody wants depopulation. Depopulation would mean plenty of resources for everyone. Happy men can’t be ruled. People only give up their freedom if they feel unsafe and someone promises them safety. War, poverty, social strife, there are all kinds of scenarios which have been used to take away people’s liberty. Enough for everyone ain’t one of them.
        Trust me on this, they will want every last possible spot on this planet teeming with humans, all clamoring for resources, with the ruling class acting as godlike distributors of handsouts. And no one daring to oppose them.

        Corporations; there hardly is such a thing as a profit oriented corporation anymore. During the bailout of 2009, the US and EU governments forced banks to hire overseers to their corporate boards. Same with virtually any important industry. GM is essentially run by the unions, and in Europe VW, Audi, Mercedes, Peugot etc do exactly what the government tells them – or else. Any corporation of importance has to submit to government rule or they will be sued into oblivion. An example of this would be Centurion, which invested heavily in apartments in Germany. They were sued for some BS about evictions, fined over a billion dollars and essentially destroyed.
        If GM or VW tomorrow refused to go along with the woke stuff, the government would sue them for something. Environmental violations, labor violations, discrimination stuff (i.e. they would send minorities, women agents etc there who would cause problems until they get fired, then sue for discrimination – in a government court of course).

        No corporation can go against the government anymore. Any who tried, i.e. by doing business with Russia through mediators, are currently being fined.

        It’s the same reason no German corporation went against the Nazis and no Italian went against Mussolini. If you did, they would shut you down.

        They don’t want a caste system. The caste system is not this evil thing people in the West are led to believe. It’s part of Hindu philosophy, which states that one should be at peace with one’s lot in life, instead of all trying to clamor to reach the top. A Hindu priest once explained it to me in detail, and it’s too long to post here. One example he used was that of a boy of average to low intelligence. Should be be told he can become an astronaut and be pushed towards the highest goals? Or would that constitute cruelty, because there is no way he could ever reach it? Hinduism says he should be at peace with his identity, his ability, his lot in life and make the best of the hand he’s been dealt. Not to strive for a different hand (different caste).
        While there is much to be criticized about the caste system, as in how it hinders social mobility, it is not akin to slavery. Not even close. Such comparisons drawn in the West reek of cultural arrogance, ignorance and bias. Hinduism is an ancient and successful religion, and unlike Christianity and Islam, it’s history isn’t seeped in atrocities, religios wars and genocide. You’ll be hard pressed to find a war of conquest started by Hindus.

        Wokeness is simply power. That’s why people join the cult. It gives you a license to bully people with impunity.
        What the foot soldiers of the woke 4th reich don’t realize is that they will not be given a seat at the table by the ruling elite.

        When this is all over, humans will be living in pods, eating lab grown food, get constant shots, have virtually no access to real world creature comforts, work until they are 75, then have about 3-5 years until they are euthanized for climate reasons. All and any opposition will be suppressed through a social credit score that will make modern day China look like Disneyland.
        Most likely there will be mass genocide (or replacement) of groups deemed hostile to the government (or “democracy”, in case they decide to continue that name for their farce).

        Religions – should they still be permitted – will fall in line. You can see it in Europe already where you now have openly gay and lesbian priests and most state churches either openly support gay marriage (protestant church of germany for example) or shut up about it. It will be a little harder with Islam and Judaism. I suspect they will make some soft form of Islam the official state religion at some point. Jews will once again be in a position where they probably have to flee if they want to survive. Israel – should it not fall in line by then – will likely be sanctioned and turned into a pariah state and slowly but surely starved into submission and poverty until they either give up or wither away. India will be destroyed from within and turned into a vassal state. China and Russia are the last real remaining threats, but I predict they too will fall eventually – unless China manages to gain some kind of military advantage. I don’t see that happening though. The West is way ahead where it matters: AI.

        Nothing can stop this anymore unless Russia and China nuke the hell out of the West and send us all back to the stone age. If anyone survives at all. Considering what’s coming, that may be merciful.


          “Nobody wants depopulation”

          Have you met the WEF?



          Unfortunately, yes. I know one of them. He’s a (very very rich) hippie and an idiot. He blindly trusts his leaders and that they should be in charge of mankind’s future, because they are so belevolent.

          This one twat aside, there is simply no profit in killing masses of people when you can instead enslave them.


          “raises hand” I want depopulation. Not for the reasons the elite want though.



            “there is simply no profit in killing masses of people when you can instead enslave them”

            Canada disagrees with you.


            I don’t think that would solve the issues you think it would and it would introduce new issues.  And in all honesty, as far as the west goes, you are getting your wish.


            I missed the Canada reference? What did the hockey stick fascists do this time?

            Honestly, I wouldn’t say no to eugenics – if they were done right (which they wouldn’t be)


              The leading cause of death in Canada is now euthanasia sponsored by the goverment.  They are offering it to people in place of healthcare.

              As I have mentioned many times, either all life is precious or it all means nothing.  Take your pick of the world you want to live in.


              • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Vknid.

              I know they do it, even suggesting it to people who are just mentally ill. But I didn’t know it was the leading cause of death.

              I generally am more on the side of “not all life is precious”. Humanity would benefit from a good cleansing. But not with these lunatics in charge


              @Vknid : It would solve a lot of problems, because PEOPLE = PROBLEMS. Less people = Less problems. It’s that simple. The world was FAR better off before people spread out like a virus and have consumed it. Wars. Famine. Pollution. Corruption. I could go on for hours on this subject because I feel very strongly about it. The population of earth needs to be cut in half and kept that way. Period.


                I disagree with your base assumption that people = problems.  And that is fine, we can agree to disagree.

                Part of what we see different is a few things.  I don’t believe humans exist to spite the planet, we exist here because this is what God gave us.  That does not mean we treat the Earth as a trash can.  No, we would treat it as you would respect any gift (from God).

                Your root thought means all people are bad for the planet.  Again I disagree.  It’s not necessarily that people = bad it’s more that what we produce at this point in technology is bad.  If you had 8 billion people living off the land directly as used to be the case back in the day it would effect the planet in a much different way.

                Your vision of the future of too many people and too many problems rules out entirely any tech advancement we would make that would make things better.  Plastics that are biodegradable, fusion energy or ways of being more friendly to the planet and so on.  And I firmly believe Musk’s thought that to reach such innovation we need to have a large population so people can specialize.

                But your take on this rips away personal freedom.  How do you decide who lives and who dies or who can reproduce and who can’t?  And just who gets to decide that?

                But hey, cheer up.  Canada is fully  on board with you.  They just want to kill everyone.


                People are fine if they aren’t constantly clamoring (and destroying) for resources and are able to use their creative talents for things that actually advance humankind. 99% of us are just stuck in a rat race trying to make ends meet and barely even have time to use our potential for more.

                The equation is simple: The more people, the less resources for everyone. It makes no sense to have 15 billion people on this planet, polluting, warring, starving over crumbs, when we could be 3 billion, living on a clean, preserved planet with enough for everyone and working on things that actually help our species.

                Of course there is no profit in that. Happy men can’t be ruled or enslaved. That’s why I never believed in the depopulation theory. There’s no way the ruling class would want to reduce the population.

                As for how to go about reducing the population, obviously there are humane ways of doing it. One would be to tie welfare payments to sterilization. That would instantly stop the parasitic welfare queen business model. In general no one should be able to force others to pay for their brood. That would be a big step.

                And of course we will have technical advancements that will make our survival more possible and allow for more people on the planet. But every new innovation will only achieve so much. Do we really need to fill up every last square inch of the planet with humans like we’re some kind of bacterial infectiont hat will eventually kill its host? There’s no point in having this many people. 3-4 billion is the max.

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